Matchup: A Song of Ice and Fire vs Jorah's Skin Care Products for Ep 6
Valar Automatis (All Men Must Automate)
Political Wins
Arya Stark:
Arya betrays Bianca, who had entrusted her murder plot of Lady Crane to the Faceless Men. "Careful that one... she wants you dead."
(Act of Betrayal)
Arya Stark:
Arya reclaims Needle, which she had buried into the docks of Braavos.
(New Weapon)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Dickon Tarly:
Dickon drinks from his wine glass at the beginning of the Tarly family dinner.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
drinks backstage as Izembaro angrily rants about others criticism of his playwriting.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
+1 for Hodor, +1 for Trystane Martell, +1 for Aggo