408 Ferda Throne (GoT: Season 8)
Draft Metrics
Team | MVP | Best Pick | Worst Pick |
I directed this shit (gravesalex0) | 89 pts, 58.9% | #28, rk-26 (+2) , 40 pts | #8, rk-36 (-28) , 15 pts |
Littlefinger is alive (dilanchudasma) | 2159 pts, 92.7% | #16, rk-8 (+8) , 157 pts | #36, rk-57 (-21) , 0 pts |
They will all die so this is pointless (willbb1996) | 206 pts, 57.9% | #30, rk-22 (+8) , 51 pts | #10, rk-22 (-12) , 51 pts |
Night King did nothing wrong (augerosu) | 319 pts, 58.5% | #18, rk-9 (+9) , 155 pts |
One of the Night King's lieutenants, this is the White Walker who grabs the ice spear and hands it to the Night Walker during the dragon battle at the frozen lake.
#38, rk-45
, 5 pts
The North Remembers, but I wont cuz I'm Wine Drunk (natruark) | 271 pts, 55.3% | #59, rk-43 (+16) , 6 pts | #22, rk-31 (-9) , 29 pts |
Hodor 4 Night King (stewart31597) | 79 pts, 42.2% | #26, rk-15 (+11) , 79 pts | #6, rk-25 (-19) , 47 pts |
Theon's Dick (charlielecroy4) | 2222 pts, 91.3% | #60, rk-36 (+24) , 15 pts |
This White Walker has a full beard and long hair. He is one of the Night King's Lieutenants.
#41, rk-45
, 5 pts
Pod's Rod (david.m.burns.5) | 161 pts, 60.5% | #32, rk-20 (+12) , 59 pts | #29, rk-45 (-16) , 5 pts |
FUCK OLLY (dunbarwill1) | 150 pts, 47.5% | #27, rk-12 (+15) , 108 pts | #47, rk-57 (-10) , 0 pts |
Every Chicken in this Room (ryanpayne4) | 1165 pts, 90.7% | #24, rk-18 (+6) , 60 pts | #37, rk-57 (-20) , 0 pts |
Team | Points | Pts > Rnd 3 | Pick Diff | Top-20 Picks | 0pt Picks |
I directed this shit (gravesalex0) | 151 | 7 | -47 | 1 | 1 |
Littlefinger is alive (dilanchudasma) | 2330 | 0 | -36 | 2 | 3 |
They will all die so this is pointless (willbb1996) | 356 | 48 | -5 | 1 | 2 |
Night King did nothing wrong (augerosu) | 545 | 10 | +5 | 3 | 1 |
The North Remembers, but I wont cuz I'm Wine Drunk (natruark) | 490 | 41 | +18 | 2 | 0 |
Hodor 4 Night King (stewart31597) | 187 | 26 | -28 | 1 | 1 |
Theon's Dick (charlielecroy4) | 2435 | 53 | +43 | 3 | 0 |
Pod's Rod (david.m.burns.5) | 266 | 67 | -16 | 2 | 1 |
FUCK OLLY (dunbarwill1) | 316 | 6 | -17 | 2 | 2 |
Every Chicken in this Room (ryanpayne4) | 1285 | 0 | -27 | 3 | 3 |
Scoring Metrics
Team | Pts/Ep | StdDev | Record | Diff < 3pts | Pts > Avg | Pts < Avg | Fair Record |
I directed this shit (gravesalex0) | 25.17 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Littlefinger is alive (dilanchudasma) | 388.33 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
They will all die so this is pointless (willbb1996) | 59.33 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Night King did nothing wrong (augerosu) | 90.83 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
The North Remembers, but I wont cuz I'm Wine Drunk (natruark) | 81.67 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Hodor 4 Night King (stewart31597) | 31.17 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Theon's Dick (charlielecroy4) | 405.83 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Pod's Rod (david.m.burns.5) | 44.33 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
FUCK OLLY (dunbarwill1) | 52.67 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Every Chicken in this Room (ryanpayne4) | 214.17 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Best/Worst Picks
Character | Points | Rank | Drafted |
Marei (undrafted)
25 | #32 | #61 (+29) |
Craya (undrafted)
20 | #34 | #61 (+27) |
Dirah (undrafted)
20 | #34 | #61 (+27) |
15 | #36 | #60 (+24) | |
Sarra (actress: Danielle Galligan) (undrafted)
10 | #39 | #61 (+22) |
actress: Emer McDaid (undrafted)
10 | #39 | #61 (+22) |
Ned Umber (undrafted)
10 | #39 | #61 (+22) |