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Yronwood Destrier (Public #96)

Owner: kas113

8-1-1, 59 roto pts (#1)
Z-Score: 2.047 (percentile: 97.99%)
Weeks at #1: 8
Categories won: Political Wins (54), Insults Delivered / Funny Lines (105), Glasses of Wine Consumed (65), Acts of Intercourse (50), Special (39)
Best Week: Episode 1: The Wars to Come (+8 roto points)
Team MVP: Cersei Lannister (picked #2, 142 points, 37.57% of team total)
Longest winstreak: W-5

Roster Stats

Character Drafted Total Kills Politics Insults Wine Sex Thrones Deaths Special Feels
Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms and mother to King Tommen.
#2 142 0 12 36 40 30 0 0 24 0
Leader of the Second Sons, a sellsword company who broke their contract and now sides with Daenerys.
#34 73 29 3 15 5 15 0 0 6 0
A former sellsword, who has risen through the ranks of nobility thanks to his fighting skills and work for the Lannisters. He is arranged to marry Lollys Stokeworth, and eventually inherit a lordship and castle of his own.
#15 43 12 0 21 10 0 0 0 0 0
Leader of the Sparrows, a religious movement within the Faith of the Seven.
#50 33 0 24 9 0 0 0 0 0 0
A member of the Faceless Men of Braavos, and a skilled assassin. After helping Arya escape from Harrenhal, his whereabouts are unknown.
#63 33 12 0 3 5 0 0 10 3 0
The daughter of Mace Tyrell, head of House Tyrell. Betrothed to King Tommen, she is the queen-to-be and active in the politics of King's Landing.
#18 26 0 6 15 0 5 0 0 0 0
A squire who serves Tyrion Lannister.
#31 17 0 3 3 5 0 0 0 6 0
One of Prince Oberyn Martell's bastard children, known as the Sand Snakes.
#47 11 2 6 3 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 378 55 54 105 65 50 0 10 39 0


charId Character Special
Queen Regent of the Seven Kingdoms and mother to King Tommen.
* +1 special point every time she pours wine or requests a glass be poured
* +1 point when someone (excl. Jaime) references incest with Jaime or her childrens' bastardy directly to her
* 2x multiplier for sex acts involving incest (first cousin or closer)
A former sellsword, who has risen through the ranks of nobility thanks to his fighting skills and work for the Lannisters. He is arranged to marry Lollys Stokeworth, and eventually inherit a lordship and castle of his own.
+1 point when he gives expert critique/advice on fighting strategy
The daughter of Mace Tyrell, head of House Tyrell. Betrothed to King Tommen, she is the queen-to-be and active in the politics of King's Landing.
+1 point every time she interlocks arms with someone while walking.
A squire who serves Tyrion Lannister.
+1 point for failed attempts at basic tasks.
+1 point for surprising people with how good he is at a task
Leader of the Second Sons, a sellsword company who broke their contract and now sides with Daenerys.
+1 point each time he flirts with Daenerys.
One of Prince Oberyn Martell's bastard children, known as the Sand Snakes.
+1 for invoking the name of Oberyn Martell
Leader of the Sparrows, a religious movement within the Faith of the Seven.
1 politics point every time he (or Sparrows under his order) publicly out a named character for their sins
A member of the Faceless Men of Braavos, and a skilled assassin. After helping Arya escape from Harrenhal, his whereabouts are unknown.
+1 every time he dons a new disguise
In the event that a Faceless Man's identity is ambiguous, points are awarded to the character whose face is worn at the time of the scoring event.
Episode 2: The House of Black and White
Daario beheads Mossador with his arakh in a public execution. Mossador was sentenced to death on Daenerys' orders, after he murdered the captive Son of the Harpy. (Kill of Named Character)
Episode 4: The Sons of the Harpy
31:03 (+2) Bronn:
Bronn kills a snake slithering next to Jaime's head. "Breakfast." (Kill of Unnamed Character)
34:30 (+4) Bronn:
Bronn attacks the Dornish riders, throwing his dagger into the throat of one and stabbing another with his sword. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
34:44 (+2) Bronn:
Bronn cuts down the horse of one of the Dornish riders. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
34:58 (+2) Bronn:
Bronn cuts down the fourth Dornish rider in the background, as Jaime fights with the third. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Obara throws her spear through the head of the merchant who smuggled Jaime and Bronn into Dorne. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
32:58 (+2) Bronn:
Bronn knocks out Trystane Martell after he reaches for his sword. (Minor Injury of Named Character)
Episode 9: The Dance of Dragons
Daario kills two Sons of the Harpy as they reveal themselves and try to attack Daenerys. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Daario kills another Son of the Harpy while defending Daenerys in the fighting pit gallery. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Daario cuts down four enemies as Daenerys' group becomes encircled by the Sons of the Harpy mob. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Daario slices a Son of the Harpy with his arakh in the middle of the fighting pits. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Daario throws his dagger into the stomach of a spear-wielding Son of the Harpy. (Kill of Unnamed Character)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
Political Wins
Episode 2: The House of Black and White
Podrick discovers Sansa in disguise with Petyr Baelish. "My Lady (Brienne)... Sansa Stark. Don't look! ... She's dyed her hair, but it's her." (Politics - uncategorized)
Cersei stacks the Small Council in her favor, appointing the loyal Mace Tyrell as Master of Coin and Qyburn as Master of Whisperers, over the protests of Grand Maester Pycelle and Kevan Lannister.
