Matchup: Jaqen me crazy! vs sucken size up for Ep 5
High techers
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Jaqen H'ghar:
to Arya: "A girl has been given a second chance. There will not be a third. One way or another, a face will be added to the hall."
Eddison Tollett:
Night's Watchman: "Should we close the gate, Lord Commander?"
Edd: "I'm not the Lord Command- *looks around* yeah, *ahem* ... close the bloody gate." (Funny Line)
Edd: "I'm not the Lord Command- *looks around* yeah, *ahem* ... close the bloody gate." (Funny Line)
submitted by nick.embrey (approved!)
+1 for Alliser Thorne, +1 for Roose Bolton
Theon Greyjoy:
Theon elects to stump for his sister Yara, after other some of the other Ironborn nominate him to inherit the Salt Throne. "I am Theon Greyjoy, last living son of Balon Greyjoy ... and she is your rightful ruler."