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Shame, Shame, Shame | Fantasora

Shame, Shame, Shame

Party on, Tarth!

Owner: Kennedy

5-5, 55.5 roto pts (#4)
Z-Score: 0.661 (percentile: 74.56%)
Weeks at #1: 0
Categories won: Special (153)
Best Week: Episode 6: Blood of My Blood (+9 roto points)
Team MVP: Hodor (picked #27, 127 points, 38.14% of team total)
Longest winstreak: W-5

Roster Stats

Character Drafted Total Kills Politics Insults Wine Sex Thrones Deaths Special Feels
Hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor. hodor.
#27 127 1 0 0 0 0 0 15 111 0
The second of the Lannister children, he is Cersei's lover and twin brother, and also the father of her three bastard children, the supposed sons and daughters of the late King Robert Baratheon. He also serves as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, and recently returns from a mission to Dorne to rescue his daughter/niece, Myrcella Baratheon.
#7 94 15 27 30 0 10 0 0 12 0
Theon's older sister, Yara was raised on the Iron Islands as a true Ironborn. She is a fearsome fighter and commands a longship of her own.
#54 37 0 12 15 5 5 0 0 0 0
Formerly the Master of Whisperers in King's Landing, Varys controls a vast network of spies. After smuggling Tyrion Lannister to Essos, he reveals himself as a supporter of Daenerys Targaryen's claim to the Iron Throne. In Daenerys' absence, he serves with Tyrion Lannister and presides over the rule of Meereen.
#14 36 0 9 12 0 0 0 0 15 0
The Grand Maester of the Seven Kingdoms. Pycelle is highly educated and serves as an advisor to the King.
#47 33 0 0 3 0 5 0 10 15 0
A wildling who lived north of the Wall. After she befriended Samwell Tarly, she escaped with him to Castle Black, and now sails with him to Oldtown as Sam begins his Maester's training.
#34 6 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 333 16 48 66 5 20 0 25 153 0


charId Character Special
The second of the Lannister children, he is Cersei's lover and twin brother, and also the father of her three bastard children, the supposed sons and daughters of the late King Robert Baratheon. He also serves as Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, and recently returns from a mission to Dorne to rescue his daughter/niece, Myrcella Baratheon.
* +1 point for awkward waves with his metal hand
* +1 point when he uses his metal hand in a combat situation
* +1 point when someone (excl. Cersei) references incest with Cersei or her childrens' bastardy directly to him
* 2x multiplier for sex acts involving incest (first cousin or closer)
Formerly the Master of Whisperers in King's Landing, Varys controls a vast network of spies. After smuggling Tyrion Lannister to Essos, he reveals himself as a supporter of Daenerys Targaryen's claim to the Iron Throne. In Daenerys' absence, he serves with Tyrion Lannister and presides over the rule of Meereen.
* +1 politics point when he meets another character in secret
* +1 point when someone references his being a eunuch to him
* +1 point when he passes along information from his "little birds"
Hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor hodor Hodor. hodor.
+1 point for every utterance of "Hodor"
A wildling who lived north of the Wall. After she befriended Samwell Tarly, she escaped with him to Castle Black, and now sails with him to Oldtown as Sam begins his Maester's training.
+1 each time she talks about something new she has learned
The Grand Maester of the Seven Kingdoms. Pycelle is highly educated and serves as an advisor to the King.
+1 point when he walks 5 or more steps in a row without stopping
Theon's older sister, Yara was raised on the Iron Islands as a true Ironborn. She is a fearsome fighter and commands a longship of her own.
+1 when referencing that she is a lesbian, or making a pass at another woman
Episode 5: The Door
Episode 6: Blood of My Blood
Jaime slays the Mad King Aerys II during one of Bran's flashback visions. (Kill of Named Character)
Episode 7: The Broken Man
Jaime clobbers Black Walder with his golden hand, leaving him with a severe bruise to the cheek.