Grand Maester Pycelle: "Your Grace... him? This- this man (Qyburn)? This... embarrassment to the Citadel? ... what qualifications can he possibly have for this post?"
Cersei: "The qualification of loyalty, Grand Maester. That's far more than the eunuch ever had."
(Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Episode 3: The High Sparrow
Margaery is married to Tommen Baratheon (Politics - uncategorized)
After marrying Tommen Baratheon, Margaery becomes Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. (Politics - uncategorized)
The Sparrows have the High Septon paraded naked through the streets of King's Landing after they catch him with two prostitutes in Littlefinger's brothel. "Hypocrisy is a boil... lancing a boil is never pleasant, although they could have been more careful with the blade." (Politics - uncategorized)
Episode 4: The Sons of the Harpy
Cersei meets with the High Sparrow, naming him as the new High Septon and granting him an army - the Faith Militant.
Cersei: " army in service to the Gods themselves. And to you, of course, as the chosen representative of the Seven."
High Sparrow: "An honor I've never expected. Or indeed, ever wished for."
Cersei: "Which is why you were chosen."
(Politics - uncategorized)
The Faith Militant captures Loras as a prisoner.
Lancel Lannister: "Ser Loras, of House Tyrell. You have broken the laws of Gods and Men."
Loras Tyrell: "Who do you think you are?"
Lancel Lannister: "Justice."
(Politics - uncategorized)
The Sparrows have Ser Loras seized after receiving a tip from Cersei about his homosexuality: "Ser Loras of House Tyrell, you have broken the laws of Gods and Men." (Politics - uncategorized)
Cersei betrays the Tyrells, exposing Ser Loras' homosexuality to the High Sparrow and causing him to be arrested. (Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
Nymeria whips off a barrel concealing the captain that smuggled Jaime and Bronn into Dorne. He was captured after attempting to sell this information to Obara Sand. (Politics - uncategorized)
Obara discovers that Jaime has arrived in Dorne after interrogating the ship captain who smuggled him in. "A ship's captain who found me in Planky Town, claiming he had information to sell. He told me he smuggled Jaime Lannister into Dorne." (Politics - uncategorized)
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
The High Sparrow has Queen Margaery arrested for perjuring herself during Loras' inquest. "The Faith is satisfied there is enough evidence to bring a formal trial... for Ser Loras... and Queen Margaery." (Politics - uncategorized)
The High Sparrow names Margaery Tyrell a sinner for perjuring herself during Loras' inquest. "Bearing false witness before the Gods is a great a sin as any, My Lady. Take her." (Politics - uncategorized)
Cersei's betrayal of the Tyrells is realized further, as her manipulation of the Faith's inquest lands both Ser Loras and Margaery Tyrell in prison after she assures Olenna Tyrell that the High Sparrow's inquest would be merely a formality. (Politics - uncategorized)
Episode 7: The Gift
The High Sparrow imprisons Cersei based on Lancel Lannister's confessions of her sins. "A young man (Lancel) came to us not long ago. Broken in body and spirit. He had so much to strip away. So much weighing him down. But piece by piece, he unburdened himself. Let go of vanity, pride, sin. Now his soul is so light, he will float through the Seven Heavens like a bird. Hmm. And he has much to say about you." (Politics - uncategorized)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
Daario directs traffic in Meereen in the absence of Daenerys, ordering Tyrion, Grey Worm, and Missandei to manage the city while he and Jorah venture out in search of Daenerys. "Good fortune, my friends. Meereen is ancient and glorious. Try not to ruin her." (Politics - uncategorized)
The High Sparrow publicly announces the sins of Cersei Lannister to the people of King's Landing. "She has committed the acts of falsehood and fornication. She has confessed her sins and begged for forgiveness... She comes before you with a solemn heart, shorn of secrets, naked before the eyes of gods and men, to make her walk of atonement." (Politics - uncategorized)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Episode 1: The Wars to Come
Cersei inherit's Tywin's family lecture abilities.
to Jaime: "Tyrion may be a monster, but at least he killed our father on purpose. You killed him by mistake, with stupidity."
