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Only Wan can sit on the Iron Throne | Fantasora

Only Wan can sit on the Iron Throne (GoT: Season 8)

Draft Metrics

Team MVP Best Pick Worst Pick
Nightking did nothing wrong (mwdwan1)
2190 pts, 89.6%
#3, rk-1 (+2) , 2190 pts
#21, rk-51 (-30) , 0 pts
What do dragons even eat, anyway? (m.wan25)
2156 pts, 85.6%
#21, rk-17 (+4) , 43 pts
#20, rk-22 (-2) , 33 pts
you sit on a throne of lies (lauren.nw94)
271 pts, 41.4%
#15, rk-14 (+1) , 67 pts
#18, rk-25 (-7) , 29 pts
Arya you're too young for that (dewan92)
1112 pts, 69.2%
#21, rk-13 (+8) , 70 pts
#8, rk-29 (-21) , 23 pts
Team Points Pts > Rnd 3 Pick Diff Top-20 Picks 0pt Picks
Nightking did nothing wrong (mwdwan1) 2445 43 -62 2 1
What do dragons even eat, anyway? (m.wan25) 2519 222 +6 3 0
you sit on a throne of lies (lauren.nw94) 655 96 -7 4 0
Arya you're too young for that (dewan92) 1607 98 -16 3 0

Scoring Metrics

Team Pts/Ep StdDev Record Diff < 3pts Pts > Avg Pts < Avg Fair Record
Nightking did nothing wrong (mwdwan1) 611.25 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 (0)
What do dragons even eat, anyway? (m.wan25) 629.75 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 (0)
you sit on a throne of lies (lauren.nw94) 163.75 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 (0)
Arya you're too young for that (dewan92) 401.75 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 (0)

Best/Worst Picks


Character Points Rank Drafted
127 #8 #19 (+11)
89 #12 #21 (+9)
70 #13 #21 (+8)
1112 #3 #9 (+6)
59 #15 #21 (+6)
92 #11 #16 (+5)
48 #16 #21 (+5)


Character Points Rank Drafted
15 #33 #5 (-28)
1 #49 #21 (-28)
1 #49 #21 (-28)
3 #48 #21 (-27)
23 #29 #8 (-21)
5 #38 #21 (-17)
5 #38 #21 (-17)

Scoring Breakdown

Nightking did nothing wrong (mwdwan1)

What do dragons even eat, anyway? (m.wan25)

you sit on a throne of lies (lauren.nw94)

Arya you're too young for that (dewan92)