Jaime: "Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. Now let's say I threatened to hit you unless you shut your mouth, but you kept talking. What do you think I'd do?"
Black Walder: "I don't give a rat's-" *smack*
(Minor Injury of Named Character)
submitted by bookworm13457 (approved!)
Jaime acquires Edmure Tully as his prisoner after taking over the Siege of Riverrun. (New Follower/Prisoner)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Political Wins
Episode 3: Oathbreaker
22:25 (+3) Varys:
Varys' investigations have exposed Vala, the Meereenese prostitute who lured the Unsullied to her brothel so that the Sons of the Harpy could murder them.
"I know who you are and what you've done. You've done a lot. You've sacrificed your body for a cause, which is more than most people do. And you've helped the Sons of the Harpy murder the Unsullied and the Second Sons."
(Secret Discovery)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
27:55 (+3) Varys:
Varys has discovered the source of the rebellion's funding after coercing the prostitute Vala.
"Sorry.. I was busy, learning who funds the Sons of the Harpy. Some things you can't rush... The Good Masters of Astapor, and the Wise Masters of Yunkai, with help from their friends in Volantis."
(Secret Discovery)
Episode 4: Book of the Stranger
Jaime assists Cersei in convincing Kevan Lannister and Olenna Tyrell to march the Tyrell army into King's Landing to arrest the High Sparrow and rescue Queen Margaery. "When the High Sparrow is in custody or dead, preferably, and Margaery's back at Tommen's side, do you think the king will be angry at the outcome?" (Convincing Argument)
submitted by coconnor723 (approved!)
Theon pledges his support for her in the upcoming Kingsmoot. "You should rule the Iron Islands. Let me help you." (New Follower/Prisoner)
submitted by alexander.hilton91 (approved!)
Episode 5: The Door
Yara exposes Euron Greyjoy's assassination of her father Balon during the Kingsmoot, though he quickly counters it.
Yara: "Now I know what my first act as queen will be. To execute the man who killed my father."
Euron: "I did. I killed him. Threw him right over a rope bridge and watched him fall. He was leading us nowhere and we would still be heading there if it weren't for me. No one loved him. No one wanted to follow him ... I apologize to you all for not killing him years ago."
(Secret Discovery)
submitted by cmwalken15 (approved!)
Yara refuses to go out quietly after losing the Kingsmoot election to Euron Greyjoy - during his coronation ceremony she makes her escape and steals off with the best ships of the Iron Fleet. (Act of Betrayal)
submitted by taylorreneegoodrich (approved!)
Episode 6: Blood of My Blood
Despite being demoted out of the Kingsguard, Jaime is assigned a new role as head of the Lannister armies sent to deal with the Blackfish in the Riverlands. "I'm being sent to deal with the Blackfish. Apparently Walder Frey can't manage it on his own because he's 400 years old. Sent me with an army to the Riverlands and a siege that could last months." (New Title)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Episode 7: The Broken Man
Lothar Frey and Black Walder find themselves under Jaime Lannister's command as he arrives to take over the siege forces surrounding Riverrun. (New Follower/Prisoner)
Episode 8: No One
Jaime successfully convinces Edmure Tully to comply with his plan to retake Riverrun, sending him to the gates to ask for entry. (Convincing Argument)
Jaime is victorious in the Siege of Riverrun after his Trojan Horse, Edmure Tully, gains access to the castle and willingly opens his gates to the Lannister army. (Victorious Battle)
Jaime captures the castle of Riverrun. (Acquire a New Castle/City/Army/Loot)
While watching from the ramparts of the newly-acquired Riverrun, Jaime spots Brienne and Podrick rowing away from the castle under the cover of night. (Secret Discovery)
submitted by nsimmonds (approved!)
Episode 9: Battle of the Bastards
Yara agrees to give Daenerys use of the Iron Fleet, and convinces her to come to Westeros and back her claim to the Iron Islands, despite Tyrion's mistrust of the Greyjoys and Theon in particular. (Convincing Argument)
submitted by cmwalken15 (approved!)
Episode 10: The Winds of Winter
66:01 (+3) Varys:
Varys returns from his diplomatic mission to Dorne, apparently successful at recruiting House Tyrell and the Sand Snakes to support Daenerys and lend her use of their navies. (Convincing Argument)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Episode 1: The Red Woman
