Matchup: Cersei Must Die vs Sergeant Hodor's Lonely Hearts Club Band for Ep 2
Jared's season 6 league
Tormund Giantsbane:
Tormund cuts down the first of Alliser Thorne's men who is foolish enough to charge at him.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay stabs his father Roose in the gut upon news that Fat Walda has borne Roose a second son.
(Kill of Named Character)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay offers up fresh meat to his hounds in the form of Fat Walda Frey.
(Kill of Named Character)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay offers up fresh meat to his hounds in the form of his newborn half-brother.
Fat Walda: "Please, Ramsay. He's your brother."
Ramsay: "I prefer being an only child." (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Fat Walda: "Please, Ramsay. He's your brother."
Ramsay: "I prefer being an only child." (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Euron Greyjoy:
Euron throws his brother Balon Greyjoy over the bridge at Pyke and into the sea. "I am the storm, brother. The first storm and the last. And you're in my way."
(Kill of Named Character)
Political Wins
Davos Seaworth:
Davos takes up Longclaw (Jon Snow's Valyrian sword) as he and the other Night's Watchmen prepare to defend against Ser Alliser Thorne. "I've never been much of a fighter... Apologies for what you're about to see."
(New Weapon)
Tormund Giantsbane:
Tormund successfully leads the Wildlings to victory at Castle Black, after Ser Alliser Thorne and his men throw down their weapons after a display of Wun Wun's force.
(Victorious Battle)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Tommen Baratheon:
Tommen bars Cersei from attending her daughter Myrcella's funeral, instead ordering her to stay in the Red Keep. Despite having the monstrous zombie Mountain on her side, she respects the King's wishes.
(Executive Decision)
submitted by alicehanners (approved!)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay stabs his father Roose in the gut upon news that Fat Walda has borne Roose a second son.
Roose: "You'll always be my first born."
Ramsay: "Thank you for saying that. It means a great deal to me." (Act of Betrayal)
Roose: "You'll always be my first born."
Ramsay: "Thank you for saying that. It means a great deal to me." (Act of Betrayal)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay leads Fat Walda Frey and his newborn half-brother to a kennel full of his hungry hounds instead of to Lord Bolton. "Of course. Follow me mother."
(Act of Betrayal)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay becomes the new Lord Bolton after killing his father, Roose.
Fat Walda Frey: "Where is Lord Bolton?"
Ramsay: "I am Lord Bolton." (New Title)
Fat Walda Frey: "Where is Lord Bolton?"
Ramsay: "I am Lord Bolton." (New Title)
Davos Seaworth:
Davos convinces Melisandre to make an attempt to revive Jon Snow after she has lost faith in the Lord of Light in their long-awaited Disney moment. "I'm not a devout man, obviously. Seven Gods, Drowned Gods, Tree Gods, it's all the same. I'm not asking the Lord of Light for help. I'm asking the woman who showed me that miracles exist."
(Convincing Argument)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Davos Seaworth:
Davos as he takes Jon's sword and rallies the men against Ser Alliser Thorne: "I've never been much of a fighter... Apologies for what you're about to see."
(Funny Line)
Tormund Giantsbane:
Alliser Thorne: "For thousands of years, the Night's Watch has held Castle Black against the Wildlings."
Tormund: "Until you." (Witty Insult)
Tormund: "Until you." (Witty Insult)
High Sparrow:
to Jaime Lannister, as his Sparrows circle in: "Every one of us is poor and powerless. And yet, together, we can overthrow an empire."
submitted by as38 (approved!)
Jaime Lannister:
High Sparrow: "You would spill blood in this holy place?"
Jaime: "Oh the Gods won't mind. They spill more blood than the rest of us combined." (Threat)
Jaime: "Oh the Gods won't mind. They spill more blood than the rest of us combined." (Threat)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay rejects Fat Walda Frey's please for her son's life.
Fat Walda: "Please, Ramsay. He's your brother."
Ramsay: "I prefer being an only child." (Threat)
Fat Walda: "Please, Ramsay. He's your brother."
Ramsay: "I prefer being an only child." (Threat)
Euron Greyjoy:
to Balon Greyjoy: "I am the storm, brother. The first storm and the last. And you're in my way."
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Cersei Lannister:
Cersei takes a sip while speaking with her son Tommen.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
submitted by rwrigley86 (approved!)
+1 for Doran Martell, +1 for Trystane Martell, +1 for Areo Hotah