Matchup: You Know Nothing, MSA Students vs The code is cryptic and full of errors for Ep 2
Valar Analyticas (All Men Must Analyze)
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara kills three Greyjoy soldiers in the initial melee aboard her ship, throwing down one, slicing down a second, and killing a third on the backswing of her sword.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara cuts the throat of one of Euron's soldiers, before turning to witness the fiery carnage of her fleet. As she regains her composure she stabs another soldier.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Nymeria Sand:
Nymeria stabs an Ironborn, only to turn around to see her sister Obara being killed.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Nymeria Sand:
In a fury after witnessing her sister Obara's death, Nymeria whip-grabbles Euron Greyjoy, spinning closer to slice him across the leg with her dagger.
(Minor Injury of Named Character)
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara knocks an Ironborn soldier off the upper deck of her ship.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Nymeria Sand:
Tyene Sand: "Maybe I'll kill you both before we take King's Landing. And then I won't have to share."
Obara and Nymeria: "(baby voice) Mammmaaa!" (Funny Line)
Obara and Nymeria: "(baby voice) Mammmaaa!" (Funny Line)
Ellaria Sand:
to Theon, as she gets between Yara's legs: "Why are you standing all the way over there then? The foreign invasion is underway."
(Funny Line)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Ellaria Sand:
Ellaria tries out the beverages stocked by the Greyjoy fleet. "How can you drink this piss? When we reach Sunspear I'll treat you to a Dornish Red, the best in the world."
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara drinks with Theon and Ellaria Sand below deck as they sail for Sunspear.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Acts of Intercourse
Nymeria Sand:
Nymeria is bested by Euron Greyjoy, who blocks her dagger and strangles her with her own whip.
Nymeria Sand:
In the aftermath of Euron's ambush on Yara's fleet, Nymeria's body hangs from the bowsprit of the burning ship, with her own whip as a noose.
(Dead Body Appearance)
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara makes a pass at Ellaria below deck as Theon watches.
submitted by shannonferretti (approved!)
Missandei gives a lesson on Valyrian gendered pronouns in ancient prophecies: "Your Grace, forgive me, but your translation is not quite accurate. That noun has no gender in High Valyrian, so proper translation for that prophecy would be 'the prince or princess who was promised will bring the dawn'.
Ellaria Sand:
to Tyrion: "My greatest regret is that Oberyn died fighting for you."
Yara Greyjoy:
Ellaria Sand: "You ever been to Dorne?"
Yara: "A few times. Never stayed long."
Ellaria: "A boy in every port."
Yara: "A boy. A girl. Depends on the port." (Special)
Yara: "A few times. Never stayed long."
Ellaria: "A boy in every port."
Yara: "A boy. A girl. Depends on the port." (Special)