Below you'll find a more exhaustive specification for how events are counted. This rulebook is the authority on event definitions, and will get updated as new disputes are filed and precedents are set.


  1. "Major injuries" are counted as half kills. Major injuries include:
    1. Permanent injuries, which cannot ever be fully recovered from (short of magic or deus ex machina)
      1. Amputated body parts: Greywind biting off Greatjon Umber's fingers (S1E8), Jaime's hand (S3E2)
      2. Disablement: Jaime's push paralyzing Bran (S1E1)
      3. Cumulative major damage which disables a character: Oberyn's damage vs the Mountain (S4E8), Brienne vs Hound (S4Ex)
    2. Wounds that are certainly fatal, unless immediately treated:
      1. Fatal poisons: The Long Farewell administered to Tyene Sand (S7E3), the poisoned wine given to Joffrey (S4E3).
      2. Immediately treated injuries that do not count: Cersei poisoning herself with the Long Farewell to give to Tyene, but immediately drinking the antidote after (S7E3).
  2. "Minor injuries" are scored some visible signs of injuries - scratches, bruising, blood, or being knocked out.
  3. If the killer is unknown but revealed later, the kill is counted in the Episode of the reveal
    1. Precedents: Olenna Tyrell's poisoning of Joffrey (S4Ex), Lysa Tully's poisoning of Jon Arryn (S4Ex)
  4. Ambiguous Kills and Deaths are not generally counted until the death confirmation. This prevents accidentally recording points when it turns out the character has actually survived.
    1. Precedents: Barristan Selmy's severe injuries but avoidance of a throat slit (S5E4) meant that his death was not confirmed. The points were awarded when we see his body in S5E5.
    2. Last-Episode exception: If the ambiguous kill/death happens in the last episode of the season, the scorekeeper makes a judgment call. The threshold should be that the ambiguous death is "highly likely".
      1. Rationale: The worst-case for previous episodes deaths is that they are just recorded in the subsequent episode when confirmation is given, but no such resolution is possible for finale cliffhangers. This exception is introduced to resolve that for cases where the death is extremely likely to have occured.
      2. Precedents: Brienne's kill of Stannis Baratheon in S5E10
  5. Pretty much any kind of strike on random extras is counted for a kill unless the extra is shown to be explicitly alive after. This is applied often for large battle scenes.
  6. Kills of animals are counted, so long as the animal has a "significant" role in the scene.
    1. Precedents for the definition of "significant":
      1. Scene focus on animal prior to kill: Arya's pigeon kill (S1E9); Drogon's sheep kill (S4Ex)
      2. Failed signifigance criteria: Dragons' fish kills in S4Ex
  7. Starting with S7 and Ruleset 5, indirect commanded kills are no longer counted. A commanded kill is counted, if it requires absolutely no skill on the part of the person carrying it out. Precedents:
    1. Precedents:
      1. Joffrey ordering Ilyn Pane to execute Ned Stark (S1E9), which was carried out and required no skill on the part of Ser Ilyn.
    2. Failed precedents:
      1. Tyrion giving Bronn the signal to light the wildfire in Blackwater Bay (S2E9). This required skill on Bronn's part to land the arrow over a long distance.
      2. Stannis ordering Mance Rayder's execution by burning, which was interrupted by Jon Snow shooting an arrow through Mance's heart. Stannis' order was given to Melisandre, and Jon acted of his own accord.
  8. Intent behind kills doesn't matter - kills and injuries can be inflicted by accident, on purpose with benevolent intentions (mercy killings, painful surgeries), and even self-inflicted
  9. Kills of "Boss Fight" characters are credited as named kills even if the character is not actually named. A "boss fight" character is a fighter who stands out in a scene, being featured in a prominent fighting scene of their own and/or being shown to dominate other unnamed extras.
    1. The unnamed White Walker killed by Jon Snow at Hardhome (S5E8) was considered a "boss fight" character - it killed off Loboda and seemed impervious to ordinary strikes.
    2. The Dothraki warrior killed by Bronn wielding the Scorpion (S7E4) was considereda 'boss fight" character - he was featured in a scene while cutting off the leg of Bronn's horse.
  10. The draftability status of characters is not considered for whether the character is a named kill or not. They must either be named on the show or meet other criteria such as being a "boss fight" character.
  11. Dragons are considered a weapon when being ridden - their Kills will count for both the Dragon and the Dragonrider. This is similar to warg-Hodor's kills double-counting for both Bran and Hodor.
  12. Large battle scenes are difficult to get scores that people can agree with and not debate circularly. These rules won't always map to the "feel" of an episode, but they are black-and-white which will hopefully make scoring consistent from episode to episode. We'll score generally require a criteria of:
    1. Kills are shown on-screen
    2. Kills are attributable - there is no ambiguity on who made the kill
    3. (these apply to battle scenes only)
  13. Specifically large battle scenes should avoid doing fuzzy estimation things that will involve making up numbers (and have things that people can only disagree with subjectively):
    1. Assume or estimate attributability for a kill, e.g. "90% of the fighters were wights, therefore 90% of the kills were by wights"
    2. Estimates without some kind of baseline data that others can re-verify and dispute. In most cases, a screencap and a best-effort count of what's in it is used.
    3. Score kills based on battlefield corpses - way too many issues with double-counting, attributabilty, and it fails the on-screen criteria
    4. (these apply to battle scenes only)

