Submitted Events for GoT: Season 7

Episode 1: Dragonstone
0:00 (+10) Syrio Forel:
Just a placeholder submission at the top - I'll be trekking in the Canadian Rockies backcountry and offline until early next week, so wanted to drop a "away from office" note that I'm not around to reply in discussions or answer questions. I approved/rejected the E2 submissions that seemed to have good consensus, but there are a few more that are still being debated or just have been good scoring conversations. Feel free to participate or continue submitting and I'll get to all of them before E3 scoring.

E3 scoring will still be on track for the usual time on Monday nights. Cheers everyone! -nyan
(Kill of Named Character)
submitted by nyan (rejected: back!)
Episode 2: Stormborn
Euron needs a special ability.
submitted by talindsey (rejected: added new specials from the suggestions. thanks everyone!)
Conor McGregor is the pirate who punches a man to death at the beginning of the fight.
submitted by (rejected: not McGregor)
Episode 3: The Queen's Justice
Cersei plants a kiss on Tyene Sand, poisoning her with the Long Farewell - the same poison used by Ellaria Sand to kill Myrcella Baratheon. (Major Injury of Named Character)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
After the Tyrell forces are defeated and Highgarden is taken by the Lannisters, Olenna accepts the mercy offering of poisoned wine offered by Jaime.

Olenna: "Will there be pain?"
Jaime: "No, I made sure of that."
Olenna: "That's good."
(Major Injury of Named Character)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Episode 4: The Spoils of War
Brienne managed to get a good kick on Arya, which I believe should count as minor injury (hope I'm submitting this correctly)
submitted by Laxis (rejected)
Resolution on the E4 scoring submissions will be delayed a bit while processing E5. Expect an update in the middle of the week.
submitted by nyan (rejected)
0:00 (+0) Qhono:
I don't really know what Qhono looks like, but if you do: Was he in the battle and did he score some? :D
submitted by Lem Lemoncake (rejected: Not Qhono)
After being forced to the ground by a bolt from the Scorpio, Drogon destroys the ballista weapon with one swipe of his tail. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Episode 5: Eastwatch
0:00 (+0) Jon Snow:
Will wights count as kills? of unnamed characters?
submitted by talindsey (rejected)
Minor injury - While Bran is warging through a murder of crows the Night King assaults Bran through the Crows, breaking the link and leaving Bran shaken and breathless.
submitted by easson27 (rejected)
Episode 6: Beyond the Wall
Since the Night King makes the entire environment cold wherever he goes, and Thoros dies overnight from the cold exposure... could it be argued that the Night King gets kill credit for Thoros? (Kill of Named Character)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
33:07 (+14) Jon Snow:
7 of the wights in the scouting party disintegrate after Jon kills the White Walker leading them.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Episode 7: The Dragon and the Wolf
Just throwing this out there early but I read a few articles online about how Beric and Tormund didnt die in the last scene.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected)
any season finale resolution on Tyene? At this point if she hasnt been refrenced i think its safe to say shes dead. If there are grander plans of her death or some deus ex machina happened we surely would have known by now.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected)
Political Wins
Episode 1: Dragonstone
Gaining Samwell Tarly as a follower in the Citadel
submitted by as38 (rejected: seems to be a teacher (perhaps primary one), but Samwell may not follow him officially (and definitely does not in practice).)
Bran Stark uses his knowledge about the battle at Hardhome to convince Eddison Tollet to grant him and Meera Reed passage into Castle Black. (Convincing Argument)
submitted by Ser Vincent (approved!)
Edd learns that Bran Stark is still alive, after he and Meera Reed show up to the gates of Castle Black. (Secret Discovery)
submitted by hindsight44 (approved!)
Tormund receives a new post to man the Wildlings at Eastwatch-by-the-Sea.

Jon Snow: "The closest castle to Hardhome is Eastwatch-by-the-Sea."
Tormund: "Then that's where I'll go."
(Acquire a New Castle/City/Army/Loot)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Over Jaime's protests, Cersei meets with Euron Greyjoy to hear his alliance proposal, although it ultimately ends in Euron leaving empty-handed with a promise to return with a gift. (Executive Decision)
submitted by hindsight44 (approved!)
While looking into Thoros' flames, Sandor Clegane discovers the location of the planned White Walker invasion: Eastwatch-by-the-Sea.

"Ice.  A wall of ice.  The Wall. ... It's where the Wall meets the sea.  There's a castle there.  There's a mountain.  Looks like an arrowhead.  The dead are marching past.  Thousands of them."
(Secret Discovery)
submitted by jake.kmiech (approved!)
Episode 2: Stormborn
Nymeria changes Arya's mind to go back to Kings Landing instead of going back home. At least this is what I'm pretty sure happened. I know it's indirect since Nymeria can't speak, but wouldn't this be considered an action by Nymeria in that it sways the direction of story?
submitted by nathan (rejected: no confirmation yet)
Arya encounters Nymeria in the forest, where she leads her own pack of wolves. (Acquire a New Castle/City/Army/Loot)
submitted by ssantise (approved!)
Convincing Randyll Tarly to join their side.

We know from the trailers that the Tarlys do fight on their side. And it's Jamie's talk with him that pulls him over.
submitted by jimmy.tague (rejected: will count upon confirmation of Tarly fighting for the Lannisters)
Daenerys gains an ally with Melisandre coming to Dragonstone.
submitted by shannonferretti (rejected)
Davos suggests that Daenerys's dragons will be a powerful asset against the fight against the wights, and suggests allying with her, despite Sansa's protests. Ultimately, Jon decides to personally travel to Dragonstone to meet with Daenerys, citing Davos' arguments in his appeal to the Northern Lords.

"What breathes fire?" ...  "But if the army of the dead makes it past the wall, do we have enough men to fight them?"

(Convincing Argument)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
Theon betrayed Yara when he jumped off the ship.
submitted by kevinpetsky (rejected: Theon had some rational self-interest in running, not quite a betrayal)
0:00 (+0) Varys:
I would like to contest both Tyrion and Varys BROKERED A DEAL. As we established last week, deals are not brokered till terms are set or some agreeement is met. In S6 all we know is Varys meets with tyrells/martells, his only line is 'fire and blood'. In episode 2 Dany thanks Varys for bringing her these allies.

They never actually agree to anything and become Danys followers until Tyrion explains the battleplan.

