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House Hamilton Season 5 | Fantasora

House Hamilton Season 5 (GoT: Season 5)

Rk Team Total Change Behind Kills Politics Insults Wine Sex Thrones Deaths Special Feels
1 - 50.5 10 - 4 4 (+2.5) 7 (+3.5) 8 (+3.5) 8 4.5 4 (+2) 6.5 4.5
2 1 43.5 3 7 4 (+3.5) 8 2 3.5 (+2) 6.5 4.5 4 (+2) 6.5 4.5
3 2 41.5 1 9 4 4 (+3.5) 8 (+2.5) 7 3 4.5 4 2.5 4.5
4 3 40 -0.5 10.5 (+3.5) 8 4 2 3.5 3 4.5 4 (+2) 6.5 4.5
5 4 40 -0.5 10.5 4 4 (+1.5) 6 3.5 3 4.5 4 (+2) 6.5 4.5
6 5 38.5 -2 12 4 4 4.5 3.5 3 4.5 (+3.5) 8 2.5 4.5
7 6 38 -2.5 12.5 4 4 4.5 3.5 (+2) 6.5 4.5 4 2.5 4.5
8 7 32 -8.5 18.5 4 4 2 3.5 3 4.5 4 2.5 4.5
Rk Team Total Change Behind Kills Politics Insults Wine Sex Thrones Deaths Special Feels
1 - 57 +57 - 0 0 (+9) 9 (+35) 35 (+10) 10 0 0 (+3) 3 0
2 1 32 +32 25 0 0 (+12) 12 (+20) 20 0 0 0 0 0
t-3 2 13 +13 44 (+10) 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 (+3) 3 0
t-3 2 13 +13 44 0 0 (+3) 3 0 0 0 (+10) 10 0 0
5 4 11 +11 46 0 (+3) 3 0 0 (+5) 5 0 0 (+3) 3 0
6 5 9 +9 48 0 0 (+6) 6 0 0 0 0 (+3) 3 0
7 6 8 +8 49 0 0 (+3) 3 0 (+5) 5 0 0 0 0
8 7 0 - 57 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totals 143 +143 10 3 33 55 20 0 10 12 0
Rk Team Total Change Behind Streak Roto Tiebreaker Points/Game
1 - 1 +1 - W-1 50.5 57
2 1 1 +1 - W-1 43.5 11
3 2 1 +1 - W-1 41.5 32
4 3 1 +1 - W-1 38.5 13
8 7 0 - 1 L-1 32 0
t-5 4 0 - 1 L-1 40 9
t-5 4 0 - 1 L-1 40 13
7 6 0 - 1 L-1 38 8

Episode 1: The Wars to Come

Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms (autouser)
Walder Frey:
0 pts
0 32 Bend it Like Podrick (dsborczuk)
Cersei Lannister:
29 pts
King of the North (wdtifft)
Daenerys Targaryen:
8 pts
11 9 Lannister Vineyards (douglasjsantoro)
9 pts
Theon's Sausage Company (coconnor723)
Tyrion Lannister:
39 pts
57 13 Inglorious Basterds (clark.louie)
Jon Snow:
13 pts
Stannis the Mannis (mrleegis92)
Mance Rayder:
10 pts
13 8 Joffrey's Only Friend (margaret.doolin14)
Loras Tyrell:
8 pts

Episode 2: The House of Black and White

Inglorious Basterds (clark.louie)
Avg: 13 , Record: 0-1
Bend it Like Podrick (dsborczuk)
Avg: 32 , Record: 1-0
Theon's Sausage Company (coconnor723)
Avg: 57 , Record: 1-0
Stannis the Mannis (mrleegis92)
Avg: 13 , Record: 1-0
King of the North (wdtifft)
Avg: 11 , Record: 1-0
Joffrey's Only Friend (margaret.doolin14)
Avg: 8 , Record: 0-1
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms (autouser)
Avg: 0 , Record: 0-1
Lannister Vineyards (douglasjsantoro)
Avg: 9 , Record: 0-1

Scenario Analysis for Episode 2: The House of Black and White

Theon's Sausage Company (coconnor723) 1-0, 57 points/game, #1

Optimal Scenario with Win

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Bend it Like Podrick loses, or they win and you don't lose more than -9 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
Theon's Sausage Company vs. Stannis the Mannis [Matchup]
Theon's Sausage Company wins. (maintain rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
King of the North loses, or they win and you don't lose more than -7 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
Resulting Record: 2-0, rank #1