(Witty Insult)
Lancel: "I led you into the darkness."
Cersei: "I doubt you've ever led anyone anywhere."
(Witty Insult)
Episode 2: The House of Black and White
Brienne: "Ready the horses."
Podrick: "We only have one horse."
(Funny Line)
Jaime: "I'm going to make this better.
Cersei: "You've never made anything better."
(Witty Insult)
submitted by kas113 (approved!)
Episode 3: The High Sparrow
Cersei with a jab to Margaery while talking to Tommen: "She's certainly very pretty, isn't she? Like a doll. She smiles quite a lot. Do you think she's intelligent? I can't quite tell, not that it matters." (Witty Insult)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
to Cersei: "Can we bring you anything to eat or drink? I wish we had some wine for you, it's a bit early in the day for us." (Witty Insult)
to Cersei: "Oh, forgive me. I haven't been at court for long, I get so confused. What's the proper way to address you now - Queen Mother or Dowager Queen?" (Witty Insult)
to Cersei: "In any event, judging from the King's... enthusiasm... the Queen Mother will be a Queen Grandmother soon." (Witty Insult)
Episode 4: The Sons of the Harpy
3:52 (+3) Bronn:
"There's nothing like a good fight to get you in the mood for fucking. And there's nothing like a fuck-mad Dornish girl to clear your head for the next fight." (Funny Line)
After Cersei sends Lord Mace Tyrell away to Braavos to negotiate with the Iron Bank:
Grand Maester Pycelle "The small council getting smaller and smaller..."
Cersei "Not small enough."
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
33:40 (+3) Bronn:
Dornish Rider: "You're from King's Landing."
Bronn: "Accent gave me away? Flea Bottom, whelped and whipped."
(Funny Line)
34:46 (+3) Bronn:
to Jaime, after knocking one of the Dornish riders off his horse: "That one should be slow enough." (Funny Line)
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Petyr Baelish: "Surely your uncle Kevan could muster a force."
Cersei: "My uncle Kevan has all the courage of a kitchen mouse."
(Witty Insult)
30:58 (+3) Bronn:
Bronn: "And once we've got the princess, then what?"
Jaime: "I like to improvise."
Bronn: "That explains the golden hand."
(Witty Insult)
to Olenna Tyrell: "Ah, yes. The famously tart-tongued Queen of Thorns." (Witty Insult)
Olenna Tyrell: "He understood that sometimes we must work with our rivals rather than destroy them."
Cersei: "House Lannister has no rival."
Episode 7: The Gift
"... the holy text, the Seven-Pointed Star. If you don't have one in your library, I'll give you my own." (Witty Insult)
to Olenna Tyrell: "A lifetime of wealth and power has left you blind in one eye. You are the few, we are the many. And when the many stop fearing the few..." (Threat)
40:02 (+3) Bronn:
Bronn gives a rendition of "The Dornishman's Wife" as he is locked in a cell opposite from the Sand Snakes'. (Funny Line)
submitted by mmccor4140 (approved!)
Bronn: "It's against my code to hurt a woman.
Obara: "It's amazing how many men we beat seem to have this code."
(Witty Insult)
40:44 (+3) Bronn:
Bronn: "Dornish women are the most beautiful women in the world."
Tyene Sand: "Thank you."
Bronn: "I said Dornish women. I didn't say you."
(Witty Insult)
Cersei taunts Margaery in the dungeons: "This is horrible. Unacceptable. Are they feeding you enough at least? I brought you this. Venison. It's quite good. I had it myself for supper only last night." (Witty Insult)
to Cersei: "Lies come easily to you. Everyone knows that. But innocence, decency, concern, you're not very good at those, I'm afraid. Perhaps that's why your son was so eager to cast you aside for me." (Witty Insult)
to Cersei in the dungeons: "Get out you hateful bitch!" (Threat)
submitted by alicehanners (approved!)
to Cersei: "The Tyrells' finery will be stripped away. Their lies knocked down. Their true hearts laid bare for all to see. And so it will be for all of us. High and low alike. What will we find when we strip away your finery?" (Threat)
to Septa Unella: "Look at me! Look at my face. It's the last thing you'll see before you die." (Threat)
Episode 8: Hardhome
to Septa Unella: "I can make sure you die in the most hideous way imaginable. And all I do is sit here imaginging hideous ways for you to die." (Threat)
Episode 9: The Dance of Dragons
16:43 (+3) Bronn:
Jaime Lannister: "Prince Trystane here is a man of mercy. He's agreed to grant you your freedom."