Id say Tyrion and Varys tag teamed this one but if anyone deserves points its Varys because Tyrion needed some convincing from Varys when originally left for Merren in s6.'We need allies in Westeroes' conversation at the dock.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected)
0:00 (+3) Hot Pie:
Hot Pie learns that Arya Stark is back in Westeros after recognizing her at the inn. (Secret Discovery)
submitted by EvanWolfe (approved!)
Euron's axe is seen for the first time. The weapon is clearly very unique and prominent, possibly the most prominent and identifiable weapons ever seen.
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected: not a special enough weapon (needs to be Valyrian steel or have a name or something))
Yara and Theon Greyjoy, and their competing claims to lead the Ironborn, are eliminated as Euron captures Yara and forces Theon to flee after successfully ambushing their fleet. (Rivals Eliminated)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
Two wins here.

1) he is offered the position of Jamie Lannister's General in the war against Daenerys

2) he is offered the position "Warden of the South" after successfully defending the crown against Daenerys
submitted by sanford (rejected: will count upon confirmation of Tarly fighting for the Lannisters)
The Archmaester forbids Jorah Mormont from receiving the experimental Greyscale treatment documented by Archmaester Pylos.

Ebrose: "I'm familiar with Archmaester Pylos and his study of rare diseases ... And shall I tell you how he died? From Greyscale. The procedure's far too dangerous, which is why it's now forbidden."
(Executive Decision)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
Sam discovers an experimental treatment for Greyscale in a study of rare diseases by Archmaester Pylos. (Secret Discovery)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Ellaria and Tyene Sand are taken prisoner by Euron's Ironborn. (New Follower/Prisoner)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Ellaria and Tyene Sand are taken prisoner by one of Euron's Ironborn soldiers, Harrag. (New Follower/Prisoner)
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected: prisoner control goes straight to Euron, not much evidence for Harrag having independent control)
Euron taunts Theon into fleeing the battle as he holds Yara captive: "Ah come on, you cockless coward. I have her. Come and get her." (Convincing Argument)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Episode 3: The Queen's Justice
Bran refuses to take on the mantle as Lord of Winterfell, leaving it to Sansa.
submitted by (rejected: not really a scoring category for not accepting a new title. also a little weak as an executive decision, if that was the intent)
Highgarden is now a part of the Lannister Kingdom.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected: Castles given to the generals who capture them, until we see the ruler arrive to take personal possession)
After seizing Highgarden, the defeated Olenna Tyrell sits in her prisoner as a prisoner of Jaime Lannister. (New Follower/Prisoner)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
I think she Overrules decisions for how to deal with Greyjoy her advisers are recommending when she says "I'm done with clever plans".
This indicates she's going to do what she wants this time.  The strategic plans aren't working for her.   At all.
submitted by mary.d.piccione (rejected: not from this episode)
Daenerys takes Casterly Rock. It's under her control at the end of the episode.
submitted by shannonferretti (rejected: Grey Worm took the castle, but Daenerys doesn't control it yet. Also Daenerys should have some action or at least a line where s)
Dany allows Jon to mine the dragonglass, which is an act of the start of a political alliance.
submitted by shannonferretti (rejected: no alliance or knee-bending promised from Jon.)
submitted by ssantise (rejected)
Tycho Nestoris reaches an agreement on behalf of the Iron Bank to grant Cersei an extension on the Iron Throne's loans, after Cersei convinces him that the alternative of "investing" in Daenerys Targaryen's regime would be unwise. (Deals Brokered)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
With his succesful destruction of Yara Greyjoy's fleet and the "gift" of the captured Ellaria and Tyene Sand, Euron wins over Cersei and convinces her to ally with his Ironborn and accept his marriage proposal. (Convincing Argument)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
Political Win for Randyll Tarly - became a general in the Lannister/Crown army. This was offered to him last week by Jamie Lannister, but it wasn't determined if he accepted it or not. Now we see him riding alongside Jamie, showing that he accepted.
submitted by sanford (rejected: duplicate)
Harrag as the captain of the ship that found reek/theon, he has obtained a new follower as Theon being his prisoner.
submitted by ssantise (rejected: will wait to see further evidence that Theon is serving Harrag.)
Harrag's ship discovers the fate of Theon as he picks him up out of the rubble and water after Euron's attack on Yara's fleet. (Secret Discovery)
submitted by ssantise (approved!)
Jon Snow surrenders Longclaw to the forces of Daenerys Targaryen as a condition of his visit to Dragonstone. (New Weapon)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Cersei casually reveals her night of incest with Jaime in her chambers as she opens the door for one of her handmaidens.

Jaime: "What are you doing? No one can see us like this."
Cersei: "I am Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, I'll do as I please."
(Executive Decision)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Tyrion succesfully brokers a deal for Daenerys to provide Jon Snow and the North with Dragonglass.

Daenerys Targaryen: "I will allow you to mine the dragonglass and forge weapons from it. Any resources or men you need, I will provide for you."
(Deals Brokered)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
40:48 (+3) Jon Snow:
Daenerys grants the cache of Dragonglass to Jon: "I will allow you to mine the Dragonglass and forge weapons from it. Any resources or men you need, I will provide for you." (New Weapon)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
In her dying moments, Olenna Tyrell reveals to Jaime that she was Joffrey's killer.

"I'd hate to die like your son. Clawing at my neck, foam and bile spilling from my mouth, eyes bloodred, skin purple. Must have been horrible for you, as a Kingsguard, as a father. It was horrible enough for me ... You see, I had never seen the poison work before. Tell Cersei. I want her to know it was me."
(Secret Discovery)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Episode 4: The Spoils of War
Littlefinger pledges loyalty to Bran Stark: "Anything I can do for you Brandon, you need only ask." We know how little his words mean in terms of honor and honesty, but he offered his loyalty regardless, and is acting in a subservient role to Bran, even so far as to offer him a gift of his loyalty.
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected: Offer of assistance but not quite a pledge of loyalty)
Brienne is now willing to call herself a lady.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected)
This might be more of a preface for next episode but where do we stand in regards to the deal brokered between Tycho and Cersei? Terms were set and the only thing contingent on the deal being solidified was "as soon as the gold arrives."Randyll Tarly specifcally says all the gold has arrived safely in KL before the attack. So my question is do we wait till next week to award the proper points? In my opinion we should, the only problem could be is if there is no direct confirmation of the deal and Tycho already went back to Braavos.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected: counted)
0:00 (+0) Bronn:
When Bronn shot down a dragon which was burning thousands of people alive i would say this is a minor battle win (As described in the rulebook.) Obviously he lost the total battle but there was a small battle between Bronn and Dany which Bronn won.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected: Will wait on final resolution of battle)
0:00 (+0) Jon Snow:
(Convincing Argument) Daenerys is frustrated from her recent losses and is becoming more bent on attacking the Red Keep directly with her dragons... Jon convinces Daenerys to not use her dragons on the Red Keep/King's Landing.