Worst-case Scenario with Loss

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Inglorious Basterds wins and you lose more than -10.5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Bend it Like Podrick wins, or they lose and you lose more than -9 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Theon's Sausage Company vs. Stannis the Mannis [Matchup]
Theon's Sausage Company loses. (-1 rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
King of the North wins, or they lose and you lose more than -7 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Joffrey's Only Friend wins and you lose more than -12.5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms vs. Lannister Vineyards [Matchup]
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms wins and you lose more than -18.5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Lannister Vineyards wins and you lose more than -10.5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Resulting Record: 1-1, rank #5

Stannis the Mannis (mrleegis92) 1-0, 13 points/game, #4

Optimal Scenario with Win

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Bend it Like Podrick loses, or they win and you make up 3 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Theon's Sausage Company vs. Stannis the Mannis [Matchup]
Stannis the Mannis wins. (+1 rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
King of the North loses, or they win and you make up 5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Resulting Record: 2-0, rank #1

Worst-case Scenario with Loss

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Inglorious Basterds wins and you don't make up 1.5 tiebreaker points on them. (-1 rank)
Bend it Like Podrick wins, or they lose and you don't make up 3 tiebreaker points on them. (maintain rank)
Theon's Sausage Company vs. Stannis the Mannis [Matchup]
Stannis the Mannis loses. (maintain rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
King of the North wins, or they lose and you don't make up 5 tiebreaker points on them. (maintain rank)
Joffrey's Only Friend wins and you lose more than -0.5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms vs. Lannister Vineyards [Matchup]
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms wins and you lose more than -6.5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Lannister Vineyards wins and you don't make up 1.5 tiebreaker points on them. (-1 rank)
Resulting Record: 1-1, rank #7

Bend it Like Podrick (dsborczuk) 1-0, 32 points/game, #3

Optimal Scenario with Win

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Theon's Sausage Company vs. Stannis the Mannis [Matchup]
Theon's Sausage Company loses, or they win and you make up 9 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Stannis the Mannis loses, or they win and you don't lose more than -3 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
King of the North loses, or they win and you make up 2 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Resulting Record: 2-0, rank #1

Worst-case Scenario with Loss

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Bend it Like Podrick loses. (-1 rank)
Theon's Sausage Company vs. Stannis the Mannis [Matchup]
Theon's Sausage Company wins, or they lose and you don't make up 9 tiebreaker points on them. (maintain rank)
Stannis the Mannis wins, or they lose and you lose more than -3 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
King of the North wins, or they lose and you don't make up 2 tiebreaker points on them. (maintain rank)
Joffrey's Only Friend wins and you lose more than -3.5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms vs. Lannister Vineyards [Matchup]
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms wins and you lose more than -9.5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Lannister Vineyards wins and you lose more than -1.5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Resulting Record: 1-1, rank #7

Lannister Vineyards (douglasjsantoro) 0-1, 9 points/game, #5t-

Optimal Scenario with Win

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Inglorious Basterds loses, or they win and you don't lose more than 0 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
Bend it Like Podrick loses and you make up 1.5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Theon's Sausage Company vs. Stannis the Mannis [Matchup]
Theon's Sausage Company loses and you make up 10.5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Stannis the Mannis loses and you don't lose more than -1.5 tiebreaker points to them. (+1 rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
King of the North loses and you make up 3.5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Joffrey's Only Friend loses, or they win and you don't lose more than -2 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms vs. Lannister Vineyards [Matchup]
Lannister Vineyards wins. (maintain rank)
Resulting Record: 1-1, rank #2

Worst-case Scenario with Loss

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Inglorious Basterds wins, or they lose and you lose more than 0 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
Joffrey's Only Friend wins, or they lose and you lose more than -2 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms vs. Lannister Vineyards [Matchup]
Lannister Vineyards loses. (-1 rank)
Resulting Record: 0-2, rank #7

Inglorious Basterds (clark.louie) 0-1, 13 points/game, #5t-

Optimal Scenario with Win

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Inglorious Basterds wins. (+1 rank)
Theon's Sausage Company vs. Stannis the Mannis [Matchup]
Theon's Sausage Company loses and you make up 10.5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Stannis the Mannis loses and you don't lose more than -1.5 tiebreaker points to them. (+1 rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
King of the North loses and you make up 3.5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Joffrey's Only Friend loses, or they win and you don't lose more than -2 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms vs. Lannister Vineyards [Matchup]
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms loses, or they win and you don't lose more than -8 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
Lannister Vineyards loses, or they win and you don't lose more than 0 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
Resulting Record: 1-1, rank #2

