A league has no name (GoT: Season 8)
Draft Metrics
Team | MVP | Best Pick | Worst Pick |
A team has no name (chaudharichirag01) | 2159 pts, 87.8% | #6, rk-2 (+4) , 2159 pts | #31, rk-57 (-26) , 0 pts |
Petyr Baelicious (benjaminboyd92) | 61 pts, 10.3% | #31, rk-20 (+11) , 59 pts | #31, rk-57 (-26) , 0 pts |
G League (melkonyan.gegham) | 1165 pts, 73.9% | #24, rk-12 (+12) , 108 pts | #27, rk-45 (-18) , 5 pts |
Brothraki Whoarde (viralb.patel88) | 319 pts, 42.8% | #29, rk-18 (+11) , 60 pts | #22, rk-27 (-5) , 35 pts |
Chipotle (Hiren) | 2222 pts, 80.9% | #21, rk-11 (+10) , 149 pts |
One of the Night King's lieutenants, this is the White Walker who grabs the ice spear and hands it to the Night Walker during the dragon battle at the frozen lake.
#30, rk-45
, 5 pts
Team | Points | Pts > Rnd 3 | Pick Diff | Top-20 Picks | 0pt Picks |
A team has no name (chaudharichirag01) | 2458 | 11 | -64 | 2 | 1 |
Petyr Baelicious (benjaminboyd92) | 595 | 139 | -54 | 2 | 1 |
G League (melkonyan.gegham) | 1576 | 270 | -9 | 4 | 0 |
Brothraki Whoarde (viralb.patel88) | 745 | 146 | 0 | 4 | 0 |
Chipotle (Hiren) | 2747 | 214 | +1 | 5 | 0 |
Scoring Metrics
Team | Pts/Ep | StdDev | Record | Diff < 3pts | Pts > Avg | Pts < Avg | Fair Record |
A team has no name (chaudharichirag01) | 409.67 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Petyr Baelicious (benjaminboyd92) | 99.17 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
G League (melkonyan.gegham) | 262.67 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Brothraki Whoarde (viralb.patel88) | 124.17 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Chipotle (Hiren) | 457.83 | 0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 | 0-0 (0) |
Team Performances
Team | Points | Match |
Char Performances
Char | Points | % of Total | Ep. |
1959 | 88.2% | 5 | |
1921 | 89% | 5 | |
1085 | 93.1% | 3 | |
Wight Army (Extras) (undrafted)
271 | 100% | 3 |
214 | 9.9% | 3 | |
192 | 8.6% | 3 | |
171 | 53.6% | 3 |
Best/Worst Picks
Character | Points | Rank | Drafted |
Theon Greyjoy (undrafted)
79 | #15 | #28 (+13) |
108 | #12 | #24 (+12) | |
60 | #18 | #29 (+11) | |
59 | #20 | #31 (+11) | |
149 | #11 | #21 (+10) | |
157 | #8 | #17 (+9) | |
Wight Army (Extras) (undrafted)
271 | #5 | #13 (+8) |
Character | Points | Rank | Drafted |
Viserion (undrafted)
15 | #36 | #5 (-31) |
Robin Arryn (undrafted)
1 | #55 | #31 (-24) |
actor: Toby Osmond (undrafted)
1 | #55 | #31 (-24) |
Lyanna Stark (undrafted)
2 | #53 | #31 (-22) |
Eddard Stark (undrafted)
The long-deceased head of House Stark.
2 | #53 | #31 (-22) |
51 | #22 | #3 (-19) | |
Full-bearded White Walkers (undrafted)
This White Walker has a full beard and long hair. He is one of the Night King's Lieutenants.
5 | #45 | #26 (-19) |