Submitted Events for GoT: Season 5
Jaqen H'ghar:
Jaqen kills the dude in the House of Black & White. It may have been the simple act of getting a cup of water and poisoning it or whatever, but he did it and I believe it should count.
submitted by alicehanners (rejected: suicide - not a kill)
moonbaseu92 likes this -
TLDR: that dude wanted to die/suicide -pretty_mvtherfvcker
moonbaseu92, kailin, nyan like this
Commanded the army of the White Walkers (Others) to attack the Wildlings.
submitted by cdpaddock (rejected)
Brienne of Tarth:
Killing of Stannis Baratheon
submitted by megharr36 (rejected: duplicate)
megharr36 likes this
Brienne of Tarth:
Brienne executes Stannis Baratheon to avenge Renly's murder. "In the name of Renly of House Baratheon, First of His Name, rightful King of the Andals and the First Men... I, Brienne of Tarth, sentence you to die."
(Kill of Named Character)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
kas113, megharr36, cfitzgerald, wpearsal like this
Ellaria Sand:
Ellaria mortally poisons herself with a substance on her lips, which she uses to assassinate Myrcella Baratheon.
(Major Injury of Named Character)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Political Wins
Stannis Baratheon:
Stannis has taken Mance Raydar prisoner
submitted by Reaper (rejected: happened in S4E10)
moonbaseu92 likes this
Qyburn acquires a severed Dwarf Head
submitted by moonbaseu92 (rejected: hiding for now - may introduce later as special)
moonbaseu92 likes this -
I'll leave this as pending for now - I've gotten enough good Special suggestions that I may introduce some opt-in scoring rules for leagues that are OK with adjusting Special scoring after the draft. -nyan
Littlefinger to Sansa: My marriage proposal has been accepted.
submitted by moonbaseu92 (rejected: will be counted if/when marriage actually happens)
Cersei Lannister:
Cersei stacks the Small Council in her favor, appointing the loyal Mace Tyrell as Master of Coin and Qyburn as Master of Whisperers, over the protests of Grand Maester Pycelle and Kevan Lannister.
Grand Maester Pycelle: "Your Grace... him? This- this man (Qyburn)? This... embarrassment to the Citadel? ... what qualifications can he possibly have for this post?"
Cersei: "The qualification of loyalty, Grand Maester. That's far more than the eunuch ever had." (Politics - uncategorized)
Grand Maester Pycelle: "Your Grace... him? This- this man (Qyburn)? This... embarrassment to the Citadel? ... what qualifications can he possibly have for this post?"
Cersei: "The qualification of loyalty, Grand Maester. That's far more than the eunuch ever had." (Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
moonbaseu92 and wpearsal like this
Samwell Tarly and Maester Aemon cast their votes for Jon Snow in the Night's Watch election. Jon edges past Ser Alliser Thorne in the election and becomes their Lord Commander.
(Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
zagor likes this
The problem with awarding automatic followers when someone gains a new title is that it potentially has a limitless range. For example, when Tommen becomes King, did that automatically make *every* Lannister/Tyrell character in the Seven Kingdoms his follower?
I think a reasonable rule would be to require an explicit pledge or act of loyalty by the follower. So in Joffrey's case, he'd get the standard point just for receiving the title of King, but no automatic points for any of the hundreds of named subjects. However if a scene shows a character coming to King's Landing to pledge a *new* oath of fealty to King Joffrey (like he requested of Robb), that'd count as a follower.
Applied to this election, I think normally there'd be no new followers for Jon, even from those who enthusiastically support him like Samwell (same as how Tommen doesn't automatically get every Lannister/Tyrell as a follower). *However*, the Night's Watch is unique in that they carry out a democratic process, giving every member the agency to choose who they want to declare (vote) for. In this case, the votes casted are an explicit act for "I will follow Jon Snow if he wins the election", so the votes by Samwell and Maester Aemon are counted as new followers.
What does everyone else think of establishing this as the scoring rule for followers? -nyan
Gregor demonstrates his not-deadness in Qyburns chambers. That's a win.
submitted by moonbaseu92 (rejected)
Jon Snow (a Stark by blood) says "Winter is coming" to Stannis.
submitted by wpearsal (rejected: already counted (event/1425))
Stannis Baratheon:
Stannis announces that he plans to march on Winterfell.