Daenerys - "I have three large dragons. I'm going to fly them to the Red Keep.... my enemies are in the Red Keep...."
"What do you think I should do?"
Jon Snow - "...the people that follow you know that you made something impossible happen. Maybe that makes them believe that you can make other impossible things happen. Build a world that's different from the shit one they've always known. But if you use [dragons] to melt castles and burn cities, you're not different, you're must more of the same."
submitted by EvanWolfe (rejected)
While standinf guard at Winterfell. Koner is confronted by none other than Arya Stark, someone who is presumed dead.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected: Doesn't meet"exclusive group" criteria)
Jaime acquires all of the Tyrell gold after taking Highgarden, although it is bound for the Iron Bank. (Acquire a New Castle/City/Army/Loot)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
40:04 (+3) Jon Snow:
Jon convinces Daenerys to not take the nuclear option to burn King's Landing and the Red Keep with her dragons, although she still decides to ride Drogon and attack the Lannister caravan returning from the Reach instead.

"I never thought that dragons would exist again. No one did. The people who follow you know that you made something impossible happen. Maybe that helps them believe that you can make other impossible things happen. Build a world that's different from the shit one they've always known.
But if you use them to melt castles and burn cities, you're not different. You're just more of the same."
(Convincing Argument)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Episode 5: Eastwatch
@nyan i went over in length why Cersei should get points for the Iron Bank in another thread no need to reiterate all the points. I dont think convincing Tycho to stick around for two weeks is the same as paying back your debt and setting terms on a goforward basis.(in her convo with Jaime she confirms the Iron Bank is on her side.) the convo also distinguishes the difference between the Iron Bank already supporting her and later on retrieving the Golden Company.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected: counted)
0:00 (+0) Bronn:
As Cersei explains to Jaime quite clearly that Bronn betrayed him by setting up the Tyrion meeting.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected)
Sam commits up to 2 acts of betrayals against the Maesters of the Citadel by stealing books from the restricted section, and then abandoning his post as a maester-in-training.
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected)
Over protests from both his father Randyll and Tyrion, Dickon also decides to die with his father rather than bend the knee to Daenerys Targaryen. "You will have to kill me too." (Executive Decision)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Cersei rejects Jaime's plea to find a peaceful solution out of the conflict with Daenerys.

Jaime: "And if we don't find a way out of this war, we'll follow them."
Cersei: "So we fight and die or we submit and die. I know my choice. A soldier should know his."
(Executive Decision)
submitted by hindsight44 (approved!)
Bran discovers the location of the Night King and the army of the dead, marching towards Eastwatch. "Ravens. We need to send ravens." (Secret Discovery)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
Archmaester Ebrose rejects Sam's pleas to immediately alert the realm about the impending White Walker invasion as the Council of Maesters discusses a letter sent by Maester Wolkan of Winterfell about the army of the dead.

Samwell Tarly: "Archmaester, please. It's real. I've seen it."
Ebrose: "We will write to Maester Wolkan at Winterfell for clarification. I promise you we will get to the truth of it one way or another."
Sam: "Archmaester, please-"
Ebrose: "That will be all, Tarly."
(Executive Decision)
submitted by Ser Vincent (approved!)
Lord Glover and the other Northern lords attempt to usurp Jon Snow and pledge their allegiances to Sansa Stark instead: "We did not choose you to rule us, my Lady. But perhaps we should have." (Act of Betrayal)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Lord Royce and the Northern lords attempt to usurp Jon Snow and pledge their allegiances to Sansa Stark instead: "The Knights of the Vale came here for you, Lady Stark." (Act of Betrayal)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Jaime is taken by Bronn to the dungeons beneath the Red Keep, where he finds his fugitive brother Tyrion who has arranged a meeting with him there. (Secret Discovery)
submitted by hindsight44 (approved!)
32:25 (+3) Bronn:
Bronn finds Tyrion in the dungeons below the Red Keep, later arranging a secret meeting between him and Jaime. (Secret Discovery)
submitted by hindsight44 (approved!)
47:25 (+3) Gilly:
Gilly learns about a secret marriage by Prince Rhaegar Targaryen recorded in a book by High Septon Maynard.

Gilly: "What does 'annulment' mean?"
Samwell: "It's when a man sets aside his lawful wife."
Gilly: "Maynard says here that he issued an annulment for a Prince 'Ragger' and remarried him to someone else at the same time in a secret ceremony in Dorne."
(Secret Discovery)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Arya observes Littlefinger discreetly passing a coin to a girl in the kennels of Winterfell, and later seeming to discuss something with Lord Glover and Lord Royce in private. (Secret Discovery)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
57:56 (+15) Jon Snow:
Jon and the Magnificent Seven set out beyond the Wall from Eastwatch, on a ranging to capture a wight to bring back south. Among the new recruits under his command are Jorah Mormont, Gendry, Beric Dondarrion, Thoros, and the Hound. (New Follower/Prisoner)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Episode 6: Beyond the Wall
New weapon - Arya gives Sansa the dagger
submitted by iamjodiehuang (rejected: Not a formal gifting.)
0:00 (+0) Bronn:
Either its a new title or Funny Line but Bronns speech about how he loves people calling him my lord should counted.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected)
Davos opens the gates to Eastwatch to discover Gendry collapsed on the ground with crucial information, and sends for a raven to inform Daenerys.
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected: Sort of failing by exclusive audience, as Davos doesn't really run Eastwatch.)
New Weapon - Tormund takes Gendry's hammer
submitted by iamjodiehuang (rejected)
Little Finger, a member of her council, has betrayed Sansa.  By allowing Arya to find the letter, he has created a barrier of trust between Arya and Sansa, pitting them against each other.  This goes directly against Sansa's interests and isolates her from her family.  And as we see puts her closer to Petyr.  
submitted by cmwalker521 (rejected)
18:18 (+3) Jon Snow:
Beric Dondarrion: "You and I won't find much joy while we're here. But we can keep others alive. We can defend those who can't defend themselves."
Jon Snow: "I am the shield that guards the realm of men."
(House Words)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
34:29 (+3) Gendry:
As the messenger tasked with running back to Eastwatch, Gendry becomes the only person not trapped on the rocky outcropping to know of the fate of the expedition. (Secret Discovery)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Beric says a brief prayer for Thoros after they discover him perished in the night. "Lord of Light, show us the way. Come to us in our darkness and lead your servant into the light ... Lord of Light, come to us in our darkness. For the night is dark and full of terrors." (House Words)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Episode 7: The Dragon and the Wolf
The knights of the Vale leave Littlefinger to die, doesn't that mean that they're pledging loyalty to Sansa?
submitted by timmyblob (rejected)
Convinced the Northern lords and his sisters that Baelish told Ned "I did warn you not to trust me" and his testimony is what sealed Baelish's fate.
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected)
Cersei betrays Jaime when she specifcally doesnt involve him (her general) in her plan to betray Dany. He implicitly trusts Cersei and she went behind his back causing him to leave for good.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected: counted for betrayal for the armies she agreed to send)
The first living being to see the NKs Ice Dragon.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected)