Insults (and other Funny Lines)

  1. The category is comprised of "good lines" of the following types: insults, threats, comebacks, and any lines that are generally funny.
    1. A standard of quality should be expected of these lines - insults and threats should be creative or well-said or have some kind of wordplay to them.
    2. The general rule of thumb is whether the line is good enough to illicit an audible reaction from the audience while watching. But popular opinion (i.e. player disputes and voting) will take precedence.
  2. Since this category is entirely subjective, liberal use of the dispute system is encouraged!

Acts of Intercourse

  1. Individual boobs, frontal nudity, and butts are each counted as additional points. E.g. a sex scene with a female with complete frontal nudity would count for 4 points (1 for the scene, 3 for each nude part).
  2. The definitional line for sex is direct contact with the above nudity parts, by any one of the characters. So a handjob or oral sex count for both characters, even if it is unreciprocated.
  3. Butts are counted when either a crack is visible, or the entire curvature of a cheek is shown.
  4. Scenes where characters are nude in bed are counted as implied sex.
  5. Scenes where characters get started before the cutaway are counted as implied sex.

Glasses of Wine Consumed

  1. Alcohol is the default assumption for all drinks. Unless the beverage is explicitly shown or stated to be a non-alcoholic, it is counted for points. Even for the underaged.
  2. An on-screen sip, or some evidence of consumption (e.g. before/after scene shows the wine level in the cup dropping) is needed. A shot that cuts away before the cup touches the character's lips doesn't count.
  3. The entire glass/container does not need to be consumed - even one sip is rounded up to a full glass.
  4. Subsequent sips from the same container are a part of the same event.
  5. If the container is refilled, the next sip is counted as a new glass.

