Submitted Events for GoT: Season 7

Political Wins
Episode 7: The Dragon and the Wolf
She either makes a deal with Jaime (Major character) or gains him as a follower, no?
submitted by williamfmarr
Episode 7: The Dragon and the Wolf
Are we gonna give this kid a special for being/saying creepy shit or what? IMO hes the funniest part of the show now.
submitted by hindsight44
By the initial proposition of Jorah not going with Jon, the "Together" pronounced by both Jon and Daenerys in "We sail together", and both the looks on Dany's and Jorah's faces at the end of the scene, can we argue that Jorah got friendzoned for the n'th time ?
submitted by emilien.raggi
Does 'refrencing' his lost manhood mean he specifcally has to have it spoken to him? The scene where Harrag knees him in death valley the showrunners were clearly refrencing his lost manhood.
submitted by hindsight44