The Hound kicks the captured wight out of the box, sending it running toward Cersei, before yanking it back with a chain.  In doing so, he convinces Cersei, Euron, Qyburn, and (especially) Jaime of the immediate danger of the White Walkers

(Convincing Argument)
submitted by jake.kmiech (rejected)
Act of Betrayal: Him and Cersei betraying their alliance with Dany?
submitted by williamfmarr (rejected)
Publicly commits and act of betrayal against Cersei and the cause of the living as a whole when he walks out of the pit. We learn later that this is a plan orchestrated by Cersei, but it is a betrayal in the eyes of all parties not in the know, and was an act of betrayal at the time.
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected: duplicate)
After a private meeting with Tyrion, Cersei agrees to a truce with the Targaryen and Northern forces so that they may collectively combat the White Walker threat, completing the deal brokered by Tyrion, Jaime, and Bronn's secret meeting. (Deals Brokered)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
After a private meeting with Tyrion, Cersei agrees to a truce with the Targaryen and Northern forces so that they may collectively combat the White Walker threat, completing the deal brokered by Tyrion, Jaime, and Bronn's secret meeting. (Deals Brokered)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
40:01 (+3) Bronn:
After a private meeting with Tyrion, Cersei agrees to a truce with the Targaryen and Northern forces so that they may collectively combat the White Walker threat, completing the deal brokered by Tyrion, Jaime, and Bronn's secret meeting. (Deals Brokered)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Royce rejects the command of Littlefinger, dooming him to Sansa's sentence in his 'trial' at the court of Winterfell.

Petyr Baelish: "I am Lord Protector of the Vale and I command you to escort me safely back to the Eyrie."
Yohn Royce: "I think not."
(Act of Betrayal)
submitted by brandonthebigB (approved!)
Cersei declares that the Lannister armies will not be sent north to help fight the White Walkers, over Jaime's protests.

"The monsters are real. The White Walkers, the dragons, the Dothraki screamers all the frightening stories we heard when we were young, they're all real. So be it. Let the monsters kill each other. And while they battle in the North, we take back the lands that belong to us."
(Executive Decision)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Cersei reneges on her promise to send her armies to fight the Army of the Dead in the north, threatening Jaime with treason for disobeying.

Jaime: "I pledged to ride north. I intend to honor that pledge."
Cersei: "And that will be treason."
Jaime: "Treason?"
Cersei: "Disobeying your queen's command, fighting with her enemies. What would you call it?"
Jaime: "Doesn't matter what I'd call it."
(Act of Betrayal)
submitted by hindsight44 (approved!)
Jaime stands by his commitment to ride the Lannister armies north to fight, ignoring Cersei's command to let the monsters fight each other out.

"I pledged to ride north. I intend to honor that pledge."
(Executive Decision)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Episode 1: Dragonstone
Jamie to Cersei
Jamie- The ironborn aren't good at anyone. Bitter, angry little people.

Jamie to Euron
Jamie-Your not a rightful monarch are you? Greyjoys rebelled...and as I recall you were soundly defeated

Seemed like a nice roast fest back and forth between Euron and Jamie.
submitted by jimmy.tague (rejected: duplicate for
I've got two hands
submitted by k.lindsay12 (rejected: duplicate, consolidating to:
Jaime: "How are they better allies? How are they different from the Freys? They both broke their promises and murdered their former friends as soon as it suited them."
Cersei: "So does everyone, when it suits them. Unlike the Freys, they have ships, and they're good at killing."
Jaime: "They're not good at anything."
(Witty Insult)
submitted by alicehanners (approved!)
14:58 (+3) Jon Snow:
Sansa Stark: "They respect you, they really do, but you have to- Why are you laughing?"
Jon Snow: "What did father used to say? Everything before the word 'but' is horse shit."
(Witty Insult)
submitted by andrei.sias (approved!)
Jaime: "The people I was cutting down were your own kin."
Euron: "The place was getting crowded."
(Funny Line)
submitted by hsackman2146 (approved!)
When he said to Jamie and Cersei, ".... with two good hands." Making a joke of Jamie having lost one his hands. (Witty Insult)
submitted by Th3 JaBBeRWoCK (approved!)
"No need to seize the last word, Lord Baelish. I'll assume it was something clever." (Witty Insult)
submitted by xdwxrd (approved!)
Episode 2: Stormborn
Hot Pie: "You've been making pies?"
Arya: "One or two." (in reference to her Frey pies)
(Funny Line)
submitted by ssantise (approved!)
Tyrion should get points for the jab at Ellaria in the map room. "I know how you wage war. We don't poison little girls" Sorry this may not be exact but it's directed right at Ellaria.
submitted by ssleppy (rejected: not quite enough support and not quite that good of a line)
on Melisandre's arrival to Dragonstone, after Varys protests that she had served Stannis Baratheon: "You chose an auspicious day to arrive at Dragonstone. We've just decided to pardon those who once served the wrong King." (Witty Insult)
submitted by kimberly.ramia (approved!)
23:58 "Then how do you mean to take the Iron Throne? By asking nicely?"
submitted by kakozbia (rejected: just falls a little short of the bar)
"I've known a great many clever men. I've outlived them all. You know why? I ignored them."