Stannis: "We march on Winterfell within the fortnight"
Stannis: "We march on Winterfell within the fortnight"
submitted by Reaper (rejected: didn't need to overrule/convince anyone)
The way it is worded sounds like making a major decision is worth points(which i think it should). I would suggest changing it to "Overruling or Reversing" to avoid future misunderstandings. -Reaper
Cersei Lannister:
Appoints the High Sparrow as the new High Septon.
submitted by wpearsal (rejected)
moonbaseu92 likes this
moonbaseu92 likes this
Cersei Lannister:
Directly empowers the faith militant to enforce the beliefs of the sparrows on the public and, apparently anyone, as seen by the showdown with Tommen.
submitted by wpearsal (rejected)
moonbaseu92 likes this
Margaery Tyrell:
Margaery convinces Tommen to go see the High Sparrow about her brother Loras. He assembles the King's Guard and marches to the Septon!
submitted by dneanover (rejected: she only asked Tommen, didn't have to convince him)
moonbaseu92 likes this
" Making or Reversing Decisions on Major Issues
Work-in-progress on the definition of "major". Decisions are considered major if:
They determine the life/death fate of a character." If this lead to his death later, does this get accounted for? -dneanover
If Margaery could have convinced Tommen to actually attack the Sept, after Tommen comes back and says that there was no way to free Loras without violence, that would count as convincing. -nyan
dneanover likes this -
High Sparrow:
The High Sparrow has taken Loras as a prisoner. Points for getting Royal authority to "make a mess" around Kings Landing(?). Does the High Sparrow get points for "Kills commanded" for what happened in the brothel?
submitted by moonbaseu92 (rejected: no kills commanded, which only applies to direct orders that can be carried out with 0 skill)
moonbaseu92 likes this
For the kills commanded, it was like an army battle in that the High Sparrow gave a high-level order, but the mob kind of had its own mind to carry it out. Not too different from Janos/Joffrey ordering the baby bastard killings in S2 - the City Watch still needed their own skill to search out the city and capture them. -nyan
Cersei Lannister:
Cersei betrays the Tyrells, exposing Ser Loras' homosexuality to the High Sparrow and causing him to be arrested.
(Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
wpearsal, moonbaseu92, callmemb16 like this
1. Betrayal of the Tyrells - it's kind of an indirectly achieved betrayal because she's just supporting the Faith, which so far no one (not Tommen or Margaery) is disagreeing with. But she achieved the same effect, and had the intention all along. I'll probably add it under this.
2. High Sparrow as a Follower is very interesting too. Normally I'd say that a simple position is not enough to be a follower, especially when that position has lots of independent power on its own (e.g. like any of the Small Council). I also have a hunch that the High Sparrow is not as in line with Cersei as she thinks (and she won't be able to control him later on). But I agree that his actions this episode are very much in line with a basic crony/henchmen.
2. Not sure I'd call it a secret - as Loras says, "everyone already knows". This might actually count for the High Sparrow though, because apparently he had no idea.
3. Don't think the changed mind applies because the Sparrow wasn't against imprisoning Loras - he just got new information and agreed that capturing him was the right thing to do.
3. I think in a regular Political move, Loras would be officially her prisoner. But she can't officially betray them so she sidesteps it and has the Sparrow do so.
4. I'd agree with overruling Tommen, but she was very sly about it. She didn't refuse to release him, she just said that she wasn't able to do anything about it. -nyan
Ellaria Sand:
The Sand Snakes - Obara, Nymeria, and Tyene - agree to follow Ellaria on her mission to capture and kill Myrcella. "You must choose... Doran's way, and peace... or my way, and war."
(Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by senduran.i (approved!)
senduran.i, wpearsal, moonbaseu92, dneanover, 2 others like this
"A character can only "change minds" after they have firmly decided in favor of the opposite decision."
Or do the Sand Snakes count as an armed force that has been mobilized by Ellaria? Wouldn't it only count once then though? Or do you think that they want to not only mutilate, but kill Myrcella? So many questions :D -Lem Lemoncake
Lem Lemoncake likes this -
nyan likes this
Sansa Stark:
Sansa discovers that Theon Greyjoy is still alive as a broken and disfigured captive of Ramsay Bolton in Winterfell.
(Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
Tormund Giantsbane:
Tormund convinces Jon to mobilize the Night's Watch (and Jon himself) to accompany him on the mission to Hardhome, "They need to hear it from you. They need to know the ships they are boarding wot be torched in the middle of the sea. You come with me or I don't go."
(Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
moonbaseu92, callmemb16, wpearsal like this
Work-in-progress on the definition of "major" decision. Decisions are considered major if:
They mobilize an armed force. Precedents: Ned Stark ordering Beric Dondarrion to arrest the Mountain."
Obara Sand:
31:28"Unbowed. Unbent. Unbroken. For Oberyn." House words give politics points. (All the sand snakes said it)
submitted by megharr36 (rejected)
Ghost wins the fight between Sam/Gilly and Gilly's attackers.
submitted by jedjackoway (rejected: a fight but not a battle)
moonbaseu92 likes this
jedjackoway likes this -
I'm not sure I buy the "Hotah had underlings argument though"; if all of Stannis' men abandon him in the cold and he takes Winterfell alone, are we not going to give him credit for winning the battle because he didn't command anybody? -jedjackoway
Tormund Giantsbane:
Tormund gets freed by Jon snow?
submitted by mmccor4140 (rejected)
Theon Greyjoy:
After promising to help Sansa Stark light a signal candle at the top of the broken tower, Reek instead goes directly to Ramsay Bolton to inform him of Sansa's plot.
(Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
moonbaseu92 likes this
moonbaseu92 likes this -
Jon Snow rallies the Night's Watch/Wildlings and is able to hold the line against the Undead long enough to evacuate a portion of the Hardhome Refugees, denying them to the White Walkers.
submitted by moonbaseu92 (rejected)
Grand Maester Pycelle:
In Cersei Lannister's absence, Pycelle takes control of the Small Council to appoint Kevan Lannister as Hand of the King.
(Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
moonbaseu92 likes this
nyan likes this -
Daenerys Targaryen:
Drogon returns to Daenerys to rescue her, and she is able to ride Drogon as he flies away
submitted by angurtheconsumer (rejected: never quite abandoned Daenerys)
moonbaseu92 and callmemb16 like this
Myrcella Baratheon:
Myrcella figures out the secret of her parentage before Jaime can tell her. "I know... about you and mother. I think a part of me always knew. And I'm glad. I'm glad that you're my father."
(Politics - uncategorized)
submitted by coconnor723 (approved!)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Stannis Baratheon:
Stannis Baratheon threatens to burn Mance Raydar if he does not swear fealty to him
submitted by Reaper (rejected)
For the actual line, here's what Stannis says: "Convince him to bend the knee, or he burns." It's kind of plainly said, and I'm not sure that passes the bar for being a very threatening line (again, separating the act from the words). But I'm open to hear more opinions on this. -nyan
Brienne of Tarth:
to Podrick: "I don't care. I'm not your mother."
(Witty Insult)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
moonbaseu92 likes this
alicehanners likes this
Petyr: This woman swore to protect Renly, she failed. She swore to protect your mother, she failed. Why would I want somebody with your history of failure guarding Lady Sansa?
submitted by alicehanners (rejected: duplicate submission)
to Brienne: "This woman swore to protect Renly, she failed. She swore to protect your mother, she failed. Why would I want somebody with your history of failure guarding Lady Sansa?"
(Witty Insult)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
moonbaseu92 and alicehanners like this
Cersei Lannister:
Jaime: "I'm going to make this better.
Cersei: "You've never made anything better." (Witty Insult)
Cersei: "You've never made anything better." (Witty Insult)
submitted by kas113 (approved!)
moonbaseu92 and alicehanners like this
Doran Martell:
Doran delivers a stern rebuke to the decision-making ability of Ellaria and his hot-headed subjects.
Doran: "You would have me go to war?"
Ellaria: "The whole country would have you go to war."
Doran: "Then we are lucky the whole country does not decide." (Witty Insult)
Doran: "You would have me go to war?"
Ellaria: "The whole country would have you go to war."
