Matchup: Theon's Sausage Company vs Stannis the Mannis for Ep 2
House Hamilton Season 5
Brienne of Tarth:
Brienne slices one of Littlefinger's men as she and Podrick escape the inn.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Brienne of Tarth:
Brienne saves Podrick and kills two of Littlefinger's men on horseback, shattering the sword of the second soldier and stabbing him through the throat with her Valyrian sword, Oathkeeper.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Daario Naharis :
Daario stabs a member of the Sons of the Harpy, who was concealed behind the wall of a hideout.
(Major Injury of Unnamed Character)
Daario Naharis :
Daario beheads Mossador with his arakh in a public execution. Mossador was sentenced to death on Daenerys' orders, after he murdered the captive Son of the Harpy.
(Kill of Named Character)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Tyrion Lannister:
Varys: "Cersei has offered a lordship to the man who brings her your head."
Tyrion: "She ought to offer her cunt. Best part of her for the best part of me." (Witty Insult)
Tyrion: "She ought to offer her cunt. Best part of her for the best part of me." (Witty Insult)
Tyrion Lannister:
Varys: "Are we really going to spend the entire road to Volantis talking about the futility of everything?"
Tyrion: "You're right, no point." (Funny Line)
Tyrion: "You're right, no point." (Funny Line)
Kevan Lannister:
to Cersei: "I do not recognize your authority to dictate what is and is not my concern. You are the Queen Mother. Nothing more."
(Witty Insult)
Arya Stark:
Braavosi thief: "That's a nice little sword. Worth a hundred pigeons a sword like that."
Arya: "Nothing's worth anything to dead men." (Threat)
Arya: "Nothing's worth anything to dead men." (Threat)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Tyrion Lannister:
Tyrion drinks a glass of wine inside that fucking box.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
+1 for Mance Rayder
Arya Stark:
Arya recites her hitlist five times while waiting outside the House of Black & White. "Cersei. Walder Frey. The Mountain. Meryn Trant."