Matchup: Shame, Shame, Shame vs Aria Sansa for Ep 7
Party on, Tarth!
Jaime Lannister:
Jaime clobbers Black Walder with his golden hand, leaving him with a severe bruise to the cheek.
Jaime: "Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. Now let's say I threatened to hit you unless you shut your mouth, but you kept talking. What do you think I'd do?"
Black Walder: "I don't give a rat's-" *smack* (Minor Injury of Named Character)
Jaime: "Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. Now let's say I threatened to hit you unless you shut your mouth, but you kept talking. What do you think I'd do?"
Black Walder: "I don't give a rat's-" *smack* (Minor Injury of Named Character)
submitted by bookworm13457 (approved!)
Jaime Lannister:
Jaime acquires Edmure Tully as his prisoner after taking over the Siege of Riverrun.
(New Follower/Prisoner)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Political Wins
Margaery Tyrell:
Instead of bringing Olenna Tyrell in to repent for her sins, as she had promised the High Sparrow, Margaery secretly tips off her grandmother of her imminent danger in King's Landing, convincing her to leave the city.
(Act of Betrayal)
submitted by lize1017 (approved!)
Margaery Tyrell:
Margaery convinces her grandmother Olenna to leave King's Landing for her own safety: "Go home. Find comfort in prayer and good works. The Mother watches over us all."
(Convincing Argument)
Jaime Lannister:
Lothar Frey and Black Walder find themselves under Jaime Lannister's command as he arrives to take over the siege forces surrounding Riverrun.
(New Follower/Prisoner)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
remaking on Septa Unella: "Does it move or talk?"
(Witty Insult)
submitted by ace75318 (approved!)
to Septa Unella: "You're now in your sanctuary now, my dear. All I have to do is whistle and my men will stroll you in here and bash you about until I tell them to stop... *if* I tell them to stop."
to Cersei: "I wonder if you're the worst person I've ever met. At a certain age it's hard to recall. But the truly vile do stand out through the years."
(Witty Insult)
Olenna: "You've lost, Cersei. It's the only joy I could find in all this misery."
(Witty Insult)
Jaime Lannister:
Bronn: "Now that is a sorry attempt at a siege. Someone needs to teach those sad twats how to dig trenches."
Jaime: "Someone certainly does." (Funny Line)
Jaime: "Someone certainly does." (Funny Line)
Jaime Lannister:
to Black Walder: "Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. Now let's say I threatened to hit you unless you shut your mouth, but you kept talking. What do you think I'd do?"
submitted by nsimmonds (approved!)
Yara Greyjoy:
to Theon: "Nothing on the Iron Islands has an ass like that. Doesn't interest you anymore?"
(Witty Insult)
(Witty Insult)
submitted by cmwalken15 (approved!)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Acts of Intercourse
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara wanders off with a whore in Volantis. "Now, since it's my last night ashore for a long while, I'm gonna go fuck the tits off this one."
(Act of Intercourse)
+1 for Hodor
Jaime Lannister:
Jaime smacks Black Walder with his golden hand as he gives a lesson on threats.
Jaime: "Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. Now let's say I threatened to hit you unless you shut your mouth, but you kept talking. What do you think I'd do?"
Black Walder: "I don't give a rat's-" *smack* (Special)
Jaime: "Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. Now let's say I threatened to hit you unless you shut your mouth, but you kept talking. What do you think I'd do?"
Black Walder: "I don't give a rat's-" *smack* (Special)