Matchup: Bobdor vs Theon jumps, I jump, right? for Ep 6
Dragon Day Care
Political Wins
Walder Frey:
Walder overrules his sons, Lothar and Black Walder, ordering them to take back Riverrun despite their strategic doubts.
(Executive Decision)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Walder Frey:
to his sons: "You've lost it? ... It's a castle, not a bloody sheep. Presumably you still know where it is."
(Witty Insult)
submitted by alexanderdropkin (approved!)
Walder Frey:
"All across the Riverlands right down to King's Landing, they're laughing at us. I hear it in my sleep! I'm not dead yet, unfortunately for you. And I'll not leave this world until they all choke on that laughter."
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Walder Frey:
Walder Frey takes a sip of wine while listening to excuses from his useless sons, Lothar and Black Walder.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
submitted by alexanderdropkin (approved!)
+1 for Alliser Thorne