ItsNotAGameofDates (GoT: Season 8)
Draft Metrics
Team | MVP | Best Pick | Worst Pick |
Mhysa Meissandei: Khaleesi of the Valley of Hayes, Omakase Slayer, Cutter of B*tches (christinamwong) | 206 pts, 33.1% | #7, rk-6 (+1) , 206 pts | #35, rk-57 (-22) , 0 pts |
Edgar of Bouncy House, King of Richmond, Defender of Lone Mtn (edgar.n.chen) | 319 pts, 42.6% | #24, rk-8 (+16) , 157 pts | #6, rk-25 (-19) , 47 pts |
JL, Kirin of the Tender Loins (jonlinpei) | 2222 pts, 87.8% | #2, rk-1 (+1) , 2222 pts | #37, rk-57 (-20) , 0 pts |
V of the North (victoria.lin416) | 150 pts, 30.1% | #22, rk-15 (+7) , 79 pts | #34, rk-55 (-21) , 1 pts |
Lady Linh: Defender of the Street of Gough, Keeper of the Corgis (lilpiggyqt) | 2159 pts, 60.7% | #28, rk-20 (+8) , 59 pts | #37, rk-45 (-8) , 5 pts |
Lord Byron of House Candlestick (byronchun) | 86 pts, 29.1% | #20, rk-14 (+6) , 86 pts | #29, rk-57 (-28) , 0 pts |
Team | Points | Pts > Rnd 3 | Pick Diff | Top-20 Picks | 0pt Picks |
Mhysa Meissandei: Khaleesi of the Valley of Hayes, Omakase Slayer, Cutter of B*tches (christinamwong) | 622 | 72 | -40 | 1 | 1 |
Edgar of Bouncy House, King of Richmond, Defender of Lone Mtn (edgar.n.chen) | 749 | 222 | -4 | 4 | 0 |
JL, Kirin of the Tender Loins (jonlinpei) | 2530 | 57 | -43 | 2 | 1 |
V of the North (victoria.lin416) | 498 | 110 | -23 | 4 | 0 |
Lady Linh: Defender of the Street of Gough, Keeper of the Corgis (lilpiggyqt) | 3556 | 124 | +15 | 5 | 0 |
Lord Byron of House Candlestick (byronchun) | 296 | 119 | -47 | 2 | 1 |
Scoring Metrics
Team | Pts/Ep | StdDev | Record | Diff < 3pts | Pts > Avg | Pts < Avg | Fair Record |
Mhysa Meissandei: Khaleesi of the Valley of Hayes, Omakase Slayer, Cutter of B*tches (christinamwong) | 103.67 | 124.53 | 2-4 | 0-0 | 1-1 | 1-3 | 2-4 (0) |
Edgar of Bouncy House, King of Richmond, Defender of Lone Mtn (edgar.n.chen) | 124.83 | 81.05 | 4-2 | 0-0 | 3-1 | 1-1 | 4-2 (0) |
JL, Kirin of the Tender Loins (jonlinpei) | 421.67 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
V of the North (victoria.lin416) | 83 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Lady Linh: Defender of the Street of Gough, Keeper of the Corgis (lilpiggyqt) | 592.67 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Lord Byron of House Candlestick (byronchun) | 49.33 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Team Performances
Char Performances
Char | Points | % of Total | Ep. |
1959 | 88.2% | 5 | |
1921 | 89% | 5 | |
1085 | 93.1% | 3 | |
Wight Army (Extras) (undrafted)
271 | 100% | 3 |
214 | 9.9% | 3 | |
192 | 8.6% | 3 | |
171 | 53.6% | 3 |
Best/Worst Picks
Character | Points | Rank | Drafted |
157 | #8 | #24 (+16) | |
Wight Army (Extras) (undrafted)
271 | #5 | #18 (+13) |
Beric Dondarrion (undrafted)
40 | #26 | #36 (+10) |
Eddison Tollett (undrafted)
33 | #28 | #37 (+9) |
59 | #20 | #28 (+8) | |
2159 | #2 | #9 (+7) | |
79 | #15 | #22 (+7) |
Character | Points | Rank | Drafted |
Viserion (undrafted)
15 | #36 | #13 (-23) |
1 | #55 | #34 (-21) | |
47 | #25 | #6 (-19) | |
actor: Toby Osmond (undrafted)
1 | #55 | #37 (-18) |
51 | #22 | #5 (-17) | |
Lyanna Stark (undrafted)
2 | #53 | #37 (-16) |
Eddard Stark (undrafted)
The long-deceased head of House Stark.
2 | #53 | #37 (-16) |