Matchup: Raven claw vs White Walkers Pay'n for the Wall for Ep 8
Hodor's Heroes
Lady Crane explains that she had disfigured Bianca's face after finding out the actress tried to kill her.
Arya: "What happened to the actress? The one who wanted you dead."
Lady Crane: "Bianca. She'll have a hard time finding work as an actress after what I did to her face." (Major Injury of Named Character)
Arya: "What happened to the actress? The one who wanted you dead."
Lady Crane: "Bianca. She'll have a hard time finding work as an actress after what I did to her face." (Major Injury of Named Character)
Gregor rips off the head of a Faith Militant soldier sent to detain Cersei Lannister.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Arya Stark:
Arya leads the Waif to her darkened quarters, where she extinguishes the lone candle with her sword Needle and gains the upper hand in complete darkness.
(Kill of Named Character)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
to Arya, as she gives her Milk of the Poppy: "Trust me, if my soup didn't kill you, nothing will."
(Funny Line)
Tyrion Lannister:
Varys: "If you shaved your beard with a straight razor, you'd say the razor worked. That doesn't mean it won't cut your throat."
Tyrion: "Spoken like a man who has never had to shave." (Witty Insult)
Tyrion: "Spoken like a man who has never had to shave." (Witty Insult)
submitted by skywalkerdude (approved!)
Tyrion Lannister:
Missandei: "I have tried wine before. It made me feel funny."
Tyrion: "That's how you know it's working." (Funny Line)
Tyrion: "That's how you know it's working." (Funny Line)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Arya Stark:
Arya drinks a glass of milk of the poppy to settle her into sleep.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Tyrion Lannister:
Tyrion refills and drinks while fantasizing about retirement as a winemaker. "One day, after our Queen has taken the Seven Kingdoms, I'd like to have my own vineyard. Make my own wine. The Imp's Delight. Only my close friends could drink it."
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Lady Crane (Cersei Actress):
Arya discovers the body of Lady Crane, murdered by the Waif.
+1 for Rickon Stark