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Crows Before Hoes | Fantasora

Crows Before Hoes

Where's Theup!?

Owner: jillianrgates

40.5 roto pts (#5)
Z-Score: 0 (percentile: 50%)
Weeks at #1: 0
Categories won: Special (33)
Best Week: Episode 10: Mother's Mercy (+7 roto points)
Team MVP: Samwell Tarly (picked #29, 49 points, 28.65% of team total)

Roster Stats

Character Drafted Total Kills Politics Insults Wine Sex Thrones Deaths Special Feels
A steward of the Night's Watch. He is a close friend to Jon Snow, and one of the few people known to have killed a White Walker.
#29 49 0 9 18 5 5 0 0 12 0
The second eldest Stark child. Though currently married to Tyrion Lannister, she has been smuggled into the Vale by Littlefinger, where she poses as his niece, Alayne Stone.
#4 34 0 12 3 5 5 0 0 9 0
A member of the Faceless Men of Braavos, and a skilled assassin. After helping Arya escape from Harrenhal, his whereabouts are unknown.
#52 33 12 0 3 5 0 0 10 3 0
Heir to the Iron Islands, and formerly a ward of House Stark. Theon is currently a captive of Ramsay Bolton.
#13 25 10 6 0 0 0 0 0 9 0
The only daughter of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister. She was sent to Dorne to secure an alliance by marriage with House Martell.
#45 16 0 3 3 0 0 0 10 0 0
The personal bodyguard for Doran Martell.
#61 8 2 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
One of Oberyn Martell's bastards, known as Sand Snakes.
#36 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
The young, sickly son of Jon Arryn and Lysa Tully. He is Lord of the Vale, although Petyr Baelish serves as Lord Protector until he comes of age.
#20 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 171 24 33 36 15 10 0 20 33 0