Political Wins

  1. Overruling or Convincing a Major Decision
    1. Overruling: An "executive" decision is made unilaterally over the protest of at least 1 third party involved in the discussion
      1. Overruling doesn't apply to a second party who is the target of the discussion. For example, everyone who is sentenced to death will by default protest the decision. The overrule is only counted if a third party protests to defend the person sentenced to death.
    2. Convincing: A character can be "convinced" only after they had initially decided in the opposite decision, or shown some resistance or indecision to the arguments.
    3. Work-in-progress on the definition of "major" decision. Decisions are considered major if:
      1. They determine the life/death fate of a character. Precedents: Robert deciding to send assassins to kill Daenerys after learning she is with child.
      2. They mobilize an armed force. Precedents: Ned Stark ordering Beric Dondarrion to arrest the Mountain.
      3. They cause an allegiance change.
  2. Discovery of Secrets/Information is counted because the information represents leverage and influence. Criteria:
    1. The information must be rare - the character(s) must be in an exclusive group that is the first to find out about the information, aside from the secret holder(s)
      1. Precedents:
        1. Eddison Tollet finding Bran Stark (S7E1), becoming the only person south of the Wall to know that he's alive.
        2. Samwell Tarly reading about the cache of Dragonglass buried under Dragonstone (S7E1), becoming the only person to combine the knowledge that Dragonglass kills White Walkers, and a location where vast quantities could be found.
        3. Robb Stark and his generals catching the Lannister spy and interrogating him (S1E8), becoming the only people with this knowledge outside of the secret holder (Lannister Army). Robb Stark and his generals are judged to be an exclusively small enough group.
        4. A decent measure for whether a group is "exclusive" - does the group have the political power to enforce that the secret does not leak outside of the group, if they wish? This is obviously true for a single character, usually true for a commander and their trusted lieutenants, and usually false for a group of opposing interests.
      2. Failed precedents:
        1. Sansa Stark finding that Bran Stark is still alive (S7E3). This happened publicly in the court of Winterfell to many onlookers, so there is little power in the "secret" as the group finding it out is not exclusive.
        2. Generally, reports of battle results are not included. Battles have many participants on both sides, so by the time the report reaches rulers and generals, it is already known to many soldiers.
    2. The information must be useful - it affects the decision-making or actions of characters.
    3. The information must be specific and concrete - it consists of hard facts, rather than vague prophecies or opinions.
      1. Melisandre's warning to Varys that he "will die in Westeros" (S7E3) does not count as it is vague - there is no specific information in the statement that Varys could use to change his decision-making.
      2. Sandor Clegane viewing the White Walker attack of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea in the prophecy fire (S7E2) is counted, as it contains specific information. Knowing the location of the attack, Clegane and the Brotherhood can decide to head to Eastwatch to assist the Night's Watch.
  3. House Words
    1. Only official house words are counted - e.g. "A Lannister always pays his debts", though a common saying, is not counted.
    2. Night's Watch members have "dual citizenship" - they gain points for both their original House's words, and words from the Oath of the Night's Watch.
    3. Religious leaders (not basic worshippers) also have "dual citizenship", gaining points for their common religious phrases:
      1. Drowned God: "What is Dead May Never Die"
      2. Lord of Light: "The Night is Dark and Full of Terrors"
      3. The Seven: Any mention of 2 their Gods: "Father, Mother, Warrior, Maiden, Smith, Crone, Stranger"
  4. Weapon/castle/titles/armies/loot
    1. Titles are like WWE championships - points are awarded for each title gained and re-gained (e.g. losing and winning titles repeatedly makes you an 8x WWE Intercontinental Champion. Holding and defending the title for 8 years still just counts as 1x)
    2. The weapon must have some prominence, e.g. be given a name
    3. Gaining a property/army and the title for that property (e.g. Winterfell the castle, and Lord of Winterfell the title) are not double-counted
    4. Honorary titles are not counted if superceded by a functional title
      1. Precedent: Joffrey's "Protector of the Realm" is not counted as a title because it is superceded by "King of the Seven Kingdoms"
    5. Armies must be explicitly mentioned (e.g. not assumed simply because the head of a House becomes a follower)
    6. Weapons temporarily ceded with the assumption of being returned are not counted. The character acquiring the weapon must indicate their willingness to use the weapon, or to keep it on a permanent/indefinite basis. Basically, coat checks do not count.
    7. "Loot" is a general catch-all for other politically valuable items that aren't quite encompassed by the previous categories.
  5. Victories as Battle Commander
    1. The lowest-level commander who commands the entire scope of a battle is credited with the victory
      1. Precedents: In the Battle of the Whispering Wood, Robb Stark was commander of the Northern forces and gets credited with the victory. Had they lost, Jaime Lannister, who led the Lannister forces present at the battle, would be credited with the victory, even though Tywin Lannister is supremely in command of the entirety of the Lannister forces.
    2. In particularly large battles (episode-long ones in particular), the battle may be broken down into segments, with a point awarded to the victor of each one.
  6. New Followers
    1. New followers must be named
    2. Followers must be in a subservient role - equal partnerships are not counted.
    3. Followers are not transitive - if a Lord swears an oath of fealty to the King, that is simply 1 follower. The knights and others who serve under the Lord are not direct followers of the King.
    4. Babies are assumed to be followers of their parents
    5. Prisoners are counted as followers - the highest-ranking person in control of the prisoner's fate is considered the Followee
    6. Prisoners can be transferred into the custody of others, which is a New Follower event
  7. Betrayals
    1. A betrayal is defined as an act against the victim's interest, when the victim fully trusted the character to act in theirs
  8. Marriages
    1. Marriages are counted at the time vows are exchanged, not at proposal or consummation.
  9. Political Rivals Eliminated
    1. A rival is a character who contests for political authority or influence.
      1. A political rival generally exists at the same or higher authority level as the character. For example Qyburn and Maester Pycelle, as feuding members of the Small Council, are political rivals.
      2. Rivals must contend for political authority (or influence over someone with political authority). Political authority is the power to control an organization or population.
      3. Rivals must contend for the same political authority. While they competed on the Small Council, Varys and Littlefinger would be considered rivals. However after Varys flees to Essos and Littlefinger moves to the Vale, they are no longer rivals, even though they both continue to operate politically.
      4. Example: Though the Hound and the Mountain despise each other, they would not be political rivals as neither holds political power.
      5. Example: in the destruction at the Sept of Baelor, Cersei would be credited for eliminating Margaery Tyrell (rival influence over Tommen), High Sparrow (rival influence over Tommen and the people of King's Landing), Mace Tyrell (rival influence on the Small Council), and Kevan Lannister (rival influence on the Small Council). She would not receive credit for eliminating Lancel Lannister of Loras Tyrell, as neither contends for political power directly wit her.
    2. The rival must be eliminated by an action or plot enacted by the character.
    3. A rival is eliminated if they wield significantly less political authority as a result of the event. This could be from moving to another position, imprisonment, or death.
    4. This is a new category for S7, so we'll be refining its definition as the season goes along
  10. Deals Brokered
    1. A fill-in category designed for the intermediary deal negotiator characters like Varys and Littlefinger.
    2. Deals must be "significant", such as an alliance, securing political position, new army, etc - generally acts that political points are currently awarded for.
    3. Deals must be brokered on behalf of another party. E.g. Varys would get a Deals Brokered point for securing the alliance of Dorne and the Tyrells on behalf of Daenerys, however Daenerys would not get these points for negotiating this alliance herself (she gets the actual followers/army points instead).
    4. This is a new category for S7, so we'll be refining its definition as the season goes along
  11. Kills of Named Characters (Orchestrated)
    1. A consolation category for Kills, when the Character has orchestrated or commanded a Kill of a Named character but did not carry it out themselves.
    2. This is not scored if the Character makes the Kill directly (the are receiving the full points for a Named Kill in that case)
    3. The criteria is somewhat relaxed from previous Kills Commanded category - the kill does not have to require zero, but it should not require much. A battle commander would not ordinarily receive credit for kills by their soldiers.
    4. This is only awarded to the Character who has masterminded the plot - intermediates in the chain of the command do not score points.
    5. Kills of unnamed characters do not count in this category
    6. Example: for destroying the Sept of Baelor, Cersei Lannister would receive credits for all named characters inside, since she orchestrated the plot. She would not receive Kills for any of the unnamed townspeople also caught up in the incident. Qyburn may have assisted in the plot, but he receives no points as an intermediary.


