Matchup: Now my watch begins vs Khal Moro is not bae for Ep 3
Arya Not Entertained
Eddard Stark:
Ned stabs the Targaryen Kingsguard, Gerold Hightower, through the throat.
(Kill of Named Character)
Eddard Stark:
Ned finishes off the mortally-wounded Targaryen Kingsguard Arthur Dayne.
(Kill of Named Character)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Tyrion Lannister:
Tyrion: "A wise man once said, a true history of the world is a history of great conversations in elegant rooms."
Missandei: "Who said this?"
Tyrion: "Me. Just now."
*awkward long pause*
Tyrion: "... alright, no conversations." (Funny Line)
Missandei: "Who said this?"
Tyrion: "Me. Just now."
*awkward long pause*
Tyrion: "... alright, no conversations." (Funny Line)
Tyrion Lannister:
to Greyworm and Missandei: "Alright no drinking, we can play without drinking. It's a wonderful game - I invented it. Here's how it works: I make a statement about your past; if I'm wrong, I drink. And if I'm right... maybe we can't play without drinking."
(Funny Line)
Arya Stark:
Waif: "That's a short list. That can't be everyone you want to kill. Are you sure you're not forgetting someone?"
Arya: "Which name would you like a girl to speak?" (Threat)
Arya: "Which name would you like a girl to speak?" (Threat)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Tyrion Lannister:
Tyrion drinks while making smalltalk with Greyworm and Missandei before the Meereenese council meeting.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Tyrion Lannister:
Tyrion drinks from his refill as he, Grey Worm, and Missandei continue to wait for Varys at the Meereenese council meeting.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Rickon Stark:
Smalljon Umber brings Ramsay the severed head of Rickon Stark's direwolf, Shaggydog, to prove his prisoner's identity.
Arya Stark:
Waif: "Who else was on Arya Stark's funny little list?"
Arya: "Cersei Lannister. Gregor Clegane. Walder Frey." (Special)
Arya: "Cersei Lannister. Gregor Clegane. Walder Frey." (Special)