Doran: "Then we are lucky the whole country does not decide." (Witty Insult)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
moonbaseu92 likes this
Sansa Stark:
Sansa, of Roose Bolton: "He's a traitor. A murderer."
submitted by alicehanners (rejected)
kailin likes this
Arya Stark:
Arya: (threatening) "Do that again and...." & "You're about to find out."
submitted by alicehanners (rejected)
Arya Stark:
Arya quips "I didn't come here to sweep floors" when speaking to Jaqen H'ghar.
submitted by meghan.coulbourne (rejected: not quite funny enough)
timguttman and dneanover like this
Insulting Cersei: "Cersei is Queen Mother, a title whose importance wanes with each passing day. "
Insulting Tommen: "Tommen is a soft boy, not a king to fear."
Insulting Tommen: "Tommen is a soft boy, not a king to fear."
submitted by alicehanners (rejected)
moonbaseu92 likes this
High Sparrow:
High Sparrow: "Hypocrisy is a boil. Lancing a boil is never pleasant ... Although they could have been more careful with the blade."
submitted by Reaper (rejected)
Cersei Lannister:
Cersei with a jab to Margaery while talking to Tommen: "She's certainly very pretty, isn't she? Like a doll. She smiles quite a lot. Do you think she's intelligent? I can't quite tell, not that it matters."
(Witty Insult)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
moonbaseu92 likes this
Brienne of Tarth:
Pod asks about Renly's rumored sexuality.
Pod: "But...wasn't he ... Lord Tyrion said he was..."
Brienne: "Yes, Pod, he liked men. I'm not an idiot." (Funny Line)
Pod: "But...wasn't he ... Lord Tyrion said he was..."
Brienne: "Yes, Pod, he liked men. I'm not an idiot." (Funny Line)
submitted by alicehanners (approved!)
megharr36, meghan.coulbourne, dneanover, Reaper, 2 others like this
Stannis Baratheon:
Stannis: "You're as stubborn as your father. And as honorable."
Jon Snow: "I can imagine no higher praise"
Stannis: "I didn't mean it as praise. Honor got your father killed." (Witty Insult)
Jon Snow: "I can imagine no higher praise"
Stannis: "I didn't mean it as praise. Honor got your father killed." (Witty Insult)
submitted by Reaper (approved!)
wpearsal and moonbaseu92 like this
moonbaseu92 likes this
Stannis Baratheon:
Jon Snow: "I heard it was best to keep your enemies close."
Stannis: "Whoever said that didn't have many enemies." (Funny Line)
Stannis: "Whoever said that didn't have many enemies." (Funny Line)
submitted by Reaper (approved!)
dneanover likes this
I think this line could also be seen as an insult as well. Stannis is pointing out the naivety in Jon thinking. -Reaper
nyan likes this -
Arya Stark:
Arya: "Cunt!"
(Funny Line)
submitted by alicehanners (approved!)
moonbaseu92, meghan.coulbourne, wpearsal, Reaper, 4 others like this
meghan.coulbourne likes this
to High Septon: "So you were ministering to the needs of these... devout prostitutes."
(Funny Line)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
Reaper and moonbaseu92 like this
Tyrion Lannister:
Brothel bouncer: "It's good luck to rub a dwarf's head."
Tyrion: "It's even better luck to suck a dwarf's cock."
*flustered Varys* (Funny Line)
Tyrion: "It's even better luck to suck a dwarf's cock."
*flustered Varys* (Funny Line)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
moonbaseu92 likes this
Jaime Lannister:
submitted by wpearsal (rejected)
dneanover, alicehanners, moonbaseu92 like this
Jaime Lannister:
Jaime: "I thought the sharks would get us."
Dornish soldier: "There are no sharks in Dorne."
Jaime: "I could have sworn those were shark fins."
Dornish soldier: "There are no sharks in Dorne."
Jaime: "I could have sworn those were shark fins."
submitted by alicehanners (rejected)
Jaime "And we're gonna do a lot of fighting, I am sure."
Bronn "Well, I am. But I don't imagine we'll get to stick around for the rest."
Bronn "Well, I am. But I don't imagine we'll get to stick around for the rest."
submitted by wpearsal (rejected)
moonbaseu92, dneanover, Reaper, callmemb16 like this
Margaery Tyrell:
She has the Comeback after Tommen says "I'm going to see the High Sparrow" she quips something to the extent of 'Do you have an appointment.' This was a comeback that effectively put Tommen in his place.
submitted by dneanover (rejected)
wpearsal and alicehanners like this
dneanover likes this -
Margaery: "Are you? When?" -alicehanners
dneanover likes this -
I'm not sure the actual wording is much of a comeback. -nyan
moonbaseu92 likes this
Cersei Lannister:
After Cersei sends Lord Mace Tyrell away to Braavos to negotiate with the Iron Bank:
Grand Maester Pycelle "The small council getting smaller and smaller..."
