Trystane Martell
Raw Stats
Total | Kills | Politics | Insults | Wine | Sex | Thrones | Deaths | Special | Feels |
5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 0 | 0 |
Event Log
Trystane Martell:
Trystane is stabbed through the face from behind on Obara Sand, after he turns his back on her to face Nymeria Sand one-on-one.
+0 for Trystane Martell
+0 for Trystane Martell
+0 for Trystane Martell
+0 for Trystane Martell
+0 for Trystane Martell
+0 for Trystane Martell
+0 for Trystane Martell
+0 for Trystane Martell
+0 for Trystane Martell