Matchup: The True North vs Stannis the Mantis for Ep 5
The Golden Company
Political Wins
Euron Greyjoy:
Euron wins over the Ironborn caucus, despite Yara Greyjoy's early superdelegate boost from Theon. "I wasn't born to be king. I paid the iron price. And here I stand."
(Convincing Argument)
Euron Greyjoy:
Euron survives a near-drowning baptism by the Drowned God, and is crowned with a bundle of sticks as the new King of the Iron Islands.
(New Title)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Euron Greyjoy:
"Little Theon. Heard you managed to fuck things right into the ground. Captured a castle you couldn't keep. Got yourself taken prisoner. Even heard you have no cock. Explains why you think a woman can be king."
(Witty Insult)
Euron Greyjoy:
Theon: "Last I heard, you were gallivanting around the world having a grand old time."
Euron: "Gallivanting? That the sort of thing you start to say once your dick gets chopped off?" (Witty Insult)
Euron: "Gallivanting? That the sort of thing you start to say once your dick gets chopped off?" (Witty Insult)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
Euron Greyjoy:
"I'm going to build that fleet, and I'm going to gallivant right over and give it (the Iron Fleet) to Daenarys Targaryen, along with my big cock!"
(Witty Insult)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
+1 for Roose Bolton, +1 for Areo Hotah
Theon Greyjoy:
Theon elects to stump for his sister Yara, after other some of the other Ironborn nominate him to inherit the Salt Throne. "I am Theon Greyjoy, last living son of Balon Greyjoy ... and she is your rightful ruler."