Worst-case Scenario with Loss

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
Joffrey's Only Friend wins, or they lose and you lose more than -2 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms vs. Lannister Vineyards [Matchup]
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms wins, or they lose and you lose more than -8 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Lannister Vineyards wins, or they lose and you lose more than 0 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
Resulting Record: 0-2, rank #7

Joffrey's Only Friend (margaret.doolin14) 0-1, 8 points/game, #7

Optimal Scenario with Win

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Inglorious Basterds loses, or they win and you make up 2 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Bend it Like Podrick loses and you make up 3.5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Theon's Sausage Company vs. Stannis the Mannis [Matchup]
Theon's Sausage Company loses and you make up 12.5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Stannis the Mannis loses and you make up 0.5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
Joffrey's Only Friend wins. (+1 rank)
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms vs. Lannister Vineyards [Matchup]
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms loses, or they win and you don't lose more than -6 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
Lannister Vineyards loses, or they win and you make up 2 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Resulting Record: 1-1, rank #3

Worst-case Scenario with Loss

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Inglorious Basterds wins, or they lose and you don't make up 2 tiebreaker points on them. (maintain rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms vs. Lannister Vineyards [Matchup]
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms wins, or they lose and you lose more than -6 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Lannister Vineyards wins, or they lose and you don't make up 2 tiebreaker points on them. (maintain rank)
Resulting Record: 0-2, rank #8

King of the North (wdtifft) 1-0, 11 points/game, #2

Optimal Scenario with Win

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Bend it Like Podrick loses, or they win and you don't lose more than -2 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
Theon's Sausage Company vs. Stannis the Mannis [Matchup]
Theon's Sausage Company loses, or they win and you make up 7 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Stannis the Mannis loses, or they win and you don't lose more than -5 tiebreaker points to them. (maintain rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
Resulting Record: 2-0, rank #1

Worst-case Scenario with Loss

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Inglorious Basterds wins and you lose more than -3.5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Bend it Like Podrick wins, or they lose and you lose more than -2 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Theon's Sausage Company vs. Stannis the Mannis [Matchup]
Theon's Sausage Company wins, or they lose and you don't make up 7 tiebreaker points on them. (maintain rank)
Stannis the Mannis wins, or they lose and you lose more than -5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
King of the North loses. (-1 rank)
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms vs. Lannister Vineyards [Matchup]
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms wins and you lose more than -11.5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Lannister Vineyards wins and you lose more than -3.5 tiebreaker points to them. (-1 rank)
Resulting Record: 1-1, rank #6

Optimal Scenario with Win

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Inglorious Basterds loses, or they win and you make up 8 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Bend it Like Podrick loses and you make up 9.5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Theon's Sausage Company vs. Stannis the Mannis [Matchup]
Theon's Sausage Company loses and you make up 18.5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Stannis the Mannis loses and you make up 6.5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
King of the North loses and you make up 11.5 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Joffrey's Only Friend loses, or they win and you make up 6 tiebreaker points on them. (+1 rank)
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms vs. Lannister Vineyards [Matchup]
Resulting Record: 1-1, rank #4

Worst-case Scenario with Loss

Inglorious Basterds vs. Bend it Like Podrick [Matchup]
Inglorious Basterds wins, or they lose and you don't make up 8 tiebreaker points on them. (maintain rank)
King of the North vs. Joffrey's Only Friend [Matchup]
Joffrey's Only Friend wins, or they lose and you don't make up 6 tiebreaker points on them. (maintain rank)
Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms vs. Lannister Vineyards [Matchup]
Resulting Record: 0-2, rank #8

Round 1

  1. King of the North chose: Daenerys Targaryen (#1)
  2. Bend it Like Podrick chose: Cersei Lannister (#2)
  3. Theon's Sausage Company chose: Tyrion Lannister (#3)
  4. Lannister Vineyards chose: Petyr Baelish (Littlefinger) (#4)
  5. Stannis the Mannis chose: Arya Stark (#5)
  6. Inglorious Basterds chose: Jon Snow (#6)
  7. Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms chose: Melisandre (#7)
  8. Joffrey's Only Friend chose: Stannis Baratheon (#8)

Round 2

  1. Joffrey's Only Friend chose: Jaime Lannister (#9)
  2. Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms chose: Margaery Tyrell (#10)
  3. Inglorious Basterds chose: Sansa Stark (#11)
  4. Stannis the Mannis chose: Brienne of Tarth (#12)
  5. Lannister Vineyards chose: Varys (#13)
  6. Theon's Sausage Company chose: Daario Naharis (#14)
  7. Bend it Like Podrick chose: Jorah Mormont (#15)
  8. King of the North chose: Bran Stark (#16)

