Grey Worm and his Unsullied step over the bodies of dead Lannister soldiers atop the walls at Casterly Rock, surveying their victory in taking the castle. (Victorious Battle)
hkeseyan, jake.kmiech, emilien.raggi, taylorreneegoodrich, 2 others like this
Greywoem may have won the battle, but isn't it Danaerys who actually wins the castle?-mary.d.piccione
Lem Lemoncake likes this
Did he win the castle? Or did Euron trap him in the castle?-Th3 JaBBeRWoCK
I think we'll count it even as a temporary or pyrrhic victory. As for Dany, in general it feels like this is a point for the general who leads the battle, but it can transfer to Daenerys once she gets her boots on the ground, or if we get a line from Grey Worm like "the castle is yours, your Grace."-nyan
Battle of the Bastards did result in Battle Victory points for Ramsay ( In the rulebook it states that large battles can be divided up and have multiple victory points awarded for each segment. Think of it like an Assault map for a game like Battlefield or TF2, there are intermediate points for each objective taken.-nyan