For The Throne (GoT: Season 8)
Draft Metrics
Team | MVP | Best Pick | Worst Pick |
The Direwolf of Wall Street (zachary.bouschard) | 161 pts, 47.1% | #65, rk-45 (+20) , 5 pts | #5, rk-22 (-17) , 51 pts |
Tywin or die trying (bouschards1) | 2222 pts, 87.3% | #30, rk-16 (+14) , 74 pts | #46, rk-57 (-11) , 0 pts |
Frey’s for days (cherylbouschard) | 2159 pts, 88.2% | #39, rk-20 (+19) , 59 pts | #42, rk-57 (-15) , 0 pts |
Ewww that’s your aunt (bml283) | 1165 pts, 77.9% | #22, rk-12 (+10) , 108 pts | #43, rk-57 (-14) , 0 pts |
Tormond’s Team (mboessen1) | 206 pts, 53.6% | #34, rk-30 (+4) , 30 pts | #50, rk-57 (-7) , 0 pts |
Lady Boessen (marybouschardg) | 79 pts, 39.3% | #61, rk-39 (+22) , 10 pts | #20, rk-45 (-25) , 5 pts |
Impin Ain’t Easy with Jorah the Explorer (levi.bouschard) | 271 pts, 56.1% | #25, rk-5 (+20) , 271 pts | #8, rk-36 (-28) , 15 pts |
Night King (noah.bouschard) | 319 pts, 70.1% |
This White Walker is bald and has a round beard, and stands by the Night King as one of his lieutenants. He was present at the dragon battle over the frozen lake.
#49, rk-45
, 5 pts
| #32, rk-57 (-25) , 0 pts |
Team | Points | Pts > Rnd 3 | Pick Diff | Top-20 Picks | 0pt Picks |
The Direwolf of Wall Street (zachary.bouschard) | 342 | 50 | +13 | 1 | 2 |
Tywin or die trying (bouschards1) | 2546 | 80 | +2 | 4 | 3 |
Frey’s for days (cherylbouschard) | 2449 | 107 | +4 | 3 | 3 |
Ewww that’s your aunt (bml283) | 1495 | 65 | +1 | 4 | 3 |
Tormond’s Team (mboessen1) | 384 | 57 | -16 | 3 | 2 |
Lady Boessen (marybouschardg) | 201 | 97 | -41 | 1 | 2 |
Impin Ain’t Easy with Jorah the Explorer (levi.bouschard) | 483 | 305 | -27 | 2 | 2 |
Night King (noah.bouschard) | 455 | 15 | -41 | 2 | 2 |
Scoring Metrics
Team | Pts/Ep | StdDev | Record | Diff < 3pts | Pts > Avg | Pts < Avg | Fair Record |
The Direwolf of Wall Street (zachary.bouschard) | 57 | 75.44 | 0-6 | 0-0 | 0-1 | 0-5 | 1-5 (+1) |
Tywin or die trying (bouschards1) | 424.33 | 787.35 | 5-1 | 0-0 | 4-1 | 1-0 | 5-1 (0) |
Frey’s for days (cherylbouschard) | 408.17 | 779.04 | 4-2 | 0-0 | 3-0 | 1-2 | 3-3 (-1) |
Ewww that’s your aunt (bml283) | 249.17 | 480.85 | 4-2 | 1-0 | 3-0 | 1-2 | 3-3 (-1) |
Tormond’s Team (mboessen1) | 64 | 24.63 | 5-1 | 0-0 | 4-1 | 1-0 | 5-1 (0) |
Lady Boessen (marybouschardg) | 33.5 | 36.96 | 1-5 | 0-0 | 1-1 | 0-4 | 2-4 (+1) |
Impin Ain’t Easy with Jorah the Explorer (levi.bouschard) | 80.5 | 128.89 | 3-3 | 0-0 | 1-1 | 2-2 | 2-4 (-1) |
Night King (noah.bouschard) | 75.83 | 62.81 | 2-4 | 0-1 | 1-2 | 1-2 | 3-3 (+1) |
Team Performances
Team | Points | Match |
Tywin or die trying (bouschards1) | 2025 | Episode 5 |
Frey’s for days (cherylbouschard) | 1984 | Episode 5 |
Ewww that’s your aunt (bml283) | 1227 | Episode 3 |
Impin Ain’t Easy with Jorah the Explorer (levi.bouschard) | 340 | Episode 3 |
Frey’s for days (cherylbouschard) | 295 | Episode 3 |
Tywin or die trying (bouschards1) | 241 | Episode 3 |
The Direwolf of Wall Street (zachary.bouschard) | 209 | Episode 3 |
Best/Worst Picks
Character | Points | Rank | Drafted |
Marei (undrafted)
25 | #32 | #65 (+33) |
Craya (undrafted)
20 | #34 | #65 (+31) |
Dirah (undrafted)
20 | #34 | #65 (+31) |
Qhono (undrafted)
15 | #36 | #65 (+29) |
Sarra (actress: Danielle Galligan) (undrafted)
10 | #39 | #65 (+26) |
actress: Emer McDaid (undrafted)
10 | #39 | #65 (+26) |
10 | #39 | #61 (+22) |