Matchup: giantsbane member vs s for Ep 4
Hightower Winter (Public #55)
Obara Sand:
Obara throws her spear through the head of the merchant who smuggled Jaime and Bronn into Dorne.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Political Wins
Samwell Tarly:
Samwell convinces Jon to sign a letter requesting recruits from Roose Bolton. "We swore to be the Watchers on the Wall. We can't watch the Wall with 50 men. And we can't get more men without help from the Warden of the North."
(Politics - uncategorized)
Obara Sand:
Nymeria whips off a barrel concealing the captain that smuggled Jaime and Bronn into Dorne. He was captured after attempting to sell this information to Obara Sand.
(Politics - uncategorized)
Obara Sand:
Obara discovers that Jaime has arrived in Dorne after interrogating the ship captain who smuggled him in. "A ship's captain who found me in Planky Town, claiming he had information to sell. He told me he smuggled Jaime Lannister into Dorne."
(Politics - uncategorized)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Daenerys Targaryen:
Daario Naharis: "I think I could protect you from Hizdahr zo Loraq"
Daenerys: "I think *I* could protect me from Hizdahr zo Loraq" (Witty Insult)
Daenerys: "I think *I* could protect me from Hizdahr zo Loraq" (Witty Insult)
+1 for Janos Slynt
Samwell Tarly:
Samwell prepares a set of raven letters to various Lords requesting recruits for the Night's Watch.