Cersei "Not small enough." (Threat)
Grand Maester Pycelle "The small council getting smaller and smaller..."
Cersei "Not small enough." (Threat)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
moonbaseu92 and alicehanners like this
Jorah Mormont:
Tyrion: "I can't sleep without wine."
Jorah: "Then stay awake." (Funny Line)
Jorah: "Then stay awake." (Funny Line)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
moonbaseu92, Reaper, alicehanners like this
Sansa Stark:
Myranda: "It's good that she taught you. It was a gift. Now every time you wear something you made, you can remember her."
Sansa: "I'd rather have a mother."
Sansa: "I'd rather have a mother."
submitted by alicehanners (rejected)
wpearsal likes this
meghan.coulbourne likes this
Ramsay Bolton:
Miranda: "Do you think she's pretty?"
Ramsay: "Of course I do. I'm not blind. " (Funny Line)
Ramsay: "Of course I do. I'm not blind. " (Funny Line)
submitted by moonbaseu92 (approved!)
meghan.coulbourne, dneanover, wpearsal, moonbaseu92, 2 others like this
Cersei: "I'm the insulted party, Lord Baelish. Ser Loras was promised to me, instead he chose the company of boys."
Petyr: "One's choice of companion is a most curious thing." (Witty Insult)
Petyr: "One's choice of companion is a most curious thing." (Witty Insult)
submitted by nyan (rejected: duplicate)
Myrcella Baratheon:
Myrcella Baratheon to Jamie: "You DON'T know me!"
submitted by moonbaseu92 (rejected)
moonbaseu92 and wpearsal like this
Samwell Tarly:
Sam boasts about his command of the situation after he'd been beaten senseless by Brant and Derek of the Night's Watch.
Gilly: "I know they would've killed you if Ghost hadn't come."
Sam: "No no no, they were tiring out. I had them in the palm of my hand" (Funny Line)
Gilly: "I know they would've killed you if Ghost hadn't come."
Sam: "No no no, they were tiring out. I had them in the palm of my hand" (Funny Line)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
moonbaseu92 likes this
Samwell Tarly:
during his first sexual experience with Gilly: "Oh... oh... oh my..."
(Funny Line)
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
moonbaseu92 likes this
Bronn gives a rendition of "The Dornishman's Wife" as he is locked in a cell opposite from the Sand Snakes'.
(Funny Line)
submitted by mmccor4140 (approved!)
jedjackoway, callmemb16, moonbaseu92, wpearsal like this
Margaery Tyrell:
to Cersei in the dungeons: "Get out you hateful bitch!"
submitted by alicehanners (approved!)
moonbaseu92 likes this
Jon Snow shows off his British by asking the Wildlings to calmly form a queue as they flee from the horde of killer wight zombies.
"Wait! Wait in line! Get in line! GET IN LINE!!" (Funny Line)
"Wait! Wait in line! Get in line! GET IN LINE!!" (Funny Line)
submitted by nyan (rejected)
nyan likes this
Glasses of Wine Consumed
Cersei Lannister:
So I don't think that she took a sip from her glasses, but she was in multiple scenes with different glasses of wine throughout the episode. Seems like this should count, right?
submitted by wpearsal (rejected: no visible sip)
dneanover likes this -
Bronn drinks the vial of antidote from Tyene.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
Ellaria Sand:
Ellaria drinks the vial of antidote from Tyene.
(Glass of Wine Consumed)
submitted by nyan (approved!)
coconnor723 likes this
Acts of Intercourse
Naked! When the Sparrows find him in the brothel.
submitted by megharr36 (rejected: butts counted for S5 currently, sorry =[)
megharr36 and Reaper like this
coconnor723 likes this
Tyrion Lannister:
Tyrion exposes himself while taking a piss into the river in Volantis.