29:48 (+3) Varys:
Tyrion to homeless mother: "For your baby. To eat." [makes stuffing motion into mouth]
Varys. "She thinks you want to eat her baby."
(Funny Line)
Episode 2: Home
High Sparrow: "You would spill blood in this holy place?"
Jaime: "Oh the Gods won't mind. They spill more blood than the rest of us combined."
22:45 (+3) Varys:
Tyrion: "Dragons are intelligent ... They have affection for their friends and fury for their enemies. I am their friend."
Varys: "Do *they* know that?"
(Funny Line)
submitted by danmirabile13 (approved!)
22:46 (+3) Varys:
Varys shakes his head and tsks as Tyrion pours out a glass of wine during a meeting of the Meereenese advising council. (Funny Line)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Yara: "Deepwood Motte was our last stronghold on the mainland."
Balon: "Then we will take more."
Yara: "Why? For more pinecones and rocks?"
(Witty Insult)
submitted by kosowankenobi (approved!)
Episode 3: Oathbreaker
8:26 (+3) Gilly:
Gilly: "Did I ever tell you that I thought the sea was called 'the see' because it was nothing but water as far as the eye could see?"
Sam: "I don't think so."
(Funny Line)
submitted by cjcookart (approved!)
to Qyburn: "Does he (Gregor Clegane) understand what we're saying? I mean, to the extent that he ever understood complete sentences in the first place." (Witty Insult)
"And what he's done to Gregor Clegane, is an abomination. We never sanctioned this, this... experiment, and I for one think it is in our best interest to have this beast destr- *gas leak*" (Funny Line)
submitted by klov3r (approved!)
Episode 6: Blood of My Blood
6:29 (+3) Gilly:
to Sam: "You're nervous. You're a nervous talker. [prolonged silence] ... That's not any better being a nervous mute." (Witty Insult)
Episode 7: The Broken Man
Bronn: "Now that is a sorry attempt at a siege. Someone needs to teach those sad twats how to dig trenches."
Jaime: "Someone certainly does."
(Funny Line)
to Black Walder: "Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. Now let's say I threatened to hit you unless you shut your mouth, but you kept talking. What do you think I'd do?" (Threat)
submitted by nsimmonds (approved!)
to Theon: "Nothing on the Iron Islands has an ass like that. Doesn't interest you anymore?"
(Witty Insult)
submitted by cmwalken15 (approved!)
Episode 8: No One
on Sansa Stark: "In my experience, girls like her don't live very long." (Witty Insult)
Edmure Tully: "Do you imagine yourself a decent person? ... After you've massacred my family. Kept me in a cell for years. Stolen our lands."
Jaime: "I'll remind you that our houses are at war. I'm sorry if this conflict has inconvenienced you, but rebelling against the Crown does have consequences."
(Witty Insult)
to Edmure Tully: "I'll send for your baby boy. And I'll launch him into Riverrun with a catapult. Because you don't matter to me, Lord Edmure. Your son doesn't matter to me. The people in the castle don't matter to me. Only Cersei." (Threat)
Episode 9: Battle of the Bastards
Meeting with Daenerys:
Theon: "The Iron Fleet isn't all [Euron Greyjoy's] bringing. He also wants to give you-"
Yara: "His big cock, I think he said."
(Funny Line)
submitted by becharafayad1997 (approved!)
Theon: "Your ancestors defeated ours and took the Iron Islands. We ask you to give them back."
Daenerys: "And that's all?"
Yara: "We'd like you to help us murder an uncle or two who don't think a woman's fit to rule."
(Funny Line)
submitted by becharafayad1997 (approved!)
Episode 10: The Winds of Winter
Walder Frey: "Fear is a marvelous thing."
Jaime: "They don't fear the Freys, though. They fear the Lannisters. We gave you the Riverlands to hold the Riverlands. If we have to ride north and take them back for you every time you lose them, why do we need you?"
(Witty Insult)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Episode 7: The Broken Man
Yara drinks while giving a pep talk to Theon. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Acts of Intercourse
Episode 6: Blood of My Blood
Jaime and Cersei get it on after hot and heavy dirty talk about the power of House Lannister and destroying their enemies. "They've made us both stronger, all of them. They have no idea how strong we are. No idea what we're going to do to them. We've always been together. We'll always be together." (Act of Intercourse)