"The lords of Westeros are sheep. Are you a sheep? No, you're a dragon. Be a dragon."
submitted by kakozbia (rejected)
When her and Ellaria are flirting and teasing Theon before being attacked. " Oh No there's about to be a foreign invasion" Ellaria reaches for yara and then Boom.
submitted by wdgannon42 (rejected: line came from Ellaria)
0:00 (+0) Hot Pie:
After treating Arya to a nice meal and catching up with recent events, Hot Pie finally makes his move:  
"Can't believe I thought you were a boy... You're pretty!"
submitted by EvanWolfe (rejected: not quite enough support)
Euron taunts Theon into fleeing the battle as he holds Yara captive: "Ah come on, you cockless coward. I have her. Come and get her." (Witty Insult)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
Euron sarcastically and disparagingly to Yara as he approaches her to cut her down: "Give your uncle a kiss" (Witty Insult)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
"I'm a Tarly. That name means something. We're not oathbreakers. We're not schemers. We don't stab our rivals in the back or cut their throats at weddings." (Witty Insult)
submitted by peggypcwu (approved!)
Samwell Tarly: "I met Stannis Baratheon's daughter at Castle Black. She had the Greyscale as a baby and was cured."
Archmaester Ebrose: "No."
Samwell: "Isn't there some way..."
Ebrose: "Does this look like a baby to you?" (referencing their patient, Jorah Mormont)
Samwell: "No."
Ebrose: "Have you studied the varying rates of greyscale progression in infants and fully grown men?"
Samwell: "No."
(Funny Line)
submitted by pacelli929 (approved!)
Daenerys: "And I swear this: if you ever betray me, I'll burn you alive." (Threat)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
36:53 (+3) Hot Pie:
Arya: "Take care of yourself, Hot Pie. Try not to get killed"
Hot Pie: "I won't. I'm like you 'Arry. I'm a survivor."
(Funny Line)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Episode 3: The Queen's Justice
submitted by ssleppy (rejected: duplicate:
While Davos is explaining how he almost took King's Landing without dragons, Tyrion reminds Davos who won the battle with a perfectly-timed genius comeback: "Almost."
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected: not high enough quality)
0:00 (+0) Jon Snow:
submitted by xdwxrd (rejected: a little below the threshold)
0:00 (+0) Jon Snow:
Daenerys doesn't believe Jons White Walker story. Irritated he informs her "Youll be ruling over a graveyard"
submitted by xdwxrd (rejected)
Davos exhibits smooth self-deprecating and dark humor when referring to his own defeat in Season 2

Tyrion: "We fought on opposite sides at the Battle for Blackwater Bay"
Davos: "Unluckily for me"
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected: not quite there quality-wise)
Daenerys asks if Davos has his facts wrong about Torrhen Stark's pledge three centuries ago. Davos responds with a snide and witty comeback: "I wasn't there, your grace."
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected: not quite there quality-wise)
Davos has had enough of Daenerys parading around as if she is the only one in the room with impressive accomplishments and a destiny to lead. He exhibits massive cojones and responds back to the Dragon Queen with an epic comeback, bringing up Jon Snow's credentials to counter Daenerys's:
"...but if destiny has brought Daenerys Targeryen back to our shores, it has also made Jon Snow King in the North... he is the first to make allies of Wildlings and Northmen ... not because of his birthright, he has no birthright, he's a damn bastard ... all those hard sons of bitches chose him as a leader ... he took a knife in the heart for his people ... if we don't put aside our enmities and band together, we will die, and then it doesn't matter whose skeleton sits on the Iron Throne"
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected)
to Varys: "I will return, dear Spider, one last time. I have to die in this strange country... just like you." (Threat)
submitted by hindsight44 (approved!)
on Cersei: "She's a disease, I regret my role in spreading it. You will too." (Witty Insult)
submitted by megan.m.rabuse (approved!)
on Joffrey Baratheon: "He really was a cunt, wasn't he?" (Funny Line)
submitted by megan.m.rabuse (approved!)
Insulting Cersei to Jaime "Your sister has done things I wasn't capable of imagining. That was my prize mistake, a failure of imagination. She's a monster, you do know that? You love her, you really do love her. She'll be the end of you."
submitted by megan.m.rabuse (rejected: quality)
There has to be some points for Euron when he arrived in the throne room, probably the most entertaining scene of the episode. Including the references and taunts aimed at Jaime.
submitted by xdwxrd (rejected: considering the specific line submissions individually)
to Yara, mocking Theon's reaction during their battle on her ship: "*Ohhh noooo!* What a twat." (Witty Insult)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
to Jaime: "There's nothing like it is there, the love of the people ... but I suppose you wouldn't know". (Witty Insult)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
12:54 (+3) Jon Snow:
Daenerys Targaryen: "Did you see three dragons flying overhead when you arrived? ... and did you see the Dothraki, all of whom have sworn to kill for me?"
Jon: "They're hard to miss."
(Funny Line)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Daenerys Targaryen: "In the time since he's met me, he's refused to call me Queen, he's refused to bow, and now he's calling me a child."
Tyrion: "I believe he's calling all of us children. Figure of speech."
(Funny Line)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
to Jaime: "Does she like it gentle, or rough? A finger in the bum? Shh, shh, shh, shh, not now. We'll talk later." (Funny Line)
submitted by jbornstein89 (approved!)
Jon Snow: "I'm a prisoner on this island."
Tyrion: "I wouldn't say you're a prisoner on this island. You're free to walk the castle, the beaches, to go wherever you want."
(Funny Line)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Daenerys catches Tyrion in one of his signature made-up proverbs and calls him out:

Tyrion: "I'd very much like to believe that Jon Snow is wrong. But a wise man once said that you should never believe a thing simply because you want to believe it."
Daenerys: "Which wise man said this?"
Tyrion: "I don't remember."
Daenerys: "Are you trying to present your own statements as ancient wisdom?"
(Funny Line)
submitted by jedjackoway (approved!)
to Daenerys: "Let him mine the Dragonglass. If he's wrong, it's worthless. You didn't even know it was here." (Funny Line)
submitted by nyan (rejected: resolved secrets discussion. And I guess this wasn't funny.)
Episode 4: The Spoils of War
Arya: Why would a cutthroat have a Valyrian steel dagger?

Bran:Someone very wealthy wanted me dead.

Considering he knows what happened already there is wit to this statement. Also humor even though his comedic skills are on par with Amy Schumer.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected: not quite a lot of support)
Bran interrupts Littlefinger's meddling mind games as soon as Littlefinger mentions chaos with a comeback that leaves Littlefinger speechless and his underpants soiled: "Chaos is a ladder" (Threat)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
'You died in that cave'. Meera insults Brans lack of empathy.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected)
0:00 (+3) Bronn:
Jaime to Bronn: Besides think of the upkeep, the more you own the more it weighs you down.