(Non-sexual Nude Scene)
submitted by nyan (rejected: penis sighting was mistaken)
nyan likes this -
Daenerys Targaryen:
As she and Daario Naharis have post-sex pillow talk, Daario rolls on top of her and mounts her again.
(Act of Intercourse)
submitted by angurtheconsumer (approved!)
callmemb16 and wpearsal like this
Daario Naharis :
As he and Daenerys have post-sex pillow talk, Daario rolls on top of her and mounts her again.
(Act of Intercourse)
submitted by angurtheconsumer (approved!)
Kills Commanded (deprecated)
Stannis Baratheon:
"20 men rode into our camp without a single guard sounding the alarm. The northerners know more about their land than we ever will. Put last nights guards in chains. Either they fell asleep or conspired with the enemy. Find out the truth then hang them." I know he does not mention a specific number of guards but seems like he should get some points for killing them. We can assume since he said "guards" that there are at least two of them.
submitted by callmemb16 (rejected: decided on "requires evidence of the act" criteria)
moonbaseu92 likes this
1. The kill must have happened already.
2. Some evidence must be presented about the kill (bodies, story of what happened)
I was actually hoping to score this as a political point for an executive decision overruling others... but NOBODY (not even Davos!) batted an eye when Stannis gave this command. C'mon Ser Davos, you're supposed to be Stannis' conscience! -nyan
Barristan Selmy:
Barristan dies at the end of the fight with the Sons of the Harpy.
submitted by nyan (rejected)
moonbaseu92 likes this
dneanover likes this -
Stannis Baratheon:
After being wounded and broken on the battlefield in the woods of Winterfell, Stannis is executed by Brienne of Tarth as vengeance for his murder of Renly Baratheon.
submitted by nyan (rejected: duplicate)
kas113, megharr36, cfitzgerald like this
Stannis Baratheon:
The strong implication is that he was, in fact killed at the hands of Brienne of Tarth. I realize it wasn't technically on-screen and could be considered to be ambiguous, but we never saw Syrio Forel's death or the Hound's death, but the understanding is that they are dead as well. And if at the start of the next season, it turns out that he did, in fact, die, it'll be a little late to go back and add the points. Would the points be given to whoever has him at the beginning of next season, then?
submitted by cfitzgerald (approved!)
Normally the cliffhangers are between episodes and it's not as big of a deal, since the points are still counted eventually. In this case, teams that drafted Stannis would miss out on the points entirely (if he's actually dead), which is unfortunate. But the false positive is a much bigger problem: if we count a death in S5, then in S6E1 we find out the character is still alive, the S5 results are unequivocally wrong, and we may find ourselves revising scores and winners 9 months later. Counting the death for S6E1 is at least consistent to a rule that we'll count the deaths when we see a body. -nyan
I'll make this an official "last episode of season" exception in the Rulebook, where the kill/death standard can be lowered from "confirmed" to simply "highly likely". -nyan
Barristan Selmy:
Barristan to Danny: the Mad King gave his enemies the justice he thought they deserved.
And each time, it made him feel powerful and right until the very end.
*Although Barristan was talking about the Son of Harpy Danny still goes against the basic lesson of this advice when she executes Mossador, it felt like justice to Danny but it doesn't mean it was the right thing to do.
And each time, it made him feel powerful and right until the very end.
*Although Barristan was talking about the Son of Harpy Danny still goes against the basic lesson of this advice when she executes Mossador, it felt like justice to Danny but it doesn't mean it was the right thing to do.
submitted by moonbaseu92 (rejected: trial was given - Mossador just pled guilty)
Brienne of Tarth:
Surely the long monologue referencing dozens of boys referring to her looks counts for her special? It does say "someone," which includes Brienne, and she calls herself the ugliest girl alive, but regardless considering she specifically mentions being nicknamed "Brienne the Beauty".
submitted by alicehanners (rejected: self-references don't count for specials)
megharr36, wpearsal, moonbaseu92 like this
Brienne of Tarth:
+1 point every time someone references her size/masculinity/attractiveness.
Brienne tells Pod about the ball her father threw her where the boys made fun of her attractiveness. She also puts down her own attractiveness.