Round 3

  1. King of the North chose: Missandei (#17)
  2. Bend it Like Podrick chose: Samwell Tarly (#18)
  3. Theon's Sausage Company chose: Bronn (#19)
  4. Lannister Vineyards chose: Doran Martell (#20)
  5. Stannis the Mannis chose: High Sparrow (#21)
  6. Inglorious Basterds chose: Ramsay Bolton (#22)
  7. Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms chose: Ellaria Sand (#23)
  8. Joffrey's Only Friend chose: Barristan Selmy (#24)

Round 4

  1. Joffrey's Only Friend chose: Loras Tyrell (#25)
  2. Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms chose: Nymeria Sand (#26)
  3. Inglorious Basterds chose: Theon Greyjoy (#27)
  4. Stannis the Mannis chose: Davos Seaworth (#28)
  5. Lannister Vineyards chose: Tommen Baratheon (#29)
  6. Theon's Sausage Company chose: Tyene Sand (#30)
  7. Bend it Like Podrick chose: Podrick Payne (#31)
  8. King of the North chose: Maester Aemon (#32)

Round 5

  1. King of the North chose: Yara Greyjoy (#33)
  2. Bend it Like Podrick chose: Gilly (#34)
  3. Theon's Sausage Company chose: Olyvar (#35)
  4. Lannister Vineyards chose: Robin Arryn (#36)
  5. Stannis the Mannis chose: Alliser Thorne (#37)
  6. Inglorious Basterds chose: Grey Worm (#38)
  7. Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms chose: Obara Sand (#39)
  8. Joffrey's Only Friend chose: Selyse Baratheon (#40)

Round 6

  1. Joffrey's Only Friend chose: Grand Maester Pycelle (#41)
  2. Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms chose: Myranda (#42)
  3. Inglorious Basterds chose: Areo Hotah (#43)
  4. Stannis the Mannis chose: Kevan Lannister (#44)
  5. Lannister Vineyards chose: Myrcella Baratheon (#45)
  6. Theon's Sausage Company chose: The Lord of Bones (Rattleshirt) (#46)
  7. Bend it Like Podrick chose: Gendry (#47)
  8. King of the North chose: Olenna Redwyne (Grandma Tyrell) (#48)

Round 7

  1. King of the North chose: Sandor Clegane (The Hound) (#49)
  2. Bend it Like Podrick chose: Shireen Baratheon (#50)
  3. Theon's Sausage Company chose: Melara Hetherspoon (#51)
  4. Lannister Vineyards chose: Septa Unella (#52)
  5. Stannis the Mannis chose: Hizdahr zo Loraq (#53)
  6. Inglorious Basterds chose: Lancel Lannister (#54)
  7. Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms chose: Fat Walda Frey (#55)
  8. Joffrey's Only Friend chose: Meryn Trant (#56)

Round 8

  1. Joffrey's Only Friend chose: Tormund Giantsbane (#57)
  2. Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms chose: Maggy (#58)
  3. Inglorious Basterds chose: Roose Bolton (#59)
  4. Stannis the Mannis chose: Yezzan zo Qaggaz (slave trader) (#60)
  5. Lannister Vineyards chose: Bowen Marsh (#61)
  6. Theon's Sausage Company chose: Clea (#62)
  7. Bend it Like Podrick chose: White Walker (Night King) (#63)
  8. King of the North chose: Jaqen H'ghar (#64)

Round 9

  1. King of the North chose: Three-eyed raven (#65)
  2. Bend it Like Podrick chose: Hot Pie (#66)
  3. Theon's Sausage Company chose: Trystane Martell (#67)
  4. Lannister Vineyards chose: Denys Mallister (#68)
  5. Stannis the Mannis chose: Brown Ben Plumm (#69)
  6. Inglorious Basterds chose: Janos Slynt (#70)
  7. Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms chose: Lollys Stokeworth (#71)
  8. Joffrey's Only Friend chose: Qyburn (#72)

Round 10

  1. Joffrey's Only Friend chose: Gregor Clegane (The Mountain) (#73)
  2. Real Housewenches of the Seven Kingdoms chose: Walder Frey (#74)
  3. Inglorious Basterds chose: Mace Tyrell (#75)
  4. Stannis the Mannis chose: Mance Rayder (#76)
  5. Lannister Vineyards chose: Malko (#77)
  6. Theon's Sausage Company chose: Varamyr Sixskins (#78)
  7. Bend it Like Podrick chose: Salladhor Saan (#79)
  8. King of the North chose: Olly (#80)

