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KhaleesiSOMF | Fantasora


Casterly Sellsword (Public #36)

Owner: will.correa29

9-1, 49.5 roto pts (#1)
Z-Score: 1.342 (percentile: 91.02%)
Weeks at #1: 6
Categories won: Special (36)
Best Week: Episode 1: The Wars to Come (+9 roto points)
Team MVP: Cersei Lannister (picked #2, 142 points, 56.35% of team total)
Longest winstreak: W-8

Roster Stats

Character Drafted Total Kills Politics Insults Wine Sex Thrones Deaths Special Feels
Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms and mother to King Tommen.
#2 142 0 12 36 40 30 0 0 24 0
The exiled head of House Mormont. Jorah was previously one of Daenerys' most trusted advisors, but was banished when his time serving as a spy for Robert Baratheon was revealed to her.
#18 56 36 6 6 5 0 0 0 3 0
Formerly the Master of Whisperers in King's Landing, Varys controls a vast network of spies. He flees King's Landing after aiding in Tyrion Lannister's escape.
#15 23 0 0 12 5 0 0 0 6 0
A member of the Night's Watch. Slynt formerly served as Commander of the City Watch, before he was removed from the post and exiled by Tyrion Lannister.
#47 20 0 0 3 0 0 0 17 0 0
The heir to Highgarden and regarded as one of the most skilled knights in Westeros. He is the brother of Margaery Tyrell.
#31 11 0 0 3 0 5 0 0 3 0
A mysterious man who lives far north of the Wall with the Children of the Forest. He has been guiding Bran's dreams through the form of a three-eyed raven.
#50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
A wildling woman who serves the Starks. She splits off from Bran's group and travels with Rickon.
#63 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
The young, sickly son of Jon Arryn and Lysa Tully. He is Lord of the Vale, although Petyr Baelish serves as Lord Protector until he comes of age.
#34 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 252 36 18 60 50 35 0 17 36 0