Brienne tells Pod about the ball her father threw her where the boys made fun of her attractiveness. She also puts down her own attractiveness.
submitted by megharr36 (rejected: duplicate)
megharr36 and wpearsal like this
The Red Priestess in Volantis says "The night is dark and full of terrors".
submitted by wpearsal (rejected)
Reaper and moonbaseu92 like this
The High Septon of the Faith officiated the wedding of Tommen and Margaery at the beginning of the episode.
submitted by meghan.coulbourne (rejected: fixed the existing event)
moonbaseu92 likes this
dneanover likes this
Stannis Baratheon:
Stannis corrects Jon Snow
Stannis: "You're as stubborn as your father. And as honorable."
Jon Snow: "I can imagine no higher praise"
Stannis: "I didn't mean it as praise. Honor got your father killed." (Special)
Stannis: "You're as stubborn as your father. And as honorable."
Jon Snow: "I can imagine no higher praise"
Stannis: "I didn't mean it as praise. Honor got your father killed." (Special)
submitted by Reaper (approved!)
alicehanners likes this
and the scorekeeper has not counted this as an insult point yet either -Reaper
The High Septon tends to the needs of devout prostitutes in Littlefinger's brothel, in an elaborate ceremony of the Seven.
submitted by nyan (approved!)
meghan.coulbourne and moonbaseu92 like this
Jaime Lannister:
Jaime: "We're not kidnapping their princess. We're rescuing my niece, bringing her back to her family."
Bronn: "Your niece?"
Bronn hints at Jamie + Cersei's Incest to his face.
Bronn: "Your niece?"
Bronn hints at Jamie + Cersei's Incest to his face.
submitted by moonbaseu92 (rejected: duplicate)
moonbaseu92 likes this
Jon Snow was called a Bastard when Stannis and Lady Selyse were talking about him in Castle Black... I think
submitted by jason.nadel (rejected: not said to Jon directly)
dneanover likes this
Sansa Stark:
SANSA CRIES (during her rape scene with Ramsey) D,: D,: D,:
submitted by coconnor723 (rejected: no tears)
If anyone wants to chime in with a more detailed screenshot from a better recording that'd be great. But from my rewatch I couldn't find any evidence of tears. -nyan
dneanover likes this
Doran Martell:
When will the players with "[Special to be determined after character appears]" be given specials? The Sands and Doran should have specials since they are key characters this far in to the story.
submitted by dneanover (rejected)
wpearsal likes this
So far only the High Sparrow has gotten a special as a new character, but I'm actively looking for ideas on what to give the rest of the characters. -nyan
Sansa Stark:
Sansa is crying on her bed when Theon enters her room to bring her food.
submitted by wpearsal (rejected)
moonbaseu92 and callmemb16 like this
moonbaseu92 and callmemb16 like this -
jedjackoway likes this
Cersei Lannister:
The High Septon confronts Cersei with the charges of her incest: "There are those that say your children were not fathered by King Robert, that they are bastards born of incest and adultery."
submitted by wpearsal (approved!)
Missandei's line in Valyrian: "It's true. And I would be dead if not for the... little man."
submitted by coconnor723 (approved!)
Cersei Lannister:
Members of the crowd insult Cersei with references of her incest, as she performs her walk of atonement through the streets of King's Landing.
49:25: A man yells: "Bitch! Brother fucker!"
49:48: Indistinctly from the crowd: "Brother fucker!"
50:10: A man exposes himself and exclaims: "I'm a Lannister. Suck me off!"
50:51: A women yells on the stairs before being bludgeoned by a Sparrow: "Brother fucker!"
52:07: A man yells just before Cersei reaches the Red Keep's gates: "Brother fucker!" (Special)
49:25: A man yells: "Bitch! Brother fucker!"
49:48: Indistinctly from the crowd: "Brother fucker!"
50:10: A man exposes himself and exclaims: "I'm a Lannister. Suck me off!"
50:51: A women yells on the stairs before being bludgeoned by a Sparrow: "Brother fucker!"
52:07: A man yells just before Cersei reaches the Red Keep's gates: "Brother fucker!" (Special)
submitted by coconnor723 (approved!)
Warning: date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected the timezone 'UTC' for now, but please set date.timezone to select your timezone. in /var/www/html/ on line 2
2025 Nathan Yan
Warning: date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected the timezone 'UTC' for now, but please set date.timezone to select your timezone. in /var/www/html/ on line 2
2025 Nathan Yan