Matchup: The Night is Long and Full of Monsters vs Dorothy, lady of the needle, second of her name for Ep 2
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara kills three Greyjoy soldiers in the initial melee aboard her ship, throwing down one, slicing down a second, and killing a third on the backswing of her sword.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara cuts the throat of one of Euron's soldiers, before turning to witness the fiery carnage of her fleet. As she regains her composure she stabs another soldier.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara knocks an Ironborn soldier off the upper deck of her ship.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Political Wins
Davos Seaworth:
Davos suggests that Daenerys's dragons will be a powerful asset against the fight against the wights, and suggests allying with her, despite Sansa's protests. Ultimately, Jon decides to personally travel to Dragonstone to meet with Daenerys, citing Davos' arguments in his appeal to the Northern Lords.
"What breathes fire?" ... "But if the army of the dead makes it past the wall, do we have enough men to fight them?"
(Convincing Argument)
"What breathes fire?" ... "But if the army of the dead makes it past the wall, do we have enough men to fight them?"
(Convincing Argument)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
Melisandre meets with Daenerys Targaryen, imploring her to meet and ally with Jon Snow for the war to come against the White Walkers.
(Convincing Argument)
Tyrion Lannister:
Tyrion convinces Daenerys to follow Melisandre's proposal to ally with Jon Snow. "I can't speak to prophecies or visions in the flame... but I like Jon Snow, and I trusted him. And I am an excellent judge of character."
(Convincing Argument)
Cersei Lannister:
Qyburn presents a high-powered dragon-killing ballista to Cersei. "Apparently, one of Daenerys' dragons was wounded by spears in the fighting pits of Meereen. If they can be wounded, they can be killed."
(New Weapon)
Tyrion Lannister:
Tyrion's earlier advice wins over Daenerys, as she opts for a slower, more politically-calculated siege rather than the violent direct-assault on King's Landing advocated by her Westerosi allies. "I am not here to be Queen of the Ashes."
(Convincing Argument)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Davos Seaworth:
Davos' comments on the letter from Tyrion: "Sounds like a charmer. Casual mention of a Dothraki horde, a legion of Unsullied, and 3 dragons - a bit less charming."
(Funny Line)
submitted by pacelli929 (approved!)
Tyrion Lannister:
Tyrion while convincing Daenerys to follow Melisandre's proposal to ally with Jon Snow. "I can't speak to prophecies or visions in the flame... but I like Jon Snow, and I trusted him. And I am an excellent judge of character."
(Funny Line)
Jaime Lannister:
Randyll Tarly: "Ser Jaime, I believe you know my son."
Jaime: "Rickon, isn't it?"
Dickon: "Dickon."
Jaime: "That's it." (walks past Dickon to speak with Randyll) (Funny Line)
Jaime: "Rickon, isn't it?"
Dickon: "Dickon."
Jaime: "That's it." (walks past Dickon to speak with Randyll) (Funny Line)
Obara Sand:
Tyene Sand: "Maybe I'll kill you both before we take King's Landing. And then I won't have to share."
Obara and Nymeria: "(baby voice) Mammmaaa!" (Funny Line)
Obara and Nymeria: "(baby voice) Mammmaaa!" (Funny Line)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Obara Sand:
Obara drinks in her hammock below deck, as the Sand Sisters argue over who they will kill in King's Landing.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara drinks with Theon and Ellaria Sand below deck as they sail for Sunspear.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Obara Sand:
In the aftermath of Euron's ambush on Yara's fleet, Obara's body is shown impaled with her own spears onto the bowsprit of the burning ship.
(Dead Body Appearance)
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara makes a pass at Ellaria below deck as Theon watches.
submitted by shannonferretti (approved!)
Qyburn presents a high-powered dragon-killing ballista to Cersei. "Apparently, one of Daenerys' dragons was wounded by spears in the fighting pits of Meereen. If they can be wounded, they can be killed."
Obara Sand:
to Nymeria: "The Mountain killed father. He'll crush you with one hand."
Yara Greyjoy:
Ellaria Sand: "You ever been to Dorne?"
Yara: "A few times. Never stayed long."
Ellaria: "A boy in every port."
Yara: "A boy. A girl. Depends on the port." (Special)
Yara: "A few times. Never stayed long."
Ellaria: "A boy in every port."
Yara: "A boy. A girl. Depends on the port." (Special)