League Discussion

Stat Leaders (Full char list)  (Transactions)

Recent Events (Full Log)

Episode 1: The Wars to Come

52:44 (+10) Jon Snow:
Jon Snow gives Mance a mercy kill, shooting an arrow through his heart before he is consumed by a burning pyre. (Kill of Named Character)
Political Wins
Daenerys denies Hizdahr zo Loraq's request for the fighting pits to be re-opened.
Hizdahr: "They did ask for some concessions."
Daenerys: "Concessions?"
Hizdahr: "Politics is the art of compromise, Your Grace."
Daenerys: "I'm not a politician. I'm a queen."
Hizdahr: "In the new world that you've brought to us, free men would fight free men. The pit fighters you liberated plead for this opportunity. Bring some here and ask them yourself."
Daenerys: "No fighting pits."
Hizdahr: "Opening them would show the people of Yunkai and Meereen that you respect their traditions."
Daenerys: "I do not respect the tradition of human cockfighting."
Hizdahr: "If you could-"
Daenerys: "How many times must I say no before you understand?"
(Politics - uncategorized)
Insults Delivered / Funny Lines
Cersei inherit's Tywin's family lecture abilities.
to Jaime: "Tyrion may be a monster, but at least he killed our father on purpose. You killed him by mistake, with stupidity."
(Witty Insult)
13:10 (+3) Varys:
Tyrion: "Do you know what it's like to stuff your shit through one of those airholes?"
Varys: "No. I only know what it's like to pick up your shit and throw it overboard."
(Funny Line)
"Are you a lord if you kill your father? I don't imagine they revoke your nobility for killing a whore, it must happen all the time." (Funny Line)
"How many Brothers can say that they've killed a White Walker *and* a Thenn? I might be the first in history!" (Funny Line)
as he watches Robin Arryn feebly train to fight: "Great warrior? He swings a sword like a girl with palsy." (Witty Insult)
Loras lazily drones on to Cersei about the late Tywin: "what a... force to be reckoned with." (Funny Line)
Lancel: "I led you into the darkness."
Cersei: "I doubt you've ever led anyone anywhere."
(Witty Insult)
Varys: "There are faster ways to kill yourself."
Tyrion: "Not for a coward."
(Funny Line)
36:08 (+3) Varys:
Varys: "You have your father's instincts for politics. And you have compassion."
Tyrion: "Compassion? Yes... I killed my lover with my bare hands. I shot my own father with a crossbow."
Varys: "I never said you were perfect."
(Funny Line)
Varys: "You have a choice, my friend. You can stay here at Illyrio's palace and drink yourself to death or you can ride with me to Meereen, meet Daenerys Targaryen and decide if the world is worth fighting for."
Tyrion: "Can I drink myself to death on the road to Meereen?"
(Funny Line)
Glasses of Wine Consumed
After vomiting his previous three drinks onto the floor of Ilyrio's palace, Tyrion refills and goes for another. Boot 'n rally! (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Cersei drinks at the start of Tywin Lannister's wake, as she listens to Loras drone on about Tywin's "force to be reckoned with." (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Cersei's second glass of wine while listening to Lancel's attempt to convert her to religion. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Tyrion drinks away his misery with two glasses of wine on the balcony of Ilyrio's palace. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Daario drinks in bed with Daenerys. (Glass of Wine Consumed)
Acts of Intercourse
32:02 (+5) Olyvar:
Olyvar in bed with Loras, admiring the striking resemblance of Loras' birthmarks to the geography of Dorne. (Act of Intercourse)
In bed with Daario, as they discuss the re-opening of the fighting pits. (Act of Intercourse)
Daario pours wine after a session with Daenerys, as they discuss the re-opening of the fighting pits. (Act of Intercourse)
17:43 (+10) White Rat:
White Rat has his throat slit by one of the Sons of the Harpy, while in bed with a prostitute. (Death)
Mance stands on a burning pyre after he refuses to bend the knee to Stannis Baratheon. He is mercy killed with an arrow through the heart by Jon Snow. (Death)
Missandei addresses Grey Worm by his name in Valyrian: "Torgo Nudho." (Special)
23:07 (+3) Jon Snow:
Melisandre announces Jon Snow to Stannis: "Your Grace. The bastard of Winterfell." (Special)
34:51 (+3) Varys:
Tyrion: "Eunuch. The Spider. The Master of Whisperers." (Special)
While Daenerys holds court with Hizdahr zo Loraq, Daario pulls out his dagger and suggestively strokes its naked lady hilt while Daenerys eyes him. (Special)