charId Character Special
The second eldest Stark child. Though currently married to Tyrion Lannister, she has been smuggled into the Vale by Littlefinger, where she poses as his niece, Alayne Stone.
* Lady's actions contribute to her points.
* +1 point in every scene she cries
Heir to the Iron Islands, and formerly a ward of House Stark. Theon is currently a captive of Ramsay Bolton.
+1 point for scenes where Theon refers to himself as "Reek"
+1 point when his missing manhood is referenced
The young, sickly son of Jon Arryn and Lysa Tully. He is Lord of the Vale, although Petyr Baelish serves as Lord Protector until he comes of age.
Gains points in the the Wine category for breastfeeding.
+1 point when he mentions making something "fly".
A steward of the Night's Watch. He is a close friend to Jon Snow, and one of the few people known to have killed a White Walker.
+1 point for reading books, mentioning he "read that in a book", or writing raven letters.
One of Oberyn Martell's bastards, known as Sand Snakes.
+1 for invoking the name of Oberyn Martell
The only daughter of King Robert Baratheon and Queen Cersei Lannister. She was sent to Dorne to secure an alliance by marriage with House Martell.
A member of the Faceless Men of Braavos, and a skilled assassin. After helping Arya escape from Harrenhal, his whereabouts are unknown.
+1 every time he dons a new disguise
In the event that a Faceless Man's identity is ambiguous, points are awarded to the character whose face is worn at the time of the scoring event.
The personal bodyguard for Doran Martell.
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Episode 9: The Dance of Dragons
Areo delivers a stiff elbow to the face of Bronn, as ordered by Trystane Martell. (Minor Injury of Named Character)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
Theon breaks and throws Myranda from the top of the Winterfell walls onto the ground below, saving Sansa Stark. (Kill of Named Character)
Political Wins
Episode 2: The House of Black and White
Sam stumps for Jon Snow as a candidate for Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, convincing many in the room. "He may be young, but he's the commander we turned to when the night was darkest." (Politics - uncategorized)
Episode 4: The Sons of the Harpy
Samwell convinces Jon to sign a letter requesting recruits from Roose Bolton. "We swore to be the Watchers on the Wall. We can't watch the Wall with 50 men. And we can't get more men without help from the Warden of the North." (Politics - uncategorized)
Episode 5: Kill the Boy
Sansa discovers that Theon Greyjoy is still alive as a broken and disfigured captive of Ramsay Bolton in Winterfell. (Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Areo's Dornish guard wins the battle in the Water Gardens, arresting Bronn/Jaime and the Sand Snakes. (Politics - uncategorized)
Sansa deduces that Myranda is Ramsay's lover. "And how long have you loved him, Myranda? Did you imagine that he would be with you forever, is that it?" (Politics - uncategorized)
Sansa Stark and Ramsay Bolton are wed.
Roose Bolton: "Lady Sansa, will you take this man?"
Sansa: "I take this man."
(Politics - uncategorized)
Episode 7: The Gift
After promising to help Sansa Stark light a signal candle at the top of the broken tower, Reek instead goes directly to Ramsay Bolton to inform him of Sansa's plot. (Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
Episode 8: Hardhome
Sansa forces out Reek's secret that Bran and Rickon Stark are still alive, and the charred bodies were only those of the farm boys. (Politics - uncategorized)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
Sam convinces Jon Snow to send him and Gilly to Oldtown so that Sam can train to be the next Maester for the Night's Watch. "If Gilly stays here, then she'll die. And the baby that she named after me will die. And I'll end up dying, too, trying to protect them. Which means that the last thing that I'll see in this world will be the look in her eyes when I fail them." (Politics - uncategorized)
Theon finally breaks and betrays the Boltons, saving Sansa Stark from one of Myranda's arrows before throwing Myranda off the walls of Winterfell. (Politics - uncategorized)
Myrcella figures out the secret of her parentage before Jaime can tell her. "I know... about you and mother. I think a part of me always knew. And I'm glad. I'm glad that you're my father." (Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by coconnor723 (approved!)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Episode 1: The Wars to Come
"How many Brothers can say that they've killed a White Walker *and* a Thenn? I might be the first in history!" (Funny Line)
Episode 2: The House of Black and White
"A wildling girl, a baby, and Lord Janos. I found him there (in the Castle Black pantry) after the battle was over, in a puddle of his own making." (Witty Insult)
Episode 5: Kill the Boy
to Fat Walda Frey: "This isn't a strange place, this is my home. It's the people that are strange." (Witty Insult)
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Areo puts his longaxe at Jaime Lannister's throat when he refuses to put down his sword.
"When you were whole, it would have been a good fight."
Episode 7: The Gift
Sam boasts about his command of the situation after he'd been beaten senseless by Brant and Derek of the Night's Watch.
Gilly: "I know they would've killed you if Ghost hadn't come."
Sam: "No no no, they were tiring out.  I had them in the palm of my hand"
(Funny Line)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
during his first sexual experience with Gilly: "Oh... oh... oh my..." (Funny Line)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
Bronn: "?...I've tasted the Dornishman's wife. ?"
Tyene Sand: *claps* "...he's got a good voice."
Nymeria: "We're lucky he's a singer. If he were a fighter, we might have been in trouble."
(Witty Insult)
Episode 9: The Dance of Dragons
Myrcella fires back at Jaime about her acclimation to the weather and culture of Dorne.
Jaime: "What a lovely dress."
Myrcella: "You don't like it?"
Jaime: "You must be cold."
Myrcella: "Not at all. The Dornish climate agrees with me."
(Funny Line)
Nymeria taunts her half-sister Tyene as she dominates her in the slapping game 17 times in a row.
"Why do we play? I'm better than you. I'll always... *slap* better than you. Have I ever missed? Once? *slap* I don't think I have, I can't *slap* recall. You must love humiliation. *slap* Or pain. *slap* Which do you love most, humiliation or *slap* ...pain? That one hurt, didn't it? *slap*"
(Witty Insult)
Arya Stark: "The thin man wasn't hungry today."
Jaqen: "Perhaps that is why a man is thin."
(Funny Line)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
Jon Snow: "You know that the Citadel will make you swear off women, too."
Samwell: "Oh, they'll bloody try."
(Funny Line)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Episode 2: The House of Black and White
Sansa has a taste of ale while dining with Littlefinger at the inn. "Don't see what all the fuss is about. Why do men love it so much?" (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
Jon and Sam toast to Sam's journey to Oldtown to become a Maester. "To your return." (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Jaqen drinks a glass of the poisoned liquid in the House of Black and White. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Acts of Intercourse
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Sansa is raped by Ramsay Bolton on their wedding night.
Ramsay: "Reek... I told you to watch. You've known Sansa since she was a girl. Now watch her become a woman."
(Act of Intercourse)
Episode 7: The Gift
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
Jaqen commits suicide to balance out Arya's killing of Meryn Trant. "A girl stole from the Many-Faced God. Now a debt is owed. Only death can pay for life." (Death)
Myrcella begins bleeding from the nose, and she dies in Jaime's arms aboard the ship bound for King's Landing. (Death)
Episode 2: The House of Black and White
Sam mentions a factoid from his book on the history of Lord Commanders of the Night's Watch. "Did you know that the youngest Lord Commander in history, Osric Stark, was elected at the age of 10?" (Special)
Jaqen reveals himself to Arya, removing his disguise and inviting her into the House of Black and White. (Special)
Episode 3: The High Sparrow
Sansa cries as she's told that Petyr Baelish has arranged a marriage for her to Roose Bolton's heir, Ramsay. A solitary tear is visible under her right eye. (Special)
Episode 4: The Sons of the Harpy
Samwell prepares a set of raven letters to various Lords requesting recruits for the Night's Watch. (Special)
Episode 5: Kill the Boy
Samwell reads a raven letter to Maester Aemon, reporting on Daenery's current struggles as ruler of Meereen. (Special)
Sansa wipes a stream of tears from her left cheek after Ramsay rehashes the supposed deaths of Bran and Rickon Stark, and forces her and Reek to undergo an awkward apology. (Special)
Sam reads in the library of Castle Black while talking to Gilly. (Special)
Episode 7: The Gift
to Sansa: "I'm not Theon, m'lady. I'm Reek." (Special)
Sansa: "Promise me, Theon."
Reek: "Reek! My name is Reek."
Sansa cries as Ramsay Bolton presents her with the flayed body of the old Winterfell woman who promised to help her. (Special)
Episode 8: Hardhome
"I'm not Theon. There is no Theon. Reek." (Special)