  1. Deaths are not counted until explicitly confirmed, and are scored for the episode in which the confirmation is shown.
  2. Dead Body Appearance is granted for any scene where the character's remains are shown, excluding their death (or death announcement) scene.
    1. For these purposes, a "scene" is demarcated by a locale change. If we're at Castle Black, jump to Dorne, then jump back to the same setting at Castle Black, it's two scenes
    2. Other forms of the remains, or representations of it, are also counted: ashes, coffins, urns, tombstones.
    3. Ghosts, visions, or hallucinations of already-dead characters are counted.
    4. Flashbacks or memories to a previous time when the character was still alive are not counted.

Special Abilities

  1. Signature lines: must be said by the character
  2. "References to..." must be said to/by the character (within earshot).
  3. Variations of lines are okay.
  4. Sansa Stark +1 point when crying
    1. The tears must break surface tension and visibly exit the surface of the eye. Glistening eyes alone are "on the verge of tears", but not actual crying.
  5. Khal Drogo "Sun and Stars / Moon of My Life" exchanges
    1. Each "Sun and Stars / Moon of my Life" exchange is counted as 1 point. Daenerys saying a line and Drogo replying back counts as a single exchange. Daenerys saying two lines without a reply counts as two unique exchanges, and 2 points.

The Feels

  1. Criteria for warm/fuzzy moments are pretty loose - if it makes you feel wholesome or makes you cry a little, it probably counts.
  2. Examples: long-lost reunions, nice things that are finally said
  3. Sad moments are more broad, and can encapsulate the character state. If they are crying or upset in a scene, it probably counts. At the end of the day this can measure who has been the saddest character throughout the series.
  4. I've made a huge mistake: the "you done fucked up" moments where a character has done something that in hindsight was clearly a dumb, avoidable mistake.
  5. Example: when the Hound throws rocks at the wights and they realize the lake is frozen solid again
  6. Non-example: Margaery realizing the Sept of Baelor is about to explode is not a mistake - she could not have obviously recognized the plot before hand. It could debatedly count for the High Sparrow (to not allow people to evacuate).