Matchup: Jared's team vs cheryls gang for Ep 5
Jared's season 6 league
Child of the Forest:
The bow-wielding Child of the Forest kills 4 wights with the magic hand grenades as the White Walkers and their horde march onto the entrance of the Three-Eyed Raven's cavern.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Meera Reed:
Meera cuts down the first wight to fall into the cave through the weirwood root system.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Bran Stark:
Summer leaps onto the second wight just before it attacks Meera Reed.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Child of the Forest:
The bow-wielding Child of the forest kills 4 wights that crawl through the weirwood root system into the cavern of the Three-Eyed Raven.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Meera Reed:
Meera cuts down a wight as it charges through the cavern tunnels shortly after Bran wargs into Hodor.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Meera Reed:
Meera throws a dragonglass spear at the bearded White Walker, piercing it in the neck and shattering it.
(Kill of Named Character)
Bran Stark:
Summer dives into the crowd of wights as Bran and company make their escape out of the Three-Eyed Raven's cavern. He lands on one wight but is quickly cut down by the horde.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Hodor shuts the door on the horde of wights, severing the hand of one who just managed to slip its arm past the door.
(Major Injury of Unnamed Character)
Bran Stark:
Bran mentally debilitates a young Wylas by warging into him, offering him a glimpse of his future demise at the Door.
(Major Injury of Named Character)
Bran Stark:
While warged in, Bran forces Hodor to hold the Door against the horde of wights as he and Meera make their escape, sacrificing him in the process.
(Kill of Named Character)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Political Wins
Bran Stark:
Bran discovers the origins of the White Walkers - created by the Children of the Forest - during a warg visit to the past.
Bran: "It was you. You made the White Walkers."
Leaf: "We were at war. We were being slaughtered. Our sacred trees cut down. We needed to defend ourselves." (Secret Discovery)
Bran: "It was you. You made the White Walkers."
Leaf: "We were at war. We were being slaughtered. Our sacred trees cut down. We needed to defend ourselves." (Secret Discovery)
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara exposes Euron Greyjoy's assassination of her father Balon during the Kingsmoot, though he quickly counters it.
Yara: "Now I know what my first act as queen will be. To execute the man who killed my father."
Euron: "I did. I killed him. Threw him right over a rope bridge and watched him fall. He was leading us nowhere and we would still be heading there if it weren't for me. No one loved him. No one wanted to follow him ... I apologize to you all for not killing him years ago." (Secret Discovery)
Yara: "Now I know what my first act as queen will be. To execute the man who killed my father."
Euron: "I did. I killed him. Threw him right over a rope bridge and watched him fall. He was leading us nowhere and we would still be heading there if it weren't for me. No one loved him. No one wanted to follow him ... I apologize to you all for not killing him years ago." (Secret Discovery)
submitted by cmwalken15 (approved!)
Yara Greyjoy:
Yara refuses to go out quietly after losing the Kingsmoot election to Euron Greyjoy - during his coronation ceremony she makes her escape and steals off with the best ships of the Iron Fleet.
(Act of Betrayal)
submitted by taylorreneegoodrich (approved!)
Daenerys Targaryen:
Daenerys overrules Jorah's decision to leave her: "Do not walk away from your Queen, Jorah the Andal. You have not been dismissed. You swore to obey my commands for the rest of your life. Well, I command you to find the cure wherever it is in this world. I command you to heal yourself and then return to me."
(Executive Decision)
Daenerys Targaryen:
High Priestess Kinvara signs on to Team Daenerys as the Lord of HYPE.
"You don't need to persuade me. I came to help. Daenerys Stormborn is the one who was promised. From the fire she was reborn to remake the world ... I will summon my most eloquent priests. They will spread the word. Daenerys has been sent to lead the people against the darkness in this war and in the great war still to come." (New Follower/Prisoner)
"You don't need to persuade me. I came to help. Daenerys Stormborn is the one who was promised. From the fire she was reborn to remake the world ... I will summon my most eloquent priests. They will spread the word. Daenerys has been sent to lead the people against the darkness in this war and in the great war still to come." (New Follower/Prisoner)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Bran Stark:
Bran's status as the Three Eyed Raven is confirmed by Benjen: "You are the Three-Eyed Raven now."
(New Title)
submitted by alexanderdropkin (approved!)
Bran Stark:
Bran discovers the origin of Hodor's name and condition during a visit to Winterfell's past where he wargs into a young Wylas and gives him a vision of his ultimate demise years in the future at the Door.
(Secret Discovery)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
Child of the Forest:
The bow-wielding Child of the Forest succumbs to one of the wights invading the Three-Eyed Raven's cavern.
Bran Stark:
Summer is cut down by a horde of wights in the Three-Eyed Raven's cavern as Bran, Meera, and Hodor make their escape.
Three-eyed raven:
The Three-Eyed Raven is cut down by the White Walker King after the White Walkers and their wights invade his cavern. "The time has come. Leave me."
+1 for Rickon Stark, +1 for Khal Rhalko, +1 for Khal Forzo
Bran Stark:
Bran taps into the with the Three-Eyed Raven to revisit a scene with the Children of the Forest at the Weirwood tree.
Theon Greyjoy:
Theon elects to stump for his sister Yara, after other some of the other Ironborn nominate him to inherit the Salt Throne. "I am Theon Greyjoy, last living son of Balon Greyjoy ... and she is your rightful ruler."
High Priestess Kinvara talks to Varys about his castration.
"If not for your... mutilation at the hand of a second-rate sorcerer, you wouldn't be here. Helping the Lord's Chosen bring his light into the world... Do you remember what you heard that night when the sorcerer tossed your parts in the fire?" (Special)
"If not for your... mutilation at the hand of a second-rate sorcerer, you wouldn't be here. Helping the Lord's Chosen bring his light into the world... Do you remember what you heard that night when the sorcerer tossed your parts in the fire?" (Special)
submitted by emilien.raggi (approved!)
Bran Stark:
Bran taps into while the Three-Eyed Raven is asleep, jumping into a vision of a frozen wasteland surrounded by wights and the White Walkers.
Bran Stark:
Bran has a vision of the day his young father departed Winterfell for the Vale.
Bran Stark:
While embedded in a vision of Winterfell's past, Bran subconsciously wargs into Hodor in the present time so that they can escape from the White Walker horde approaching the cavern of the Three-Eyed Raven.
Bran Stark:
While visiting a flashback in Winterfell's past, Bran wargs into a young Wylas, giving him a vision of his present day demise while holding the Door to allow Bran and Meera time to escape the White Walker horde.
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)