Matchup: Jon Blows Snow vs Jorah the Explorah for Ep 7
Ramsay Bolton:
Sansa emerges from her bed, showing the bruises that have been inflicted on her by Ramsay.
(Minor Injury of Named Character)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay has the old woman who attempted to help Sansa flayed and killed. "Tough old bird. Everyone talks when I start peeling them. But this one, her heart gave out before I even got to her face."
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Political Wins
Jon Snow is given a dragonglass dagger by Samwell Tarly, in the event that he needs to fend off the White Walkers.
(Politics - uncategorized)
Theon Greyjoy:
After promising to help Sansa Stark light a signal candle at the top of the broken tower, Reek instead goes directly to Ramsay Bolton to inform him of Sansa's plot.
(Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay discovers Sansa's attempt to call for help after he encounters Reek at the top of the broken tower, prepared to light a signal candle.
(Politics - uncategorized)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
High Sparrow: "I'm telling you a simple truth - I serve the Gods. The Gods demand justice."
Olenna: "How do they communicate their demands? By raven or horse?" (Witty Insult)
Olenna: "How do they communicate their demands? By raven or horse?" (Witty Insult)
Petyr Baelish: "It was an establishment like no other. The sheer range of appetites catered to. Desires that didn't even exist until we invented them."
Olenna: "You've always been rather impressed with yourself, haven't you?" (Witty Insult)
Olenna: "You've always been rather impressed with yourself, haven't you?" (Witty Insult)
Petyr Baelish: "I promise you-"
Olenna Tyrell: "I promise you, Lord Baelish, that our fates are joined. Together we murdered a king. If my house should fall, I will have nothing to hide. And if I should meet with some accident here at your broken little flesh market, they'll never even find what's left of you." (Threat)
Olenna Tyrell: "I promise you, Lord Baelish, that our fates are joined. Together we murdered a king. If my house should fall, I will have nothing to hide. And if I should meet with some accident here at your broken little flesh market, they'll never even find what's left of you." (Threat)
Margaery Tyrell:
to Cersei: "Lies come easily to you. Everyone knows that. But innocence, decency, concern, you're not very good at those, I'm afraid. Perhaps that's why your son was so eager to cast you aside for me."
(Witty Insult)
Margaery Tyrell:
to Cersei in the dungeons: "Get out you hateful bitch!"
submitted by alicehanners (approved!)
Acts of Intercourse
Daenerys Targaryen:
Daenerys and Daario Naharis share pillowtalk after a session in her chambers.
(Act of Intercourse)
Daenerys Targaryen:
As she and Daario Naharis have post-sex pillow talk, Daario rolls on top of her and mounts her again.
(Act of Intercourse)
submitted by angurtheconsumer (approved!)
Tyene Sand:
Tyene strips down to toy with Bronn as he suffers from the effects of her poisoned dagger.
(Non-sexual Nude Scene)