Bronn To Jaime: Is that why you're so glum eh? All your new riches weighing you down?
(Witty Insult)
submitted by hindsight44 (approved!)
0:00 (+0) Bronn:
Bronn laughs at Dickon's name. Both funny and an insult.
submitted by timmyblob (rejected)
to Arya: "Look, its cold and we're busy. So you know... best fuck off." (Witty Insult)
submitted by hindsight44 (approved!)
Davos corrects Jon's grammar with a classic callback from his former King, Stannis Baratheon:

Jon Snow: "How many men do we have in the North to fight him? 10,000? Less?"
Davos: "Fewer."
Jon: "What?"
(Funny Line)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
Missandei: "All of us who came with her from Essos, we believe in her. She's not our Queen because she's the daughter of some king we never knew. She's the Queen we chose."
Davos, to Jon Snow: "Will you forgive me if I switch sides?"
(Funny Line)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
Dickon: "Ser Jaime."
Jaime: "Rickon."
Dickon: "...Dickon."
Bronn: ???
(Funny Line)
submitted by kevinpetsky (approved!)
45:41 (+3) Qhono:
to Tyrion, as the battle becomes a rout for the Lannisters: "You're people can't fight." (Witty Insult)
submitted by garretgill (approved!)
Episode 5: Eastwatch
Tyrion: "Who's that (raven letter) for?"
Varys: "Jon Snow."
Tyrion: "Did you read it?"
Varys: "It's a sealed scroll for the King in the North."
Tyrion: "What's it say?"
(Funny Line)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Cersei: "Do you remember what Father used to say about people?"
Jaime: "The lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep."
Cersei: "Never betray me again."
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Sam goes on a rant to Gilly about the order of Maesters: "We can all become slavering, murderous imbeciles in thrall to evil incarnate as long as we can have access to the full records of High Septon Maynard's 15,782 shits!" (Witty Insult)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
Episode 6: Beyond the Wall
Sandor Clegane: "I could not give two shits about Wildlings. Gingers, I hate."
Tormund: "Gingers are beautiful. Kissed by fire, - just like you"
submitted by iamjodiehuang (rejected: counted already as a funny line)
Jon Snow: "She will only fight beside us if I bend the knee."
Tormund: "You spent too much time with the Free Folk. Now you don't like kneeling."
(Witty Insult)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Tormund: "I want to make babies with her - think of them. Great big monsters. They'd conquer the world." (Funny Line)
submitted by Laxis (approved!)
Episode 7: The Dragon and the Wolf
submitted by tommywaffles18 (rejected)
Tyrion:"What did i tell you about dwaef jokes?"

Theon:"His arent event good."

Referring to Euron
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected: sorry Theon, your insult wasn't even good either)
Bronn and Jaime discuss the Unsullied army standing outside the gates of King's Landing.

Bronn: "Men without cocks. You wouldn't find me fighting in an army if I had no cock. What's left to fight for?"
Jaime: "Gold?"
Bronn: "I spent my life around soldiers. What do you think they spend that gold on?"
Jaime: "Family."
Bronn: "Not without a cock, you don't."
Jaime: "Maybe it really is all cocks in the end"
(Funny Line)
submitted by kevinpetsky (approved!)
briefing Gregor Clegane in Jaime's presence: "If anything goes wrong, kill the silver-haired bitch first, then our brother, then the bastard who calls himself King. The rest of them you can kill in any order you see fit." (Threat)
submitted by hindsight44 (approved!)
11:17 (+3) Bronn:
Tyrion Lannister: "Are you? Helping me to arrange this meeting wasn't exactly looking after yourself, was it? You put yourself at risk."
Bronn: "I put yourself at risk. Important difference. It's your head Queen Cersei's offered a bag of gold for, it's not mine. Now, thanks to me, she's got two traitors' heads coming right through her door. She can lop them both off as soon as she gets tired of the clever words that pour out their pieholes. All thanks to Ser Bronn of the fucking Blackwater. If that's not looking after myself, I don't know what is."
submitted by hindsight44 (approved!)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Episode 1: Dragonstone
As they're approaching this house Thoros is clearly raising the jug to take a drink on the right side of the screen.
submitted by tylermanhart (rejected: just misses out on being an on-screen drink)
Occurs at 44:27. Thoros asks The Hound if he would like some rum from his flask. The Hound declines, then Thoros is seen drinking rum from the flask
submitted by jgiuliano (rejected: duplicate)
Episode 2: Stormborn
When meeting with Daenerys in Dragonstone, Tyrion can be seen holding a glass of wine and taking a drink out of it as he moves offscreen (5 min, 16 seconds into episode) and should receive points for a glass of wine consumed.
submitted by mattschweiger13 (rejected)
Episode 6: Beyond the Wall
Jon pours one out for their homie Thoros, providing fuel with which to cremate the body. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Episode 3: The Queen's Justice
Are we no longer doing consolation points for characters who died in previous weeks? Last season we were, but it seems to have changed.  Mostly I'm just curious.
submitted by nick.embrey (rejected: no more +1 per episode death consolation points starting in S7 scoring)
Episode 7: The Dragon and the Wolf
Off-screen death has been discussed by the crew for Ellaria here:
submitted by jtrernst (rejected)
The captured wight is stabbed by Jon with dragonglass, as Jon demonstrates one of the two ways to kill the undead. (Death)
submitted by jake.kmiech (approved!)
Episode 1: Dragonstone
When she tells the young soldiers, "I'm going to kill the queen." I would consider that to be mentioning someone off of her hit list.
submitted by nathan (rejected: needs to be a recital, also we're giving Arya the changing faces special)
I still believe that Brienne of Tarth should receive a special point for when she knocked down Podrick, and Tormund Giantsbane gives his usual lustful stare and comments "Oh, you're a lucky man". If that's not referencing her attractiveness then I don't know what is.
submitted by mdaijon (rejected)
horrible attempt at fighting Brienne
submitted by martineza417 (rejected: OP and any of us probably gets their ass kicked by Brienne, so Pod didn't fare too badly.)
Does he still get friendzoned? It appears that the greyscale infection might be his new thing. Don't know if he should get special points everytime he takes a look at his arm or shows it to someone for the camera to see. We probably have to wait for more episodes to see if he's kept in quarantine for longer or so
submitted by Lem Lemoncake (rejected: approved new special for Jorah explaining he has greyscale, however he didn't do that this episode)
0:00 (+0) Jon Snow:
Cersei recounts her list of enemies. "Ned Stark's bastard has been named King in the North and that murdering whore Sansa stands beside him."
submitted by alicehanners (rejected: only in-person 'bastards' will count)
0:00 (+0) Jon Snow:
Cersei calls Jon Ned's "bastard son" when talking with Jaime
submitted by tbaum9842 (rejected: duplicate)
0:00 (+0) Jon Snow:
Is referred to as "Ned Stark's bastard" becoming King in the North by Cersei during her conversation on the map of Westeros
submitted by sanford (rejected: will need to be said in Jon's presence)
Sandor has a multiplier for "2x multiplier for actions performed while confronted by fire". This multiplier was however not applied to the points The Hound earned for Insults Delivered towards Thoros. This occurred while Thoros directly confronted The Hound with a fire
submitted by jgiuliano (rejected)
While responding to Jaime about him fleeing after the Greyjoy Rebellion: "If I hadn't done that, I wouldn't be the greatest captain of the fourteen seas" (Special)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
A bit out of left field, BUT:

