Matchup: NorthWindsComin vs Shame, Shame, Shame for Ep 4
Party on, Tarth!
Political Wins
Jaime Lannister:
Jaime assists Cersei in convincing Kevan Lannister and Olenna Tyrell to march the Tyrell army into King's Landing to arrest the High Sparrow and rescue Queen Margaery. "When the High Sparrow is in custody or dead, preferably, and Margaery's back at Tommen's side, do you think the king will be angry at the outcome?"
(Convincing Argument)
submitted by coconnor723 (approved!)
Cersei Lannister:
Despite their initial protests, Cersei convinces the Hand of the King Kevan Lannister and Olenna Tyrell to go with her plan to march the Tyrell army into King's Landing to arrest the High Sparrow and rescue Queen Margaery.
Kevan Lannister: "We'll have civil war. Many will die."
Olenna Tyrell: "Many will die no matter what we do. Better them than us." (Convincing Argument)
Kevan Lannister: "We'll have civil war. Many will die."
Olenna Tyrell: "Many will die no matter what we do. Better them than us." (Convincing Argument)
Yara Greyjoy:
Theon pledges his support for her in the upcoming Kingsmoot. "You should rule the Iron Islands. Let me help you."
(New Follower/Prisoner)
submitted by alexander.hilton91 (approved!)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Tormund Giantsbane:
Tormund drinks from his mug as Jon Snow unrolls the letter from Ramsay Bolton.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
+1 for Roose Bolton
Astapor slave master: "We came here to meet the Queen, and instead we're greeted by a dwarf and a eunuch."
Grand Maester Pycelle:
Pycelle walks two arduous marathons after Cersei shows up and gives him the boot from King Tommen's quarters.
The 400m: 5 steps immediately as Cersei enters the room
The 10k: 23 step traversal to get around the table and out the door. (Special)
The 400m: 5 steps immediately as Cersei enters the room
The 10k: 23 step traversal to get around the table and out the door. (Special)