charId Character Special
Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms and mother to King Tommen.
* +1 special point every time she pours wine or requests a glass be poured
* +1 point when someone (excl. Jaime) references incest with Jaime or her childrens' bastardy directly to her
* 2x multiplier for sex acts involving incest (first cousin or closer)
Formerly the Master of Whisperers in King's Landing, Varys controls a vast network of spies. He flees King's Landing after aiding in Tyrion Lannister's escape.
* +1 politics point when he meets another character in secret
* +1 point when someone references his being a eunuch to him
* +1 point when he passes along information from his "little birds"
The exiled head of House Mormont. Jorah was previously one of Daenerys' most trusted advisors, but was banished when his time serving as a spy for Robert Baratheon was revealed to her.
* +1 point when he explains to someone he has Greyscale
* +1 point in each scene that Jorah serves as an encyclopedia for Essos culture.
* +1 point each time Daenerys convinces him to go on a mission / do something that doesn't involve being anywhere around her (friendzone)
The heir to Highgarden and regarded as one of the most skilled knights in Westeros. He is the brother of Margaery Tyrell.
+1 point anytime someone refers to him using sword-based analogies, or any other reference to his sexuality.
The young, sickly son of Jon Arryn and Lysa Tully. He is Lord of the Vale, although Petyr Baelish serves as Lord Protector until he comes of age.
Gains points in the the Wine category for breastfeeding.
+1 point when he mentions making something "fly".
A member of the Night's Watch. Slynt formerly served as Commander of the City Watch, before he was removed from the post and exiled by Tyrion Lannister.
A mysterious man who lives far north of the Wall with the Children of the Forest. He has been guiding Bran's dreams through the form of a three-eyed raven.
+1 for forcibly pulling someone in or out of a vision [Ruleset 4.0+]
A wildling woman who serves the Starks. She splits off from Bran's group and travels with Rickon.
Episode 4: The Sons of the Harpy
In the middle of the night, Jorah knocks out a fisherman with a haymaker and steals his boat. (Major Injury of Unnamed Character)
Episode 5: Kill the Boy
Jorah stabs through one of the Stone Men with his sword. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Episode 7: The Gift
Jorah elbows Yezzan zo Qaggaz in the nose as he emerges into the fighting pit. (Minor Injury of Named Character)
Jorah enters the fighting pits and knocks out the remaining five fighters in hopes of winning Daenerys' favor. (Major Injury of Unnamed Character)
Episode 9: The Dance of Dragons
Jorah plunges a dagger into the heart of the long-axe-wielding pit fighter. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Jorah does a somersault and then stabs his sword through the stomach of the pit fighter, named as the "Meereenese Champion" earlier. (Kill of Named Character)
Jorah throws a spear into the gallery, killing a Son of the Harpy who had been sneaking up behind Daenerys. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Jorah kills a Son of the Harpy with his dagger as he makes his way over to help protect Daenerys. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Jorah stabs a Son of the Harpy who attempts to ambush Daenerys in the fighting pit escape tunnel. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Jorah cuts down two enemies as Daenerys' group becomes encircled by the Sons of the Harpy mob. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Jorah stabs through a Son of the Harpy in the fighting pit. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Political Wins
Episode 2: The House of Black and White
Cersei stacks the Small Council in her favor, appointing the loyal Mace Tyrell as Master of Coin and Qyburn as Master of Whisperers, over the protests of Grand Maester Pycelle and Kevan Lannister.
Grand Maester Pycelle: "Your Grace... him? This- this man (Qyburn)? This... embarrassment to the Citadel? ... what qualifications can he possibly have for this post?"
Cersei: "The qualification of loyalty, Grand Maester. That's far more than the eunuch ever had."
(Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Episode 3: The High Sparrow
Jorah captures Tyrion in Volantis. "I'm taking you to the Queen." (Politics - uncategorized)
Episode 4: The Sons of the Harpy
Cersei betrays the Tyrells, exposing Ser Loras' homosexuality to the High Sparrow and causing him to be arrested. (Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Jorah convinces the slave trader Malko to take him to the fighting pits of Meereen instead of the slave city of Volantis.
Jorah: "I killed a Dothraki Bloodrider in single combat."
Malko: "Liar."
Jorah: "It's no lie. His name was Qotho. He was Bloodrider to Khal Drogo. Take me to Slaver's Bay, put a sword in my hand, I'll prove my worth."
(Politics - uncategorized)
Cersei's betrayal of the Tyrells is realized further, as her manipulation of the Faith's inquest lands both Ser Loras and Margaery Tyrell in prison after she assures Olenna Tyrell that the High Sparrow's inquest would be merely a formality. (Politics - uncategorized)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Episode 1: The Wars to Come
Cersei inherit's Tywin's family lecture abilities.
to Jaime: "Tyrion may be a monster, but at least he killed our father on purpose. You killed him by mistake, with stupidity."
(Witty Insult)
13:10 (+3) Varys:
Tyrion: "Do you know what it's like to stuff your shit through one of those airholes?"
Varys: "No. I only know what it's like to pick up your shit and throw it overboard."
(Funny Line)
Loras lazily drones on to Cersei about the late Tywin: "what a... force to be reckoned with." (Funny Line)
Lancel: "I led you into the darkness."
Cersei: "I doubt you've ever led anyone anywhere."
(Witty Insult)
36:08 (+3) Varys:
Varys: "You have your father's instincts for politics. And you have compassion."
Tyrion: "Compassion? Yes... I killed my lover with my bare hands. I shot my own father with a crossbow."
Varys: "I never said you were perfect."
(Funny Line)
Episode 2: The House of Black and White
