Matchup: STARK or get out vs Can't spell pimp without imp for Ep 5
Valar Morghulis... Don't You Mean YOLO?
Jorah Mormont:
Jorah retrieves his sword and cuts down one of the Stone Men that leaps onto his boat.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Jorah Mormont:
Jorah stabs through one of the Stone Men with his sword.
(Kill of Unnamed Character)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Ramsay Bolton:
Myranda: "I saw you staring at her (Sansa)."
Ramsay: "I'm going to marry her. That will involve looking at her from time to time." (Funny Line)
Ramsay: "I'm going to marry her. That will involve looking at her from time to time." (Funny Line)
Ramsay Bolton:
Miranda: "Do you think she's pretty?"
Ramsay: "Of course I do. I'm not blind. " (Funny Line)
Ramsay: "Of course I do. I'm not blind. " (Funny Line)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
Ramsay Bolton:
about Theon: "He's not Ironborn anymore. Not Theon Greyjoy anymore. He's a new man... a new person, anyway."
(Witty Insult)
Ramsay Bolton:
to Roose Bolton: "How can you be sure... that she's pregnant? I mean... [spacing gesture indicate Fat Walda's size] can you tell?"
(Witty Insult)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay drinks after proposing a toast to Sansa Stark. "My lady, we are all a family, we Northerners. Our blood ties go back thousands of years. So I'd like to drink to our wedding. May our happiness spread from Moat Cailin to the Last Hearth."
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay drinks again from his refilled cup, after Roose Bolton announces that Fat Walda Frey is pregnant.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay drinks while discussing the Bolton line of succession with his father Roose Bolton.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay refills his cup as Roose Bolton tells him the story of her mother.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
Acts of Intercourse
Ramsay Bolton:
Ramsay takes Myranda from behind after their lover's quarrel over Ramsay's marriage to Sansa Stark.
(Act of Intercourse)
+1 for Mance Rayder
Samwell Tarly:
Samwell reads a raven letter to Maester Aemon, reporting on Daenery's current struggles as ruler of Meereen.
Samwell Tarly:
Sam reads in the library of Castle Black while talking to Gilly.
The injured Grey Worm wakes from his sleep, and Missandei is there to comfort him in Valyrian. "You failed no one. You fought bravely. You'll fight again."
Jorah Mormont:
Jorah finishes Tyrion's recital of a poem describing the Doom of Valyria. "... a city of a thousand years, and all that men had learned; The Doom consumed it all alike, and neither of them turned."