What if a point is awarded for each character for each scene in which they speak, BUT only if they are not listed in the opening credits? Scene being location change (i.e. Jaime and Cersei's transition from hall to beach counts, Hound would have two different scenes at the farmer's house because they switched to another storyline in the middle).

That would exclude the following characters for Episode 1, and the title credits would easily keep track for you:

Tyrion Lannister
Jaime Lannister
Cersei Lannister
Daenerys Targaryen
Jon Snow
Petyr Baelish
Davos Seaworth
Sansa Stark
Arya Stark
Brienne of Tarth
Samwell Tarly
Bran Stark
Tormund Giantsbane
Sandor Clegane (The Hound)
Jorah Mormont

It seems like, as someone pointed out, most of the smaller characters are just useless filler. This would be a really good balancing rule.

It would give points to about 15 minor characters this episode, and a single point is enough to contribute but not enough to tip the scales.
submitted by alicehanners (rejected)
Special Suggestion:  Everytime he gets absolutely wrecked by Lyanna Mormont
submitted by kevinpetsky (rejected)
Arya peels off the mask of Walder Frey to reveal herself after assassinating the host of Freys in the dining hall at the Twins. (Special)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
A new proposed special for the Mountain (adds to his existing special): points for convincing people to back down through silent intimidation.

Gregor steps in as Euron Greyjoy attempts to approach Cersei up the steps to the Iron Throne.
submitted by nyan (rejected)
Euron Greyjoy: "Ever since I was a little boy, I wanted to grow up and marry the most beautiful woman in the world, so here I am with a thousand ships and two good hands." (looks at Jaime) (Special)
submitted by adamjfallon (approved!)
Euron Greyjoy: "Ever since I was a little boy, I wanted to grow up and marry the most beautiful woman in the world, so here I am with a thousand ships and two good hands." (looks at Jaime) (Special)
submitted by xdwxrd (approved!)
Samwell Tarly: "I asked you if, in light of what I've seen in the North, if I could have access to the restricted area of the library."
Ebrose: "That area is reserved for Maesters. Are you a Maester?"
Samwell: "No."
Ebrose: "Not a very strong proposition, is it?"
submitted by nyan (approved!)
After Tormund speaks to Podrick, he returns his gaze to Brienne and approaches her. (Special)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Ed leads the Lannister camp of soldiers in a song: "for hands of gold are always cold, but a woman's hands are warm." (Special)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Thoros conjures a magic prophecy fire to share a vision of the White Walker invasion with Sandor Clegane. (Special)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Episode 2: Stormborn
That was Nymeria. And she cold-blooded turned down Assassin Arya because she didn't recognize her. That's an Insult.
submitted by timmyblob (rejected)
+1 when he tells/teaches someone something he had learned while greenseeing / tapping into the weirwood
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected: New special added)
Hot Pie calls her the big woman when talking to Arya
submitted by shannonferretti (rejected: only in-person 'bastards' will count)
I listened to what may have been Grey Worm's longest monolog over again and couldn't believe he did not say a single three syllable word that was not a noun.  :(
submitted by Woodez (rejected)
Yara makes a pass at Ellaria below deck as Theon watches. (Special)
submitted by shannonferretti (approved!)
Give Euron a special ability already. It's far enough in to the season for one to have been decided.
submitted by talindsey (rejected: dupe)
Jorah gets examined for greyscale by Archmaester Marwyn and Samwell Tarly. He doesn't actually have any dialogue around "I have greyscale" though? Not sure this should be counted for his new special. (Special)
submitted by nyan (rejected: will leave as explicit mentions, sadly this special is over.)
Ebrose: "Does this look like a baby to you?"
Samwell Tarly: "No."
Ebrose: "Have you studied the varying rates of Greyscale progression in infants and fully grown men?"
Samwell: "No."
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Episode 3: The Queen's Justice
He clearly referenced his warg ability to disclose what happened to sansa from many miles away.
submitted by talindsey (rejected: references the warging, but doesn't do it onscreen.)
either points for revealing he is the three eyed raven or for warging ability to tell sansa her past.
submitted by talindsey (rejected: consolidating special discussion to:
Bran looks into the past and describes Sansa's wedding.
submitted by (rejected: consolidating special discussion to:
Deserves special for reliquinishing the secret that the three eyed raven died beyond the wall.
submitted by talindsey (rejected)
Welcoming Jon Snow and Davos Seaworth to Dany's throne room, Missandei recites the sheer endless amount of titles her queen has received or given herself. Are there any special points to score for eventually new titles? :)
submitted by Lem Lemoncake (rejected: Dany must say them herself)
Missandei lists of Danny's various titles when meeting Jon. Since Danny is a queen in her own eyes now, I don't think she will be introducing or announcing herself anymore. I believe that her special should count when others list off her titles as well.
submitted by Th3 JaBBeRWoCK (rejected)
He got friendzoned by sam that was scene as the handshake. ( no specification about male or female).
submitted by talindsey (rejected)
0:00 (+0) Jon Snow:
Jon surrenders longclaw to danerys.Not sure if I'm reaching here but does this activate/count as him "losing" longclaw. At least for the time being on dragonstone?
submitted by playabills (rejected)
Melisandre should get secrets points for revealing varys to his death in westoros. Also, that is a reference to her visions which is her special.
submitted by talindsey (rejected: not specific/confirmable enough to be a secret)
I can't find my threads where I post. She deserves her special for revealing the death of her and varys. if not special that would be secret divulged to varys that he would die in westeros.
submitted by talindsey (rejected)
0:00 (+0) Varys:
Varys to Melisandre: "If you dont mind my saying, I dont think you should return to Westeroes, im not sure you'd be safe here."
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected)
0:00 (+0) Varys:
Varys met in secret with Melisandre and she mentioned him being a eunuch.
submitted by pridethesaint (rejected: secret for Melisandre, but not a secret meeting for Varys, possibly we can refine wording)
