Matchup: The Artist Formerly Known as the Prince that was Promised vs A Lanister Always Spays it's Pets for Ep 4
A Song of Ice and Friendship
Political Wins
Jaime Lannister:
Jaime assists Cersei in convincing Kevan Lannister and Olenna Tyrell to march the Tyrell army into King's Landing to arrest the High Sparrow and rescue Queen Margaery. "When the High Sparrow is in custody or dead, preferably, and Margaery's back at Tommen's side, do you think the king will be angry at the outcome?"
(Convincing Argument)
submitted by coconnor723 (approved!)
Yara Greyjoy:
Theon pledges his support for her in the upcoming Kingsmoot. "You should rule the Iron Islands. Let me help you."
(New Follower/Prisoner)
submitted by alexander.hilton91 (approved!)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Jorah Mormont:
Daario: "Oh, I don't want to fight you, Jorah the Andal. What do I have to gain? If I win, I'm the shit who killed an old man. If I lose, I'm the shit who was killed by an old man."
Jorah: "You didn't get much discipline as a child, did you?" (Witty Insult)
Jorah: "You didn't get much discipline as a child, did you?" (Witty Insult)
Cersei: "You once spoke of your respect for our father because he understood the necessity of working with one's rivals."
Olenna: "My dear, you have been stripped of your dignity and authority, publicly shamed, and confined to the Red Keep. What's left to work with?" (Witty Insult)
Olenna: "My dear, you have been stripped of your dignity and authority, publicly shamed, and confined to the Red Keep. What's left to work with?" (Witty Insult)
Astapor slave master: "We came here to meet the Queen, and instead we're greeted by a dwarf and a eunuch."
Jorah Mormont:
Friendzone ribbing from alpha-male Daario
Daario Naharis: "It must make you angry, that our Queen chose me."
Jorah: "It makes me sad. You'll disappoint her before long, she'll move on." (Special)
Daario Naharis: "It must make you angry, that our Queen chose me."
Jorah: "It makes me sad. You'll disappoint her before long, she'll move on." (Special)
submitted by cjcookart (approved!)
Jorah Mormont:
Jorah the Explorah gives Daario this week's culture lesson on Dothraki city layout.
"The road running through the Horse Gate, they call that the Godsway. Eastern Market, Western Market. When Khal Drogo died, she was supposed to come here and join the Dosh Khaleen, the widows of the dead Khals. That's where they'll have taken her. The Temple of the Dosh Khaleen." (Special)
"The road running through the Horse Gate, they call that the Godsway. Eastern Market, Western Market. When Khal Drogo died, she was supposed to come here and join the Dosh Khaleen, the widows of the dead Khals. That's where they'll have taken her. The Temple of the Dosh Khaleen." (Special)
Jorah Mormont:
Jorah reminds Daario about the rules of engagement in Vaes Dothrak: "If they find a body with a stab wound, the whole city will be looking for us."