Theon Greyjoy
Casterly Sellsword (Public #36)
drafted by Maester of Disaester
+1 point for scenes where Theon refers to himself as "Reek"
+1 point when his missing manhood is referenced
Raw Stats
Total | Kills | Politics | Insults | Wine | Sex | Thrones | Deaths | Special | Feels |
25 | 10 | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 9 | 0 |
Event Log
Theon Greyjoy:
Theon breaks and throws Myranda from the top of the Winterfell walls onto the ground below, saving Sansa Stark.
(Kill of Named Character)
Political Wins
Theon Greyjoy:
After promising to help Sansa Stark light a signal candle at the top of the broken tower, Reek instead goes directly to Ramsay Bolton to inform him of Sansa's plot.
(Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
Theon Greyjoy:
Theon finally breaks and betrays the Boltons, saving Sansa Stark from one of Myranda's arrows before throwing Myranda off the walls of Winterfell.
(Politics - uncategorized)