Bronn: "I'm glad to hear it. Pie looks good."
(Funny Line)
Arya Stark: "The thin man wasn't hungry today."
Jaqen: "Perhaps that is why a man is thin."
(Funny Line)
Daario talks about his history in the fighting pits: "But the pile of angry muscles (strong and slow pit fighters) never had any muscles here, or... *points dagger at Hizdahr's head* here. And the big men were always too slow to stop my dagger from going where their muscles weren't."

Read more at:
(Witty Insult)
Hizdahr zo Loraq: "Your Grace-"
Daario: "Shut your mouth."
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
to Jorah, on Tyrion: "Does he always talk so much?"
Jorah: *nods*
(Funny Line)
Daario: "Have you ever tracked animals in the wilderness?"
Tyrion: "Not precisely, but I have other skills that would be useful."
Daario: "Can you fight?"
Tyrion: "I have fought. I don't claim to be a great warrior."
Daario: "Are you good on a horse?"
Tyrion: "Middling."
Daario: "So mainly you talk."
(Witty Insult)
on Grey Worm: "He is. He's the toughest man with no balls I ever met." (Witty Insult)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Episode 1: The Wars to Come
Cersei drinks at the start of Tywin Lannister's wake, as she listens to Loras drone on about Tywin's "force to be reckoned with." (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Cersei's second glass of wine while listening to Lancel's attempt to convert her to religion. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Daario drinks in bed with Daenerys. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Episode 2: The House of Black and White
Podrick drinks a mug of ale while he and Brienne stop at an inn. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Episode 4: The Sons of the Harpy
4:22 (+5) Bronn:
Bronn drinks while below deck of the merchant ship smuggling him and Jaime into Dorne. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Cersei drinks while talking with Lord Petyr Baelish. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Episode 7: The Gift
Episode 8: Hardhome
Cersei slurps up the probably alcoholic liquid that Septa Unella spills on the dungeon floor. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
Jaqen drinks a glass of the poisoned liquid in the House of Black and White. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Acts of Intercourse
Episode 1: The Wars to Come
Daario pours wine after a session with Daenerys, as they discuss the re-opening of the fighting pits. (Act of Intercourse)
Episode 3: The High Sparrow
Episode 7: The Gift
Daario and Daenerys share pillowtalk after a session in her chambers. (Act of Intercourse)
As he and Daenerys have post-sex pillow talk, Daario rolls on top of her and mounts her again. (Act of Intercourse)
submitted by angurtheconsumer (approved!)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
Cersei is stripped naked and washed by the septas in the dungeons of Baelor's Sept. (Act of Intercourse)
Cersei is stripped for her walk of atonement through the streets of King's Landing. (Act of Intercourse)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
Jaqen commits suicide to balance out Arya's killing of Meryn Trant. "A girl stole from the Many-Faced God. Now a debt is owed. Only death can pay for life." (Death)
Episode 1: The Wars to Come
While Daenerys holds court with Hizdahr zo Loraq, Daario pulls out his dagger and suggestively strokes its naked lady hilt while Daenerys eyes him. (Special)
Episode 2: The House of Black and White
Podrick's fails to control his horse as it runs loose during the chase by Littlefinger's men. (Special)
Podrick loses control of his horse again, after it rears onto its hind legs and throws Podrick into the river. (Special)
Jaime talks to Cersei about Myrcella. "The world can't know she's our daughter." (Special)
Jaqen reveals himself to Arya, removing his disguise and inviting her into the House of Black and White. (Special)
Episode 6: Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken
Lord Baelish makes a sly reference to Cersei's incest.
Cersei: "I'm the insulted party, Lord Baelish. Ser Loras was promised to me, instead he chose the company of boys."
Petyr: "One's choice of companion is a most curious thing."
Episode 9: The Dance of Dragons
Daario stares dreamily into Daenerys' eyes while talking about his past as a pit fighter: "Yes, whenever I saw a beast like that one standing across from me making his beast faces, I knew I could rest easy." (Special)
Episode 10: Mother's Mercy
The High Septon confronts Cersei with the charges of her incest: "There are those that say your children were not fathered by King Robert, that they are bastards born of incest and adultery." (Special)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
Members of the crowd insult Cersei with references of her incest, as she performs her walk of atonement through the streets of King's Landing.
49:25: A man yells: "Bitch! Brother fucker!"
49:48: Indistinctly from the crowd: "Brother fucker!"
50:10: A man exposes himself and exclaims: "I'm a Lannister. Suck me off!"
50:51: A women yells on the stairs before being bludgeoned by a Sparrow: "Brother fucker!"
52:07: A man yells just before Cersei reaches the Red Keep's gates: "Brother fucker!"
submitted by coconnor723 (approved!)