Night's Watch 11-7 (GoT: Season 8)
Draft Metrics
Team | MVP | Best Pick | Worst Pick |
Winter is here Bitches (cdcales88) | 206 pts, 66.9% | #51, rk-42 (+9) , 8 pts | #35, rk-57 (-22) , 0 pts |
I Drink and I Know Things (Lock89) | 2159 pts, 92.5% | #59, rk-36 (+23) , 15 pts | #11, rk-21 (-10) , 52 pts |
Faceless Men Need New Pronouns (sombertone) | 1165 pts, 90.3% | #65, rk-32 (+33) , 25 pts | #23, rk-57 (-34) , 0 pts |
Tell Cersei It Was Me (teniellealger) | 2222 pts, 85.4% | #29, rk-5 (+24) , 271 pts | #20, rk-36 (-16) , 15 pts |
Drogon's Morning Breath!!!! (bentiffv) | 161 pts, 25.2% | #41, rk-20 (+21) , 59 pts | #8, rk-10 (-2) , 150 pts |
Squat Like Jon Snow Is Behind You (bacales4) | 319 pts, 65% | #60, rk-39 (+21) , 10 pts | #21, rk-57 (-36) , 0 pts |
Fried Dragons (Maxeys) | 155 pts, 41.4% | #17, rk-12 (+5) , 108 pts | #1, rk-9 (-8) , 155 pts |
Big D Little E (dallaswillis84) | 149 pts, 46% | #31, rk-24 (+7) , 48 pts | #2, rk-25 (-23) , 47 pts |
Team | Points | Pts > Rnd 3 | Pick Diff | Top-20 Picks | 0pt Picks |
Winter is here Bitches (cdcales88) | 308 | 13 | -58 | 2 | 3 |
I Drink and I Know Things (Lock89) | 2335 | 63 | +21 | 2 | 0 |
Faceless Men Need New Pronouns (sombertone) | 1290 | 61 | -35 | 1 | 3 |
Tell Cersei It Was Me (teniellealger) | 2602 | 278 | +9 | 3 | 2 |
Drogon's Morning Breath!!!! (bentiffv) | 639 | 171 | +58 | 5 | 2 |
Squat Like Jon Snow Is Behind You (bacales4) | 491 | 86 | -22 | 2 | 3 |
Fried Dragons (Maxeys) | 374 | 51 | -9 | 3 | 1 |
Big D Little E (dallaswillis84) | 324 | 54 | -36 | 2 | 3 |
Scoring Metrics
Team | Pts/Ep | StdDev | Record | Diff < 3pts | Pts > Avg | Pts < Avg | Fair Record |
Winter is here Bitches (cdcales88) | 51.33 | 21.15 | 1-5 | 0-0 | 1-2 | 0-3 | 3-3 (+2) |
I Drink and I Know Things (Lock89) | 389.17 | 774.62 | 4-2 | 0-0 | 3-0 | 1-2 | 3-3 (-1) |
Faceless Men Need New Pronouns (sombertone) | 215 | 438.8 | 2-4 | 0-0 | 2-0 | 0-4 | 2-4 (0) |
Tell Cersei It Was Me (teniellealger) | 433.67 | 771.16 | 3-3 | 0-0 | 2-1 | 1-2 | 3-3 (0) |
Drogon's Morning Breath!!!! (bentiffv) | 106.5 | 108.03 | 3-3 | 0-0 | 2-1 | 1-2 | 3-3 (0) |
Squat Like Jon Snow Is Behind You (bacales4) | 81.83 | 52.46 | 5-1 | 0-0 | 3-1 | 2-0 | 4-2 (-1) |
Fried Dragons (Maxeys) | 62.33 | 40.9 | 2-4 | 0-0 | 2-1 | 0-3 | 3-3 (+1) |
Big D Little E (dallaswillis84) | 54 | 44.16 | 4-2 | 0-0 | 2-1 | 2-1 | 3-3 (-1) |
Team Performances
Team | Points | Match |
Tell Cersei It Was Me (teniellealger) | 1964 | Episode 5 |
I Drink and I Know Things (Lock89) | 1960 | Episode 5 |
Faceless Men Need New Pronouns (sombertone) | 1110 | Episode 3 |
Tell Cersei It Was Me (teniellealger) | 488 | Episode 3 |
Drogon's Morning Breath!!!! (bentiffv) | 297 | Episode 3 |
I Drink and I Know Things (Lock89) | 249 | Episode 3 |
Squat Like Jon Snow Is Behind You (bacales4) | 184 | Episode 3 |
Best/Worst Picks
Character | Points | Rank | Drafted |
25 | #32 | #65 (+33) | |
Craya (undrafted)
20 | #34 | #65 (+31) |
Dirah (undrafted)
20 | #34 | #65 (+31) |
Sarra (actress: Danielle Galligan) (undrafted)
10 | #39 | #65 (+26) |
actress: Emer McDaid (undrafted)
10 | #39 | #65 (+26) |
271 | #5 | #29 (+24) | |
15 | #36 | #59 (+23) |