Matchup: Toywin Lannister vs The Khalasar for Ep 6
Hightower Winter (Public #55)
Tyene Sand:
Tyene manages to slash Bronn on the arm with her dagger, just before Areo Hotah and the Dornish guards arrive.
(Minor Injury of Named Character)
Political Wins
Tyrion Lannister:
Tyrion convinces the slave trader Malko to spare his life for the time being, instead of slitting his throat and chopping off his cock. "You can't just hand a dried cock to a merchant and expect him to pay for it! He has to know it came from a dwarf. And how could he know unless he sees the dwarf?"
(Politics - uncategorized)
Jorah Mormont:
Jorah convinces the slave trader Malko to take him to the fighting pits of Meereen instead of the slave city of Volantis.
Jorah: "I killed a Dothraki Bloodrider in single combat."
Malko: "Liar."
Jorah: "It's no lie. His name was Qotho. He was Bloodrider to Khal Drogo. Take me to Slaver's Bay, put a sword in my hand, I'll prove my worth." (Politics - uncategorized)
Jorah: "I killed a Dothraki Bloodrider in single combat."
Malko: "Liar."
Jorah: "It's no lie. His name was Qotho. He was Bloodrider to Khal Drogo. Take me to Slaver's Bay, put a sword in my hand, I'll prove my worth." (Politics - uncategorized)
Cersei Lannister:
Cersei's betrayal of the Tyrells is realized further, as her manipulation of the Faith's inquest lands both Ser Loras and Margaery Tyrell in prison after she assures Olenna Tyrell that the High Sparrow's inquest would be merely a formality.
(Politics - uncategorized)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay Bolton and Sansa Stark are wed.
Theon: "Sansa, of the House Stark comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessings of the Gods. Who comes to claim her?
Ramsay: "Ramsay, of House Bolton." (Politics - uncategorized)
Theon: "Sansa, of the House Stark comes here to be wed. A woman grown, trueborn and noble. She comes to beg the blessings of the Gods. Who comes to claim her?
Ramsay: "Ramsay, of House Bolton." (Politics - uncategorized)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Tyrion Lannister:
Tyrion: "You can't just hand a dried cock to a merchant and expect him to pay for it! He has to know it came from a dwarf. And how could he know unless he sees the dwarf?"
Slave trader: "It will be a dwarf-sized cock."
Tyrion: "Guess again." (Funny Line)
Slave trader: "It will be a dwarf-sized cock."
Tyrion: "Guess again." (Funny Line)
Cersei Lannister:
Petyr Baelish: "Surely your uncle Kevan could muster a force."
Cersei: "My uncle Kevan has all the courage of a kitchen mouse." (Witty Insult)
Cersei: "My uncle Kevan has all the courage of a kitchen mouse." (Witty Insult)
Cersei Lannister:
to Olenna Tyrell: "Ah, yes. The famously tart-tongued Queen of Thorns."
(Witty Insult)
Cersei Lannister:
Olenna Tyrell: "He understood that sometimes we must work with our rivals rather than destroy them."
Cersei: "House Lannister has no rival." (Threat)
Cersei: "House Lannister has no rival." (Threat)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay reminds Sansa to remove her clothes: "Do I need to ask a second time? I hate asking a second time."
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Cersei Lannister:
Cersei drinks while talking with Lord Petyr Baelish.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Acts of Intercourse
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay rapes Sansa Stark on their wedding night. "Reek... I told you to watch. You've known Sansa since she was a girl. Now watch her become a woman."
(Act of Intercourse)
Cersei Lannister:
Lord Baelish makes a sly reference to Cersei's incest.
Cersei: "I'm the insulted party, Lord Baelish. Ser Loras was promised to me, instead he chose the company of boys."
Petyr: "One's choice of companion is a most curious thing." (Special)
Cersei: "I'm the insulted party, Lord Baelish. Ser Loras was promised to me, instead he chose the company of boys."
Petyr: "One's choice of companion is a most curious thing." (Special)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay makes Reek stay in the bedchamber to watch him rape Sansa. "Oh, no, no, no. You stay here, Reek. You watch."
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay tortures Sansa Stark on their wedding night by raping her with Reek (Theon Greyjoy) watching. "Reek... I told you to watch. You've known Sansa since she was a girl. Not watch her become a woman."