0:00 (+0) Varys:
Varys confronts Melisandre about not welcoming Jon Snow to Dragonstone in a private and potentially secret meeting.
submitted by dlapato (rejected)
Archmaester Ebrose: "You treated him?"
Samwell Tarly: "Yes."
Ebrose: "Who told you to treat him?"
Sam: "No one."
Ebrose: "Who forbade you, or anyone, to attempt to treat him?"
Sam: "I seem to remember you."
Ebrose: "But you treated him anyway?"
Sam: "I did, yes."
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Episode 4: The Spoils of War
There was so much discussion about Arya's list. She brings it up to Sansa and then Bran brings it up to her. She even called attention to the fact that she doesn't recite it because everyone but Cersei is already dead! I think you should either come up with a new special or count this 2x.
submitted by timmyblob (rejected)
Disclosure of aryas secret list. How do thee clearly geenseeing visions not count? Just because It doesn't show his eyes roll back doesn't mean he just stumbled upon information. This should've been changed for last week as well as counted for this week.
submitted by talindsey (rejected)
If he didn't greensee when he calls out arys list then why does he have the warg special? Same argument as last week with revealing sansa's past. These are not known throughout the north or seven kingdoms.
submitted by talindsey (rejected)
So in the preview for the next episode you see a swarm of ravens clearly all warged by bran will he receive points for all the ravens warged or just one? it seems that special is vague in situations like these. because he is technically warging into many different things.
submitted by talindsey (rejected: see discussion at:
0:00 (+0) Bronn:
Bronn debates with Jaime later in the battle who should use the Scorpion. The decision is made for Bronn to use it because he has two working hands.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected)
Can he have the writing raven scrolls and reading books special as well?
submitted by talindsey (rejected: cleanup)
39:38 (+3) Bronn:
Bronn: "Get back to King's Landing."
Jaime Lannister: "I'm not abandoning my army."
Bronn: "You're the commander, not a damn infantryman. Those fuckers are about to swamp us."
submitted by hindsight44 (approved!)
Jamie uses his golden hand to block a strike from an attacking Dothraki. (Special)
submitted by cyprus05 (approved!)
Episode 5: Eastwatch
He also, is terrified once out of warg. "(gasp) ravens, we need to send out ravens."
submitted by talindsey (rejected)
He deserves points for the whole flock. No other person thus far has been able to warg into multiple things at one time.
submitted by talindsey (rejected: counted separately)
55:19 Tormund Giantsbane asks Jon Snow if he brought "The big women" with him to Eastwatch.
submitted by megharr36 (rejected: Special references required to be said in the presence of the person)
can he special be amended to explaining he has cured his greyscale?
submitted by talindsey (rejected: cleanup)
Samwell: "Perhaps we ought to listen to what the boy has to say."
Archmaester Ebrose: "I sense a more detailed proposal is forthcoming?" (Spoken in tone of a rhetorical question)
submitted by Ser Vincent (rejected)
Sam reads from a book as he transcribes it onto a fresh set of paper, before handing it over to Baby Sam. (Special)
submitted by hkeseyan (approved!)
Episode 6: Beyond the Wall
Where are the special points for Brienne when someone comments on her size/masculinity/attractiveness? Tormund has done this in several episodes.
submitted by cecilia.vy (rejected)
What about everytime he hand delivers a scroll? I know its a bit much but this guy has been in almost every episode this season and does virtually nothing. Even when Ramsey killed Roose last season he somehow managed to be completley forgettable. Atleast this would give him something.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected: cleanup)
Beric lights his sword on fire as the wight bear descends on the party. (Special)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Episode 7: The Dragon and the Wolf
His special seem outdated. I'm not sure where being denied a drink came from, that seems to have happened in maybe one or two scenes. Also he hasn't given anyone money in several seasons.

Can this be re-evaluated?

A point every time someone refers to his height, stature, dwarfism? A point every time someone refers to his Lannister heritage? etc
submitted by alicehanners (rejected: cleanup)
The reek special is a bit outdated. Maybe he can get special points whenever he supports Yara? Or are we trying to cut down all specials to 1 per char anyway?
submitted by Lem Lemoncake (rejected: cleanup)
+1 when he references closing or opening a loan
submitted by hkeseyan (rejected: cleanup)
Special update proposal for Jorah: remove the "about Essos" restriction on his "servers as an encyclopedia for history/culture" special. He did the thing this episode, and since we left Essos we're unlikely to be going back there.


Jorah explains the purpose of the ancient dragonpit in King's Landing.

Missandei: "Why did they build it?"
Jorah: "Dragons don't understand the difference between what is theirs and what isn't. Land, livestock, children Letting them roam free around a city was a problem."
submitted by nyan (rejected)
The Feels
Episode 4: The Spoils of War
I think the Stark children reunion is a warm fuzzy moment. Bran Arya and Sansa i think should all get points.
submitted by hindsight44 (rejected)
The reunion at Eddard's statue was warm and fuzzy. The Stark sisters hugged!
submitted by timmyblob (rejected: cleanup)
The reunion at Eddard's statue was warm and fuzzy. The Stark sisters hugged!
submitted by timmyblob (rejected: cleanup)
0:00 (+0) Bronn:
Bronn saves Jaime from being burned to a crisp by Drogon. Bronn who also LOST his gold in the process of doing what was right in the moment of the battle. He's turned from a sellsword to a man who will sacrifice himself and his funds to save Jaime. That's as warm/fuzzy as it gets for Bronn.
submitted by timmyblob (rejected: cleanup)
Starting tracking on a new category - a sort of sentimental one for the warm, fuzzy moments on the show, that are so few and far between. I'm unsure if it has good competitive use in the fantasy game, but I wanted to start tracking it from a stats and rewatching for the feels perspective.

Examples from this season might include:

S7E4: Podrick and Brienne's exchange on her fulfillment of Catelyn Stark's vow
S7E3: Jorah and Sam's bro handshake after the successful treatment of his Greyscale
(Warm Fuzzy Moment)
submitted by nyan (rejected)