League of Game of Thrones of Tarth (GoT: Season 8)

Draft Metrics

Team MVP Best Pick Worst Pick
Brienne or Bust (tadoubleg)
149 pts, 36%
#32, rk-15 (+17) , 79 pts
#8, rk-27 (-19) , 35 pts
Find Incest Alternatives (abbytiz333)
2159 pts, 78.2%
#14, rk-2 (+12) , 2159 pts
#38, rk-57 (-19) , 0 pts
Jon Snow’s Ass (awhillsman)
271 pts, 46.6%
#30, rk-5 (+25) , 271 pts
#7, rk-30 (-23) , 30 pts
GRRM is ST (fletcherwoodruff)
1165 pts, 75.8%
#27, rk-18 (+9) , 60 pts
#3, rk-22 (-19) , 51 pts
It's all just cocks in the end (trebegin)
2222 pts, 82.1%
#24, rk-14 (+10) , 86 pts
#37, rk-43 (-6) , 6 pts
Podrick For King (harlinbrand)
108 pts, 31.8%
#45, rk-36 (+9) , 15 pts
#4, rk-25 (-21) , 47 pts
Team Points Pts > Rnd 3 Pick Diff Top-20 Picks 0pt Picks
Brienne or Bust (tadoubleg) 414 141 -46 3 2
Find Incest Alternatives (abbytiz333) 2761 77 -25 3 2
Jon Snow’s Ass (awhillsman) 581 438 -41 3 1
GRRM is ST (fletcherwoodruff) 1537 164 -5 4 1
It's all just cocks in the end (trebegin) 2708 181 +24 4 0
Podrick For King (harlinbrand) 340 174 -29 3 0

Scoring Metrics

Team Pts/Ep StdDev Record Diff < 3pts Pts > Avg Pts < Avg Fair Record
Brienne or Bust (tadoubleg) 69 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 (0)
Find Incest Alternatives (abbytiz333) 460.17 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 (0)
Jon Snow’s Ass (awhillsman) 96.83 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 (0)
GRRM is ST (fletcherwoodruff) 256.17 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 (0)
It's all just cocks in the end (trebegin) 451.33 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 (0)
Podrick For King (harlinbrand) 56.67 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 (0)

Team Performances

Team Points Match

Best/Worst Picks


Character Points Rank Drafted
271 #5 #30 (+25)
25 #32 #49 (+17)
79 #15 #32 (+17)
20 #34 #49 (+15)
20 #34 #49 (+15)
2159 #2 #14 (+12)
161 #7 #19 (+12)


Character Points Rank Drafted
30 #30 #7 (-23)
47 #25 #4 (-21)
35 #27 #8 (-19)
51 #22 #3 (-19)
14 #38 #20 (-18)
52 #21 #6 (-15)
5 #45 #31 (-14)

Scoring Breakdown

Brienne or Bust (tadoubleg)

Find Incest Alternatives (abbytiz333)

Jon Snow’s Ass (awhillsman)

GRRM is ST (fletcherwoodruff)

It's all just cocks in the end (trebegin)

Podrick For King (harlinbrand)