White Walker (Samurai, formerly mislabeled Hobo)

Raw Stats

Total Kills Politics Insults Wine Sex Kills Cmd. Thrones Deaths Special Feels
22 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 0 0

Event Log

Episode 8: Hardhome
After shattering his axe with its ice spear, the White Walker stabs Loboda through the stomach. (Kill of Named Character)
Episode 8: Hardhome
After its ice spear is parried by Jon Snow, the White Walker is slashed through by Jon's Valyrian Steel sword, Longclaw, and shatters into bits of ice. (Death)
Episode 9: The Dance of Dragons
+1 for White Walker (Samurai, formerly mislabeled Hobo)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
+1 for White Walker (Samurai, formerly mislabeled Hobo)