Jaime: "I'm going to make this better.
Cersei: "You've never made anything better."
(Witty Insult)
submitted by kas113 (approved!)
27:07 (+3) Varys:
Tyrion: "There's a bug."
Varys: "Yes, best be careful. You might accidentally consume some solid food."
(Witty Insult)
Episode 3: The High Sparrow
Cersei with a jab to Margaery while talking to Tommen: "She's certainly very pretty, isn't she? Like a doll. She smiles quite a lot. Do you think she's intelligent? I can't quite tell, not that it matters." (Witty Insult)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
after Jon orders him to rebuild the ruined tower of Greyguard: "I was charged with the defense of King's Landing when you were soiling your swaddling clothes. Keep your ruin." (Witty Insult)
51:53 (+3) Varys:
Tyrion: "I can't remember the last face I saw that wasn't yours."
Varys: "It's a perfectly good face."
(Funny Line)
Episode 4: The Sons of the Harpy
After Cersei sends Lord Mace Tyrell away to Braavos to negotiate with the Iron Bank:
Grand Maester Pycelle "The small council getting smaller and smaller..."
Cersei "Not small enough."
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
Tyrion: "I can't sleep without wine."
Jorah: "Then stay awake."
(Funny Line)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Petyr Baelish: "Surely your uncle Kevan could muster a force."
Cersei: "My uncle Kevan has all the courage of a kitchen mouse."
(Witty Insult)
to Olenna Tyrell: "Ah, yes. The famously tart-tongued Queen of Thorns." (Witty Insult)
Olenna Tyrell: "He understood that sometimes we must work with our rivals rather than destroy them."
Cersei: "House Lannister has no rival."
Episode 7: The Gift
Cersei taunts Margaery in the dungeons: "This is horrible. Unacceptable. Are they feeding you enough at least? I brought you this. Venison. It's quite good. I had it myself for supper only last night." (Witty Insult)
to Septa Unella: "Look at me! Look at my face. It's the last thing you'll see before you die." (Threat)
Episode 8: Hardhome
to Septa Unella: "I can make sure you die in the most hideous way imaginable. And all I do is sit here imaginging hideous ways for you to die." (Threat)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
Tyrion: "Fine, fine. I suppose he can join us. Just as long as he promises not to kill me in my sleep."
Jorah: "If I ever kill you, your eyes will be wide open."
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Episode 1: The Wars to Come
Cersei drinks at the start of Tywin Lannister's wake, as she listens to Loras drone on about Tywin's "force to be reckoned with." (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Cersei's second glass of wine while listening to Lancel's attempt to convert her to religion. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Episode 3: The High Sparrow
Jorah drinks away his sorrows as he can't even get within the friendzone of the Daenerys cosplayer in Volantis. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
56:00 (+5) Varys:
Varys drinks with Tyrion in the whorehouse of Volantis. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Cersei drinks while talking with Lord Petyr Baelish. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Episode 8: Hardhome
Cersei slurps up the probably alcoholic liquid that Septa Unella spills on the dungeon floor. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Acts of Intercourse
Episode 1: The Wars to Come
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
Cersei is stripped naked and washed by the septas in the dungeons of Baelor's Sept. (Act of Intercourse)
Cersei is stripped for her walk of atonement through the streets of King's Landing. (Act of Intercourse)
Episode 3: The High Sparrow
Janos is beheaded for insubordination, after defying Jon Snow's orders as Lord Commander. (Death)
Episode 4: The Sons of the Harpy
+1 for Janos Slynt
Episode 5: Kill the Boy
+1 for Janos Slynt
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
+1 for Janos Slynt
Episode 7: The Gift
+1 for Janos Slynt
Episode 8: Hardhome
+1 for Janos Slynt
Episode 9: The Dance of Dragons
+1 for Janos Slynt
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
+1 for Janos Slynt
Episode 1: The Wars to Come
34:51 (+3) Varys:
Tyrion: "Eunuch. The Spider. The Master of Whisperers." (Special)
Episode 2: The House of Black and White
Jaime talks to Cersei about Myrcella. "The world can't know she's our daughter." (Special)
Episode 5: Kill the Boy
Jorah finishes Tyrion's recital of a poem describing the Doom of Valyria. "... a city of a thousand years, and all that men had learned; The Doom consumed it all alike, and neither of them turned." (Special)
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Lord Baelish makes a sly reference to Cersei's incest.
Cersei: "I'm the insulted party, Lord Baelish. Ser Loras was promised to me, instead he chose the company of boys."
Petyr: "One's choice of companion is a most curious thing."
The High Sparrow lays out the Faith's accusations against Loras Tyrell: "Do you deny all the charges against you? Fornication. Buggery. Blasphemy... You never lay with Renly Baratheon? ... Nor any other man?" (Special)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
The High Septon confronts Cersei with the charges of her incest: "There are those that say your children were not fathered by King Robert, that they are bastards born of incest and adultery." (Special)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
35:38 (+3) Varys:
Tyrion: "I suppose there's no point asking how you found me."
Varys: "The birds sing in the west, the birds sing in the east, if one knows how to listen. They tell me you've already found favor with the Mother of Dragons."
Members of the crowd insult Cersei with references of her incest, as she performs her walk of atonement through the streets of King's Landing.
49:25: A man yells: "Bitch! Brother fucker!"
49:48: Indistinctly from the crowd: "Brother fucker!"
50:10: A man exposes himself and exclaims: "I'm a Lannister. Suck me off!"
50:51: A women yells on the stairs before being bludgeoned by a Sparrow: "Brother fucker!"
52:07: A man yells just before Cersei reaches the Red Keep's gates: "Brother fucker!"
submitted by coconnor723 (approved!)