Episode 7: The Broken Man
Yara wanders off with a whore in Volantis. "Now, since it's my last night ashore for a long while, I'm gonna go fuck the tits off this one." (Act of Intercourse)
Episode 10: The Winds of Winter
Pycelle gets dressed for the Trials by Seven after a session with a prostitute. (Act of Intercourse)
Episode 5: The Door
55:15 (+10) Hodor:
"Hold the door." (Death)
Episode 6: Blood of My Blood
+1 for Hodor
Episode 7: The Broken Man
+1 for Hodor
Episode 8: No One
+1 for Hodor
Episode 9: Battle of the Bastards
+1 for Hodor
Episode 10: The Winds of Winter
Grand Maester Pycelle is viciously stabbed to death by Qyburn's Little Birds after he is lured to his laboratory.
Qyburn: "This pains me, my lord. Whatever your faults, you do not deserve to die alone in such a cold, dark place. But sometimes before we can usher in the new, the old must be put to rest."
+1 for Hodor
Episode 1: The Red Woman
29:17 (+3) Varys:
Tyrion references Varys' eunuch status in his comeback.
Varys: "You walk as though the paving stones were your personal property. I used to steal from people like you when I was a boy."
Tyrion: "It's a good thing you're not a boy anymore. ... Because you have no cock."
Episode 2: Home
6:54 (+9) Hodor:
"Hodor ...Hodor. Hodor." (Special)
7:53 (+3) Hodor:
"Hodor." (Special)
22:46 (+3) Varys:
Varys just can't get away from the eunuch references after he judgmentally stares at Tyrion downing another cup of wine.
Tyrion: "If I lost my cock, I'd drink all the time. *looks at Greyworm* ...meaning no offense. He makes dwarf jokes, I make eunuch jokes."
submitted by alexander.hilton91 (approved!)
Episode 3: Oathbreaker
Olenna to Cersei: "Margaery is the Queen. You are not the Queen, because you're not married to the king. I do appreciate these things can get a bit confusing in your family."
Pycelle takes several steps as he quickly shuffles past Gregor Clegane on his way out of the Small Council room. (Special)
submitted by stefanik62 (approved!)
Episode 4: Book of the Stranger
Pycelle walks two arduous marathons after Cersei shows up and gives him the boot from King Tommen's quarters.
The 400m: 5 steps immediately as Cersei enters the room
The 10k: 23 step traversal to get around the table and out the door.
Episode 5: The Door
34:36 (+3) Varys:
High Priestess Kinvara talks to Varys about his castration.
"If not for your... mutilation at the hand of a second-rate sorcerer, you wouldn't be here. Helping the Lord's Chosen bring his light into the world... Do you remember what you heard that night when the sorcerer tossed your parts in the fire?"
submitted by emilien.raggi (approved!)
39:37 (+3) Hodor:
"Hodor." (Special)
45:45 (+3) Hodor:
"Ho-hodor." (Special)
45:57 (+3) Hodor:
"Hodor." (Special)
46:02 (+3) Hodor:
"...Hodor." (Special)
47:43 (+6) Hodor:
"Hodor... hodor." (Special)
49:31 (+12) Hodor:
"hodor. hodor... hodor. hodor!" (Special)
49:51 (+6) Hodor:
"hodor. hodor!" (Special)
50:09 (+6) Hodor:
"hodor. hodor." (Special)
50:22 (+18) Hodor:
"hodor. hodor! hodor. hodor! hodor! hodor!" (Special)
55:07 (+33) Hodor:
"Ho-dor Hooodor [hodedor hodedor] hooodor hooodor hodor. hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor. Hodor." (Special)
Episode 7: The Broken Man
Jaime smacks Black Walder with his golden hand as he gives a lesson on threats.

Jaime: "Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. Now let's say I threatened to hit you unless you shut your mouth, but you kept talking. What do you think I'd do?"
Black Walder: "I don't give a rat's-" *smack*
Episode 8: No One
9:57 (+3) Varys:
Varys: "If you shaved your beard with a straight razor, you'd say the razor worked. That doesn't mean it won't cut your throat."
Tyrion: "Spoken like a man who has never had to shave."
submitted by alexanderdropkin (approved!)
after spotting them from the castle wall, Jaime waves to Brienne and Podrick as they row away from Riverrun. (Special)
submitted by andres.geurts (approved!)
Episode 10: The Winds of Winter
Pycelle makes it 11 steps while walking down the stairs from his chambers, before one of Qyburn's Little Birds calls him back to deliver a message. He begrudingly turns around to begin the trek back. (Special)
Pycelle just makes it 6 steps into Qyburn's laboratory before stopping. (Special)
Bronn converses with Jaime about the women at the Frey-Lannister feast.
Jaime: "Not my type."
Bronn: "Not blonde enough?"